
The Alpha's Assassin

During the reign of evil Alpha Hok Tarium, a prophecy was told about a child who would be born into the kingdom. A child who would end the Tarium's reign and his bloodline. Afraid that this prophecy might come to pass, Alpha Tarium kills every infant in the pack but a child was mistakenly spared and saved by an archer who escaped with the baby to the human world. The child was named; Bloyd. When 22 years later, The new Alpha, a descendant of Alpha Tarium; Alpha Alcot, gets mistakenly mated to a girl from the human world, no one has the slightest idea that this was the same child that was saved by an archer and trained as an assassin to take revenge on the Alpha. What would happen when the ruthless Alpha Alcot falls in love with Bloyd, only to find out that his Luna is in fact, an assassin, destined to end his bloodline? Can love prevail and save them from this impending doom?

caramelpen · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 18–A damsel in distress

Bloyd's POV

I opened my mouth to say a word but my tongue was glued to the mouth and couldn't utter a word. I almost jumped off my skin when a knock came upon the washroom door, followed by the giggles of some girls. 

"Guess it's time up. I'll meet you in the castle and then, we can continue from where we stopped." He sent me a small smile. He felt his neck again and wiped a small amount of blood with his finger. He stared down at the blood on his finger for a second and clicked his tongue in self pity.

"Don't you think I at least deserve an apology? A simple apology?"

The knocking resumed on the door again and Sterling backed further away from me and towards the window. 

"Enjoy the party, Bloyd." He sent me another smile before jumping out of the window. 

"Hey! Who's in there? Why is this door locked! I'm going to pee on my dress! Hey!" The knocking continued and I quickly returned the dagger to the under of my dress before going ahead to open the door. The girls immediately rushed in but stopped on their heels again upon setting sight on me. They eyed me terribly.

"Look. It's the Alpha's mate from the heavens." One of the girls pointed at me and the rest laughed. 

I raised a brow at them. How was that any funny?

"A rejected gift from the goddess." Another girl laughed and was supported by a third one. 

"An accidental mate, you mean."

The girls laughed to themselves again and for a moment, I imagined smashing their heads into the walls behind them and throwing their bodies out of the window instead of Sterling's body, which was the initial plan.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and stepped out of the washroom before I'd had the chance to do anything stupid that I might regret. Or not regret. I headed back to the party but upon reaching there, I was greeted by another episode of girls drama. Only, this one was enough to unleash the beast in me this time around.

Riley and her girls had ganged up on Arabella again and she pushed Arabella hard, causing the girl to fall helplessly on the floor. The rest of the girls in the rooms laughed at her. Willow included. I felt my chest heave heavily in uprising rage and my fingers curled into a tight fist. 

Riley signaled a servant over and got herself two glasses of red wine which she emptied over Arabella's head, soiling her makeup and her entire dress. The laughter resumed again and Arabella looked like she was sobbing. 

Somebody had to teach those spoilt brats a lesson they'll never forget. 

"Hey! You!" I screamed at Riley at the top of my voice and everybody's head turned in my direction. With nose flared and eyes aflame with rage, I charged towards Riley like a wounded lion. I could see fear cross her eyes as soon as she saw me get close. When I reached her, I grabbed the empty glasses from her hand, throwing and shattering them on the floor beside her before sending a slap right across her face. The crowd gasped in shock at my action. Riley stared at me in pure disbelief, a hand holding the side of her face where I had slapped. 

"How dare you!"

But I hadn't had enough. I grabbed her hand and twisted it the a very painful position. One that would easily break if I twisted it one more inch. Riley screamed in pain.

"Let me go please! It hurts!"

"What did I tell you, you fucking bitch?" I stared threateningly into her eyes that were now wet with tears. "Touch even a strand of her hair, and I will break your hand. Now, look at what you've done. You ruined her entire hair and her dress."

"Please, let me go. It was just for fun. I didn't mean no harm. Let me go, please." She cried and pleaded.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't be a terrible idea if I join in the fun then." I twisted her hand causing her bone to crack at the elbow. She gave a high pitched scream that echoed around the large hall before I pushed her to the ground. While she cried from the pain of her broken arm on the floor, I grabbed two glasses of red wine from another servant and poured them over her hair. All these while, everyone was silent and watching us in shock and fear. 

Satisfied with my actions, I pushed the glasses back to the servant who received them with shaky hands, afraid of me. 

"Get up." I lent Arabella a hand and helped her up. "We've had enough fun for the night. Let me take you back home."

She nodded at me and I led her away, out of the hall. When we reach outside and headed towards our carriage, Arabella suddenly stopped walking and I turned my head to look at her.

"What is it now?"

She had a small smile of disbelief playing on her lips, mixed with the stains of red wine and smudges of tears mixed with mascara on her face. 

"You stood up for me."

I rolled my eyes at her, itching to leave these toxic grounds and take the damsel in distress back home. "Look, I only did what I felt was right…"

My words were cut off my mouth when Arabella suddenly threw her arms around me in a hug. I froze to my feet, completely thrown off guard by her action and unsure of what to do with my hands that were hanging limp beside me. 

Should I hug her back? Should I stand still like a soldier and let her hug me? Should I push her away?

Somehow, I found my hands reaching for her back and patting it lightly. That was how best I could show my emotions. Even though I knew I shouldn't be doing this right now. I should be pushing her away.

"Let's do something when we get back to the castle." She whispered, not letting go of me for a second. 

"What do you want us to do?"

"Let's drink the night away. Please?"

Okay, Bloyd. This is the part where you push her away and tell her to stay away from you. 

Instead, I could hear myself whispering back with a closed mouthed smile, still tapping against her back lightly.

"I would very much love that."