
The Alpha’s Descendant

Plagued with the choice of a forbidden love or saving his kingdom, Alpha Sargon is bewitched by the most beautiful and powerful witch who struggles to accept her destiny. Chaos and destruction erupt within both worlds as they collide.

DMMarz · Fantasy
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62 Chs


"Mom, I don't want to train anymore," Vianna begged while her mother combed her hair.

She sat in her chair in a pretty lace pink and white dress. She hated dresses but her mother loved them.

Catelyn needed to get Vianna back in her routines and this would be a good distraction with everything else that was going on.

She was also getting older and would need to prepare to be married at some point. As the daughter of the beta, expectations were very high of her.

"Vianna, there is no way you are going to be allowed to spend your days acting like a boy and being the most unrefined young girl in the kingdom. How will you ever find your mate in the future if you eat your food with your bare hands?" Catelyn asked.

"Who said I wanted a mate mom? That's disgusting! What will I do with one of those?"

"Vianna, every young lady of good breeding must go through this and must find a mate. It is not practical for you to be alone forever. Once you begin shifting then become of age, a lot of your feelings will change. You will see things differently. One day you will want a mate. The world is not easy for females alone."

"Well, I hope I never shift!" Vianna said with a pout as she crossed her arms as Catelyn sighed.

"Hey Ana. Hi Mrs. Owen." Alaric said as he popped his head into Vianna's room.

"Hello Alaric, how are you?" Catelyn asked.

"I'm ok. I just came to check on Vianna. I guess she can't come out and play right now." He said disappointedly.

"I am sorry honey, Vianna is getting ready for training, but she may finish early enough to play a bit before dinner. I am done with getting her ready so I will leave you two to chat for a few minutes. Vianna, I will be back shortly."

"Ok, mom." Vianna replied as Catelyn left the room.

"How are you feeling Ana?"

"What do you mean, Al?"

"Are you feeling like yourself?"

"Well, I feel good. I feel strong. I don't feel angry. I am really sorry I tried to hurt you." She said as tears welled in her eyes.

"Hurt me? I am invincible." Alaric said, puffing out his chest as Vianna giggled.

"No, really. You are my best friend and there is no way I would want to hurt you. Even, when you get annoying you are still the best." She said with a smile.

"Vianna, I will always be your friend, no matter what. We are friends forever. Just don't do that creepy stuff." He said as he hugged her tightly.

"I promise, I won't." She said with a smile as she wiped her tears.

"Hey Al, what do you think about mates? My mom keeps telling me I am supposed to become refined enough to be someone's mate in the future, but I think it is stupid."

"Well, what is stupid about it?"

"I don't know. It just makes no sense to me. How do you feel about taking over your father's throne? Are you nervous?"

"Well, I was born to take over the throne. So, that is all I have ever known. I guess I don't mind."

"Don't you want to see the world without having to answer to everyone? Don't you want to live life your way and not the way you are expected to?"

"Well, that does sound pretty fun, but my dad always tells me that we all have a path we are born to take. Some paths are more challenging than others. We may not like it, or we may love it. Either way, the way we react to our path is what decides what will make us happy."

Vianna thought about Alarics words.

"How are you so smart, Alaric?"

"Well, unlike you I train when I am supposed to. You can learn a lot if you just listen and stop fighting it."

"Are you trying to call me dumb?" Vianna asked as she punched Alaric in his arm.

"You see, you can't go around punching the future king in his arm. You are supposed to be a lady." He teased.

"Whatever." Vianna said, annoyed.

"Hey Alaric, do you think you can train me the way you train when you are practicing to fight, like with your sword?"

"Uhm, I guess so. Well, if your parents say it's ok. Hey, maybe we can train together when I have to train." He said.

"That would be perfect! I will ask my mom and let you know."

"Vianna, it's time to go." Catelyn said as she entered the room.

"Alright mom." She replied reluctantly.

"I will see you later Ana. Bye Mrs. Owen." Alaric said as he left Vianna's room.

Vianna and Catelyn left Vianna's room as well and began walking down the hallway to her etiquette training.

"Hey, Mom."

"Yes, Vianna."

"I have a deal for you." She said as she fiddled with her fingers.

"What deal would that be? What are you and Alaric up to? I leave you two alone and now you have deals to make?" Catelyn asked suspiciously with a raised brow.

"Well, mommy dearest. I will stop complaining about my training and I will go to every single one without giving you a hard time if you and daddy allow me to train with Alaric."

"What do you mean train with Alaric? Train to do what?"

"You know. With sword fighting and stuff."

"Oh no, what on earth would you want to learn that for? You could be hurt Vianna." Her mother said uneasily.

"I won't mom. Alaric will be here with me. I won't be hurt."

"Vianna, he is just a boy and that is a very different world. I truly do not understand you. I will have to speak to your father about this. I cannot give you a decision now."

"I understand mom." Vianna said as she tried to hide her smile.

She knew if her mother didn't say no that her father would give into her easily. There was hope.

Why should she depend on someone for the rest of her life when she could learn to take care of herself? She thought.

Catelyn walked Vianna to her training and left to go meet up with Harold for his appointment with Dr. Brinks.

She walked into the room and Harold sat on the bed with his shirt off while Dr. Brinks checked his vitals.

"How have you been feeling, Harold?" Dr. Brinks asked.

"I guess, I just don't feel like myself. Not having my wolf is confusing. I feel weak but lately I have been feeling like I am supposed to shift into my wolf."

"Well, your vitals are not as good as they were a couple days ago." Dr. Brinks said with uncertainty.

"The full moon is in two days, Doctor." Catelyn said tensely.

"That is right, Catelyn. This is Harold's first full moon since the attack. Your body may be trying to get ready to shift, Harold. We need Marie."