
The Alpha God

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT A rebellious teenager caring very little about anything and everything finds herself in a situation of submission and helplessness where she remembers nothing about herself or her past. She meets a savior who turns out to be more than just a savior but also connected to her soul. How long will it take for her to realize this?

_Nanika_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs


In one of the rooms, after which Annah had assigned rooms. Dave and Felix heard a crash followed by Annah yelling at the top of her voice.

"Those two again." Felix thought aloud. When Dave noticed that his dad was on his way to interfere in the argument that took place somewhere outside the room, he immediately stopped him by saying "Don't, it'll only make things more complicated, trust me. Evie's just that one specie of a girl."

"Fine, if you say so. I wonder how the rest of the week will go if there's already a case on our arrival."

It was already late in the evening and Evie decided to get fresh air to calm her mind. She hated too many things and was easily irritated.

'I think I overdo somethings. I really do need to work on my mood and temper. God! Mom is really going to hate me in no time.'

Yes, that's right. It's unintentional. It's just a temper that has refused to drop since she can remember. Once she's angry, she forgets the meaning of anger control and totally forget about the little bit of sanity lingering at the back of her mind, telling her to calm down. After she finally relieves her anger (through fist fights or other fighting means) she finally remembers the voice and feels a little guilty (which of course she masks) but acts carefree. If her hot temper could be taken out of her life, she was sure to have a good and peaceful life.

After calming down, she finally went inside to get a bottle of water which was left of the ones served on the airplane.

Annah seemed to have calmed down too because by the time Evie walked in, she saw her mom laughing at the show that was playing on the TV.

It has always been that way. Her anger is very temporary.

After eating the dinner that was ordered from the hotel, it was finally time for bed.It was a really long day.

Evie lay on her back facing the ceiling still thinking of the perfect strategy to make her sleep. She had been that way for the past three and half hours while her mom slept ever so soundly beside her.

It's everything. Or maybe one thing (or person) that was keeping her awake. Her mom's shower gel. Yes. That's the one. She finally found the cause of her sleeplessness after assessing everything around her. The shower gel wasn't so bad but her closeness to it left it lingering in her brain cells and keeping her wide awake. it wasn't comfortable.

She picked up the lighter blanket that was put atop the thick one, picked a pillow and made her way to the living room. It was her last option. As if her guess was perfect, after 7 minutes in the living room, she finally fell asleep.

*The next morning*

On waking up, she met herself back in the room she had escaped. It only meant one thing.

'Dad must have carried me back here after everyone woke up.'

Without walking out of the room, she headed straight for the bathroom to wash up. She put on her clothes and headed out of the room. Looks like she woke up late because everyone seemed to have had breakfast and are already watching the news.

"Evie, honey. Your breakfast in in the covered plate. it's still hot so eat it quickly before it gets cold." Annah announced. She seemed to have let go of what happened the previous day.


Nothing too eventful happened that day. Evie and Dave walked around the city, checking out places and getting familiar with different places. The same went for the rest of the week.

Who knows what's waiting for them after settling at their new house...