
The Almighty Derek (18+)

Derek was deprived of love as a child never really had it as an adult with his siblings after his 2 year old relationship ended because his girlfriend chose his rival over him. so when he met Hazel his supposed assistant, sparks starts flying Will Derek nurture this feelings or try to smother it?? and how will Hazel handle Derek's temperament and paranoia?? Read to find out!!!!!!

Ebere_Juliet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 14: Secrets

Derek went to pick Hazel from work Friday evening and they ended up in his penthouse with their clothes scattered on the floor, They were like dogs when they're together, they can't help it. He was running his fingers through Hazel's hair and she had head on his chest and her hand in his pants, it was like a habit and Derek didn't want it to stop.

Derek cleared his throat and she looked up to stare a him "so there's this thing that I want to do today, do you want to come with me?" he blurted out while staring directly at her, she slowly nodded, Derek was surprised because she didn't even know what it was and she just accepted to go with him almost immediately,

Derek knew that taking Hazel with to move their goods was not a good idea because somehow it never goes as planned, it was risky but he wanted to show her a part of his life which only few people knew about. why he wanted to do that was beyond him, he had been thinking it over and over since afternoon and he felt conflicted which is why when Isa came to tell him that she was coming along he accepted immediately, not that he had a choice tho, that sister of his wouldn't take no for an answer, she was as crazy and stubborn as he was.

"angel you didn't even ask where we were going" Derek said as he kissed her on the top of her head "it's not like you're going to take me to where I'm going to get killed so how bad can it be" she replied and he couldn't help but feel happy, she trusted him. "we'll be leaving in the next 30mins, let's get ready" he said as they stood from the bed.

Hazel was curious about where they were going but she wanted to show him that she trusted him which is why she accepted to go without giving it a second thought but somehow she knew they weren't going for a walk in the park if the two guns and a knife that Derek had on the table was any indication, she wasn't surprised when she saw them because she knew there was a dark side to the Jones brothers she wondered how people didn't see it. a knock came on the door and before she could say anything, the door swung open and a lady walked in, she looked like she was in her mid twenties, she was about 6ft tall, she had a slender figure which was obvious from the way her gown hugged her, her hair was tied in a messy bun, she looked like a model. "who was she?" Hazel Wondered as jealousy rose in her, her chest suddenly felt tight but on a second thought she had no right to be jealous or even angry that a woman just barged into Derek's house, Derek didn't promise her anything there's not even a name to their relationship. she tried to reason with herself but it didn't reduce the pain in her chest, suddenly she felt small and not beautiful enough for Derek because the lady was beyond beautiful, she looked classy with perfectly manicured fingers. Hazel was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't know when the lady walked to her and stretched out her hand for a handshake "Hello I'm Derek's wife" who the hell are you and what are you doing here with his shirt on?" the lady asked with obvious rage on her face, blood drained from Hazel's face, she clutched her chest trying to quench the pain and guilt she felt, had she been fucking someone's husband? but none of the tabloids said Derek Jones had a wife only a girlfriend that eventually broke up wit him a while back, she couldn't think straight and her vision blurred, she didn't know what to say. how can she explain to this lady that she had no idea he was married, she would obviously not believe her, who would? she asked herself. she slowly sat up "hi I...I.....I'm...uhm, I'm sorry" she stuttered, her brain decided to leave her at that moment, she just stood there staring at her, she felt like crying

Derek came out from his bedroom where he went to change, he could have sworn he heard voices but the house was eerily quiet, he went down to the sitting room where Hazel was waiting for him, the scene he saw was weird, very weird. Hazel looked so pale and Isa was standing there with her looking all serious " what the fuck was going on" he wondered, Isa started laughing as she saw him, she laughed so hard that she started rolling in the floor clutching her stomach, Hazel looked like she was about to cry changed that expression to that of confusion and Derek knew that Isabella has done something, she was always up to no good "Isa what have you done? what did you say to Hazel?" he asked staring daggers at his sister who was dusting her dress and was trying to stop herself from laughing " I didn't do anything, I just introduced myself to this beauty here " she said while pointing at Hazel who still looked confused. Derek shook his head knowing that that was not all she did. He walked to Hazel and gathered her in his arms, he had never seen Hazel like that "you have a wife?" she asked frowning Derek was lost for a moment " a wife? a wife!?" " no angel I have no wife, where did you hear that?" he asked. it was his turn to look confused before it clicked in his head, "Isa!" he didn't know whether to laugh or be mad. "I'm sorry angel, this is my sister Isabella" he stated as he soothed her hair

Hazel stared wide eyed, she didn't see earlier because of her jealousy then guilt but now the resemblance was obvious from the way they laughed, the pointed nose and olive skin, it was all there, she didn't recognize her because she was hardly on the news or the tabloids. people knew the Jones brothers had a sister but it was only few people that knew what she looked like.

Isabella gave a very tight hug that could have have squashed he if it has lasted longer than it did "I'm sorry about that but what is life you can't have a little laugh every once in while" she asked as she chuckled. Hazel gave her a smile " that joke was too much, you nearly gave me a heart attack" she laughed. Hazel already felt they would get along well, she liked her instantly. "So tell me" Isa said as she dragged Hazel to sit down " my brother didn't tell you about me right?" she asked her "well he actually..." Hazel started but Isa cut her off " there's no need to cover for him" she said. "you guys know that I'm still in this room right?" Derek asked glaring at them, they both looked at him and continued their chat.

Derek knew they would get along well, it was unlikely for anyone not to like Hazel, she was like a magnet for good vibes. "okay you both can chat all you want later but we need to get going he said to them while fixing his revolver and pistol on the holster he has on his waist.