
The Alpha’s Descendant

Plagued with the choice of a forbidden love or saving his kingdom, Alpha Sargon is bewitched by the most beautiful and powerful witch who struggles to accept her destiny. Chaos and destruction erupt within both worlds as they collide.

DMMarz · Fantasy
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62 Chs


The garden was more beautiful than most days. The sky was a mixture of purples and pinks and the air was perfectly cool.

Marie needed to clear her head and lingering in the castle was not working for her. She needed to be were she felt mostly at peace. The garden was always that place.

The full moon was also growing near and she could feel it's powerful energy. It was the time when a witches powers were intensified. Marie needed to be in control of her every move. She couldn't continue to let her emotions dictate her actions.

Her mind continuously wandered on Sybil. She needed to figure out how to handle her. Sybil was already agressive and ready to harm anyone.

Now would probably be the best time to go after Sybil though. With Beth, Isabel and me together, we would be much stronger during the full moon. However, that means Sybil would also be stronger. But, how much stronger could she be than three witches? Marie wondered.

Regardless, this needed to end now. No more wolves could be harmed and Marie would find out the truth about her mother.

Marie had also grown fond of Catelyn and Harold. She had to make sure Harold was ok no matter what it took.

She sat on a swing near the lake, swinging herself slowly as she felt the calmness of the placid lake. She leaned back into the swing and let her hair flow as the swing moved back and forth. She felt like a child without a worry in the world for a moment. It reminded her of her mother.

When she was young, her mother would always take her to a swing, comb out her hair and decorate it with flowers. She would then and push her on the swing until it was dinner time.

Her mother would tell her about how amazing she was and that she would change the world. Marie missed that time in her life. Things seemed so simple then.

Marie's mind had been filled with so many thoughts that she found it difficult to figure out her next step.

There had been so much confusion all at the same time. It was overwhelming. Marie felt hurt, anger, betrayal and so much more.

It had been days and Dezerae was still in the castle. Sargon's excuse was that they were in negotiations with her and his counsel.

How long could these negotiations take? Why was he negotiating with that woman anyway? What could he possibly need from her? She wondered.

Sargon claimed she had nothing to worry about, but he kept forgetting Marie was a witch and knew better. She was tired of the games.

She wanted to have a peaceful life where she didn't feel like she was in competition for the man she deeply cared about.

If this was the norm in Sargon's world then she would never fit in. Nor would she want to fit in.

Dezerae being in the castle had put a delay in Marie's work. She should have already left the castle to meet with Beth and Isabel so they could devise a plan to end the chaos. Instead, she was wasting time worrying about Sargon and Dezerae.

Even Marie's appetite was affected by the stress. If she continued like this she would get sick and her powers would weaken until she regained her health. She could not let that happen.

Sargon should have waited to mark me if he knew he was so conflicted or controlled when it came to that woman. Why put me in a situation like this? Marie thought.

She wondered if she could remove the mating bond and free herself from it all. She would have to do more research but something in her gut said it was possible.

"Have you spoken to her yet?" A familiar voice polluted Marie's ears.

Marie looked beyond the swing as her heart sank to find Sargon and Dezerae walking together in the garden. "This cannot be happening." She whispered as she listened intently.

"If I have spoken to her about what?" Sargon replied.

"About you giving me an heir. I would like to have the child before I am crowned and hopeful our kingdoms will be united and you will have finally decided to marry me." Dezerae said sweetly as she walked next to Sargon slowly.

Marie felt bile working its way up her throat. She leaned back and stopped the swing so they couldn't see her.

"I told you, that is not something easily discussed. You two have not exactly been on the best of terms. It will be difficult for her to understand that this is just a business deal. She is not used to how our world works. I will speak with her soon after I make up my mind." Sargon said with a furrowed brow. As they stopped near the lake.

"You know it is the best move for both our kingdoms Sargon. You won't be dissapointed. She will get over it. She is not one of us." Dezerae said as she combed her fingers through Sargon's hair, pushing loose strands behind his ear. Sargon took a step back from her, feeling uncomfortable at her touch.

Marie stood up from the swing and took a deep breath. Her heartbeat was racing but she held her composure. She made herself visible from the disguise of the garden, cleared her throat to get their attention and looked into Sargon's eyes.

"Sargon, Dezerae, there is nothing further to discuss. Upon completion of my work here, I will be leaving. Sargon, I expect full payment for my work and I will be leaving the kingdom entirely. I do not wish to be nearby. I do not wish to be contacted after my work here is done. Thank you for trusting me to help." She said with no emotion and a blank expression as she walked away from them towards the castle.

"Marie. This is ridiculous. We need to talk." Sargon said as he walked up to her and grabbed her wrist to stop her.

Marie pulled her wrist away and glared at Sargon as she took a step towards him.

"What's ridiculous is the fact that I believed that the Alpha King actually had feelings for me and wanted a future with me. I have had enough of this, all of this." She said, looking at Dezerae who wore a smirk on her face that Marie wanted to slap off of her face.

Marie ignored Dezerae, gave Sargon one last look of disgust from head to toe and continued her way to the castle.

"Marie! Marie! Dr. Brinks needs you. Something is wrong with Harold!" Catelyn said walking briskly toward Marie.

Sargon's face became washed with worry. "What's going on, Catelyn?" He asked.

Catelyn looked at Sargon and then at Dezerae slighty perplexed. She wouldn't dare share with Dezerae what was going on with her husband.

"Marie, this is urgent!" Catelyn said, grabbing her hand.

"Take me to him now!" Marie instructed feeling the fear emitting from Catelyn.

"Let's go." Sargon chimed in.

Marie put her hand on his stomach to stop him.

"No. Continue to entertain your guest. You cannot help Harold right now. This is what I am here for. Let me do my job. If you are needed you will know immediately, your majesty." Marie said seriously as Dezerae rolled her eyes.

"Are you the King of this castle or is Marie, Sargon?" Dezerae teased.

Marie's face snapped in Dezerae's direction as her eyes illuminated.

Dezerae placed her hand on her temples and began rubbing them.

"What is going on? My head feels like it will explode!" Dezerae cried.

"Be careful Princess Dezerae. It just might." Marie said as she and Catelyn hurried away to help Harold.