

"Enter the world of Agnes and Cain, two powerful leaders from opposing groups who have dared to fall in love. As they prepare for the arrival of their child, danger lurks at every corner. The sorcerers, determined to prevent the birth of this innocent child, relentlessly pursue them. Fleeing deeper into the forest, they discover hidden magical powers and rely on their strengths to overcome deadly obstacles. But will their love be enough to protect their family from the sorcerers' wrath? Brace yourself for an action-packed adventure as Agnes and Cain fight to save their child's life in this thrilling tale of love, magic, and resilience."

BiggestWerey · Action
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As Agnes continued to cast her spells, I could feel the ropes loosening around my wrists. I started to wiggle my hands, trying to break free.

"It's working," I whispered to Agnes.

"I can feel it," she replied, her brow furrowed with concentration.

Just as the ropes were about to give way, we heard footsteps outside the door. Agnes stopped her spellcasting and we sat still, waiting to see who was coming.

The door creaked open and in stepped a group of men, led by the village head. He glared at us and I could see the anger in his eyes.

"I see you've been trying to escape," he said, his voice dripping with disdain.

"We won't let you harm our child," Agnes replied, her voice steady.

The village head chuckled. "You really think you can stop us? You are nothing compared to Constantine and her power. She will crush you and your child."

I gritted my teeth. I had heard enough of his threats. "Enough talk," I said, standing up from my chair. "Let's see if you can back up your words with actions."

The village head motioned to his men and they charged towards us. Agnes and I braced ourselves, ready to fight for our lives and the life of our child.

As the ropes gave way, I felt the surge of power coursing through my body as I shifted into my wolf form. The scent of fear permeated the room as the village head's men scrambled to get away from me. But I was too fast, too furious. My claws tore through flesh and bone, and my teeth found purchase in the soft flesh of my enemies.

With my senses heightened, I could hear Agnes' weak incantations as she continued to weaken the ropes binding her. I fought my way through the last of the village head's men, tearing through them like they were mere paper.

Finally, it was just the village head left standing, and he looked absolutely terrified. He tried to weaken me with wolf's bane, but I was not a regular Lycan, and the herb had no effect on me.

I walked towards him slowly, my eyes locking with his. "You should have listened to us," I growled, reminding him of the threat I had made earlier. "Now, you will suffer the consequences."

As I held the village head down, he pleaded for his life, "Please, spare me! I will never cross you again!"

I let out a low growl, "You should have thought of that before you decided to poison us and tie us up like animals."

Agnes spoke up, "Cain, we should go. More hunters could be on their way."

I nodded, "You're right. We have to leave now."

With a swift motion, I plunged my claws into his eyes, plucking them out with ease. The village head screamed in agony as I stood over him, triumphant. Agnes had finally managed to free herself from the ropes, and she came over to my side, her weak magic still emanating from her.

"We have to go," I said, grabbing her hand. "We can't stay here."

She nodded, and we left the village head's house, making our way into the night. The stars were shining bright above us, a reminder of the hope that still existed in this world. We had to keep moving, keep fighting, to protect ourselves and our unborn child.

Agnes and I ran through the forest, trying to put as much distance between us and the village as possible. We had to sneak away, making sure we weren't being followed. I could feel Agnes's nervousness and worry radiating off her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, as we finally slowed down.

"I don't know. It's just that what that village head said…what if he's right?" Agnes said, her voice shaking.

"What he said doesn't matter. We're keeping this baby, and that's final," I said, determinedly.

"But what about the danger? The hunters and sorcerers who want to kill us and the baby?" Agnes asked, fear in her eyes.

"I'll protect you and our child. No matter what happens, I'm with you till death," I reassured her, taking her hand.

Agnes looked up at me, her eyes softening. "I know you will. And I trust you, Cain."

Agnes looked at me with concern in her eyes. "Cain, are we making the right choice? What if the village head was right? What if our child really is a threat to nature?"

I took her hand and gave her a reassuring smile. "We made the right choice, Agnes. I know it in my heart. Our child is a gift, not a curse."

"But what about the prophecy?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Prophecies are just words, Agnes. They don't control our fate. We have the power to choose our own destiny."

Agnes nodded slowly. "I know you're right, Cain. I just can't help but worry."

"I'll always be here to protect you and our child," I said, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I won't let anyone or anything harm you."

Agnes rested her head against my chest, and I felt her relax in my arms. "Thank you, Cain. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I kissed the top of her head. "You don't have to worry about that, Agnes. I'm here to stay."