
The Alpha God

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT A rebellious teenager caring very little about anything and everything finds herself in a situation of submission and helplessness where she remembers nothing about herself or her past. She meets a savior who turns out to be more than just a savior but also connected to her soul. How long will it take for her to realize this?

_Nanika_ · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Airport 2

On arriving at the airport, they took their luggages out of the car trunk. All requirements were met and it was finally time to board the plane. One third of the trip was Evie and Dave either eating or talking. They slept for the rest of the trip.

The voice of the air hostess woke them up giving them instructions to foster a peaceful landing. And there it was for them. The beginning of a new life. It was obvious Evie wasn't looking forward to anything. Maybe just peace which she felt was almost impossible.

The difference in the airport they were this morning and the one she was walking through at that time reminded her that she was in a new place. 'It really is a nice airport.'

They arrived at an hotel after which another taxi dropped them off. The hotel looked good enough. Infact, pretty good.

The hotel room they were assigned to had two large bedrooms which had it's own designated bathroom, a small kitchen, a living room with little cut for dinning. It was more of an apartment, but had hotel styles and setting.

"Dave and dad will take that room while you and I will use this one." Annah announced.

"But I don't want to share a room with you." Evie complained having an emotionless look on her face.

"You have to. You can't share a room with any of the boys so you're stuck as my room mate." Annah replied taking both hers and her daughter's suitcase into the room.

"You are not a roommate. I really have the worst luck. Can't I just share a room with Dave, then you and dad can have a room for yourself?" she said standing at the front of the open door which her mom just walked into.

"You and Dave are grown up. You can't share a room, you know that. And it's not just one night, but about a week before we find the perfect house for us." she replied sitting at the edge of the bed and watching her daughter who crossed her arm and leaned against the door frame.

"That's the point, mom. A whole week in the same room as you! I sleep in his room sometimes. Can't you just move and let Dave and I share this one?"

"My answer remains the same. no no no and no. I allowed you stay in his room only a few times because I know you must have probably slept off there. You are not sharing a room with your brother and that's it." she said concluding her point and laying on her back on the squishy bed.

Evie knew it was impossible to convince her mom about this one but she decided to push her luck. The rejection only fueled her anger even more. She balled her hand into a fist and smashed the flower vase that stood at the dressing table close to where she stood and then she walked out.

"EVIE! Do you really think you are at home where you can do anything you want and smash whatever you lay your hands on? Can't you just be sensible for once in your life! EVIE!" Seeing that she didn't even spare a second glance, she went out of the bedroom to find Evie sitting leisurely on one of the dinning chairs.

"I'm talking to you young lady. Listen to me and listen good, I've had enough of the crap you put up and the way you behave towards me. I am your mother and there's nothing you can do to change that fact. If you put up anything like what you did in there, you'll not have it easy with me next time. I'll make sure to put you in your place and show you who is superior." Annah rushed her speech raising her voice at her daughter.

"Do you understand me?" She stated.

Evie who had her fists in a ball- one on her thighs and the other on the table, didn't even move or change her expression. She was obviously angry. If not for the fact that it was her mother who stood before her, she was sure to have given her at least one of her fists. Even after hearing her mother's question, she still kept mute.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" she asked utterly frustrated at the silent treatment.

After waiting for a response for about 4 seconds, she finally heard her speak.

"I need fresh air." And that was it. It was all she had to say. She then stood up from the chair and went to the balcony area outside the living room.

Annah was just speechless and didn't know what else to do. At that point she started thinking what she could have possibly done to be cursed in such manner. The curse of having a child who would not give one rest of mind. Annah never believed in curses, but this situation she found herself and maybe her daughter started making her think very far. 'Could it be mental? Emotional? Or probably a curse from someone' she always thought to herself.

She wondered how eventful their stay in the hotel was going to be if the first 30 minutes went this way.