
THe Alpha And The White Wolf

The most powerful alpha goes around looking for his second mate. he's at Aspen's pack of course so she is the white wolf. Ignores her "Alpha" and stays in her room when he's at the meeting hall with the girls. "Is this all the girls?" asks Estel "No, Aspen isn't here but I didn't expect her to listen to me," Alpha James "A girl didn't listen to the alpha the little deviant. How much you wanna bet she's ours?" I mindlink Alex

_Acorn_ · Fantasy
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Aspen's POV:

I hear knocking on my door so I open it and I smell this woody lemon smell and it's fantastic. I see Alpha James, another Alpha and I'm guessing his beta. I already figured out the new Alpha in front of me is my mate from my wolf yelling at it.

"MINE" I hear the alpha growl

"No," I tell him I see his eyes go black "You may be my mate but you don't just get to claim me Like I have no life before you," I say to him.

"Aspen meet Alpha Estel, Alpha Estel meet Aspen," Alpha James says introducing us to each other. Since I started fighting him from the second we met. I went to close my door but Estel put his foot in the doorway and then took a step into my room. I whine involuntarily while I take a step back. I then mindlink Nick

"I Need you in my room fast," I tell him through the mindlink

"Ok on my way," he responds I hear him come up the stairs then he sees Estel in my room and says "Step out of her room now"

"you know he's an Alpha right," I ask Nick through the mindlink

"NO, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT ELLIE!! BUT I KNOW THAT NOW DONT I," Nick tells me back out loud. Estel Looks Nick up and down and asks:

"Why do you want me out of her room? What are you her boyfriend or something," Estel asks Nick

"Boyfriend sure, How 'bout I tell you why she whined when you stepped foot into her room," Nick tells Estel. Estel starts stepping out of my room but not far enough that I can close the door,"

Why can't you just me right here," Estel asks Nick"The same reason she's not telling you Her MATE the story herself," Nick responds to Estel

"And what story is that?" Estel askes

"One I'm Not telling you here," Nick Tells him

Estel turns around steps just outside my room and reaches his arm toward me to take it. My wolf Echo urges me to take his arm believing he would never hurt us nor would his wolf Azura but I trust neither of them.

"What if they do the same thing he did," I ask her as I shiver thinking of him. Estel looks like he mindlinked someone then his beta leaves to go to the guest rooms 3 doors down.

"He would never," Echo tells me. His beta comes back with a black sweater that looks plushy. Estel takes it and hands it to me. I guess he saw me shiver. I take the sweater and it doesn't smell like him but something else just as wonderful so I put it on. The Sweatshirt smells of flowers and huckleberry pie and I love it.

"What did you put on the Sweatshirt it smells amazing," I asked my mate. His beta has his head tucked into his shoulder and is still significantly taller than Estel. After I said the sweatshirt smelt amazing the beta seemed to blush

"I'll tell you later," he responded to my question "Come on I won't hurt you I promise," He tells me So I then carefully place my hand in his he closes his fingers over mine and gently pulls me forward and when I'm in front of him he looks at Nick and nods at him urging him to continue.

"Ellie go lay down while I tell them," Nick says as he looks at me.

"But I'm not tired," I tell Nick

"How long did you sleep last night," Nick asks looking me in the eyes

"Two hours," I whisper softly I hear a growl and jump back

"I'm sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to scare you. Everything's okay you are safe," He says holding his arms out palms up in front of him as he steps closer to me "Your safe relax," he says as he was a couple of inches in front of me. I look to Nick and then to Estel I set my hands on his forearms he moves his hands to my waist and moves me slowly so the walls at my back. I look at Nick scared, and he nods towards Estel. I look up at him while I feel his hands move up my sides so they align with my elbows he rubs his thumbs up until they hit the elastic of my bra and back down to his hand. He leans down so his face is near my ear and I tense up.

"Go lay down if it makes you feel better I'll have Alex guard the door," Estel says into my ear and I shiver from feeling his breath against my ear and throat he then sent me and rubs his cheek against my neck.

"I don't want to lay down," I tell him not letting him get away with telling me what to do. I then feel him move his hands and now I'm on his shoulder I start kicking and hitting him "Put me down!!" I yell at my stupid mate

"No," he says calmly "your going to sleep you've only slept two hours so I'm gonna set you up in your bed and talk to your 'Boyfriend'" he says while growling a little at the end

"Nick's not my boyfriend he's a boy that's a friend," I tell my growly mate

"doesn't mean I have to like him or talk to him," he says softly s only I can hear

"you will talk to him and you will be kind to him or I'll decidedly go mute for three days," I respond to him with a threat. He sets me down on my bed and starts pulling all my blankets on top of me.

"A, you will not go mute for three days I will at some point get you to talk to me," he says "and B, how do you not suffocate with like twenty blankets on top of you," he asks me.

"A, no you can't and B, Its nice cause of the weight no suffocating," I tell him. e kisses my forehead and walks out of the room then peaks his head back in

"do you want Alex to guard the door?" Estel asks me

"Sure," I say sitting up to organize my pillows. One so I can lean my back into one lay my head on one and cuddle one

"sleep well my little mate," he tells me and walks out of my room to talk with nick.


Ok so the next chapter is gonna be short so hope you enjoyed this long one hope you guys have a fantastic day or night 

bye my lovelies

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