
THe Alpha And The White Wolf

The most powerful alpha goes around looking for his second mate. he's at Aspen's pack of course so she is the white wolf. Ignores her "Alpha" and stays in her room when he's at the meeting hall with the girls. "Is this all the girls?" asks Estel "No, Aspen isn't here but I didn't expect her to listen to me," Alpha James "A girl didn't listen to the alpha the little deviant. How much you wanna bet she's ours?" I mindlink Alex

_Acorn_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Celestial Pack

Estel's POV

I sat in the car thinking of what my mate might be like.

What color would her hair be? what color would her eyes be? would she love me right away, or would she hate me and not talk to me until the mate bond kicks in and she feels as though she needs me? Have I ever let her down by not being there when she needed me? Has she ever cried out to the moon goddess wishing for her mate to save her or find her already? Does she feel like her life is missing something? Does she have walls miles high that I'll have to break down slowly and tirelessly hoping one day she'll love me unconditionally? How many kids will she want? Will she want kids? Will she feel loved in my pack or like an outcast? Will her wolf be kind? Will she love Alex as much as I do? Will he love her more and forget about me? Will she love me? my thoughts trail off getting worse and worse spiraling

"Estel!!" my beta and mate yells at me from the front seat facing me twisted all weird so he can see my face. "Are...You...Okay?" he asks me slowly and I feel tears going down my face. I wipe them away with the sweater I'm wearing.

"I'm fine," I tell him, looking him in the eye and smiling at him.

"stop the car," he says as he looks at the driver.

"No don't, Alex," I say desperately and whine his name as he gets out of the car and walks over to the other side, and sits next to me.

"Come here," he pats the spot next to him and I curl up against his chest and start crying into it. "I've got you to let it all out your safe. Everything will be okay."

"What if she isn't mated to you and just me," I ask "What if she's the white wolf and you can't mark her," I ask him

"Estel... You need to stop," he tells me "What ifs aren't gonna help you only hurt you," he tells me lifting my face from his chest wiping my tears, and then kissing me. Caleb sits in the front seat gaging jokingly at Alex and me kissing.

I've been looking for her for such a long time I'm doubting I'll ever find her. I think to myself. Then suddenly Alex hits my bum.

"Ow," I whine out at him

"Don't ever think like that we'll find her and she'll love us both and we'll love her and each other," Alex tells me firmly with no room for argument. He must have read my thoughts.

I look out the window pouting and watching the raindrops race to the bottom. We're going down the driveway to the Celestial Pack. I feel my wolf pacing back and forth which is making me anxious.

"Azura, what's wrong?" I ask my wolf.

"I don't know," he replies "check with mate?" he asks me

"You check with Solis and I'll Check with Alex," I tell my wolf

"okay" he responds

"Is your wolf ok? Azura is pacing" I ask Alex

"Yea He's Anxious Like he's waiting for the other shoe to drop or something," Alex tells me

"My wolf is fine I don't know what's wrong with yours though," Caleb thought it a great time to jump in and join the conversation.

I look back out the window when we are driving down a road with trees surrounding it and we get to where the pack territory starts. I sit up from Alex's Chest as enforcers surround the car knocking on the window. I roll mine down.

"Alpha James is expecting me," I tell them and they realize I'm the alpha they no doubt were preparing for the day before.

We drove up in front of the packhouse. Alex and I rush under the covering of the porch while the rain pours down on us. The Packhouse is painted a nice dark blue color with white trimming. The house is three stories tall. The pack must have an Alpha house nearby. There the alpha and luna of the pack are. Alpha James reaches out his hand. I've always found him quite annoying especially compared to his father.

"It's nice to meet you again Alpha Estel," he says "Welcome to my pack. Do you want to eat first or see the unmated she-wolves?" he asks

"Go see the she-wolves I'll get the luggage and hide my scent okay," Alex says from behind me into my ear.

"It's nice to see you again," I say then I look over and address the luna "And I see you've found your mate," I put my hand out and shake her hand "Estel I say as she shakes my hand."

"Aubrie" she replies just above a whisper letting my hand go and then looking back at James.

"I'd like to see the she-wolves first," I tell him. Noting how quiet the luna is and unconfident in her actions.

"I've called the girls to the meeting hall but they might not all be there yet." Alpha James says while turning into the house we walk through the house and out the back door and jog over to the meeting hall behind the packhouse. The rain is coming down harder.

We walk in it was hard to tell the sents apart and I walk around the room seeing some see wolves more desperate than others and some completely annoyed with them being dragged here for this 'stupid Alpha desperate to meet his mate to disturb my anime marathon'. I chuckled a little at that comment. The she-wolf who I later found out to be veronica. As she got scolded by her alpha for such a 'rude comment'. James needs to take a chill pill. She is tired of alpha after alpha visiting to see if any of them is their mate.

"Is this all the she-wolves?" he takes a minute to reply.

"No, Aspen isn't here, but I didn't expect her to listen to me," he responded

"Why?" I ask

"I'm guessing none of these girls are your mate." Alpha James says

"A girl didn't listen to the alpha, the little deviant. How much do you wanna bet she's ours?" I mindlink Alex

"I'll bet she is and if she is I'll give you a back massage and if she isn't you behave for twenty-four hours...Deal?" he asks me

"That's A Deal baby!!" I tell him

"Yes," I tell James

"Then follow me we're going to Aspen's room." Alpha James said he would lead me to the packhouse.

"What did you mean you didn't expect her to listen to you?" I ask James.

"You'll find out when you meet her," he says as we go to the house.

The House is Farmhouse beachy-themed It's mostly white with teal. We walked through the first floor which is the kitchen and the dining room. The first floor also has entertainment rooms. The second floor was reserved for the single enforcers. The third was for new pack members without families, Guests, or orphans. So whoever we are going to see is new to the pack or an orphan or maybe a Guest.

When we reached the Third floor James knocked on the fifth door on my right Alex joined me seeing us as he just finished putting the bags in our rooms. Alpha James knocks on the door and A She-wolf with the most gorgeous eyes hazel green and pale skin with the fire-ie-est of red hair stares right back at me.


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