
Chapter 5: Choosing a New Path

Saber stood tall in the chamber within Gringotts, feeling a sense of wholeness he had never known. His true self had been unlocked—both physically and magically—and the chains of the past had finally fallen away. His golden green eyes, sharper and more intense than before, reflected the newfound strength and purpose surging through him.

The goblin healer watched him closely, but there was a hint of satisfaction in the goblin's sharp gaze. "Your transformation is complete, Lord Howler," the goblin said, bowing slightly. "What would you like to do next?"

Saber looked down at the folded parchment in his hands—the inheritance test that had revealed the shocking truth of his lineage. His godparents were Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, as well as Severus Snape and Sirius Black. While his feelings about some of them were complicated, one thing was clear: the Malfoy family needed to know the truth about his heritage.

"I want a copy of this inheritance test sent to the Malfoy family," Saber said firmly, handing the parchment to the goblin. "They need to see it."

The goblin accepted the parchment with a nod. "It will be done immediately, Lord Howler. The Malfoy family will receive it in the next hour."

Saber felt a knot in his chest loosen at the thought. For so long, he had been manipulated and kept in the dark, but now the truth was out. The Malfoys would know who he truly was. What they would do with that information was up to them, but Saber wasn't worried about it. He was no longer bound by the past. He had his own path to follow.

With the matter settled, Saber turned his attention to his future. He needed to leave Britain—far away from Dumbledore's influence, the Ministry's watchful eyes, and the world that had lied to him for so long. His inheritance included properties around the world, and now was the time to choose a new home, a place where he could disappear and begin his life as **Saber Howler**.

The goblin healer gestured to a large map that appeared on the wall of the chamber. "You have several properties available to you, Lord Howler," the goblin said. "Most of them are well-protected and secluded. You may choose whichever one you wish to occupy, and Gringotts will arrange your travel and protection."

Saber stepped closer to the map, his eyes scanning the various locations. The names of his properties stood out: **Draconic Keep**, **Pendragon Palace**, **Avalon Retreat**... but one in particular caught his attention.

**Howler Manor**, located in the United States. It was a grand mansion that once belonged to his great-grandparents. Saber felt a strange pull toward it, as though something deep inside him recognized it as a place of importance.

The goblin noticed his interest and nodded. "Howler Manor is one of your finest properties. It is located in a quiet, wealthy suburb in the United States. It belonged to your great-grandparents, and although they have passed, the house has been maintained by Gringotts for many years. It is well-protected by wards and is secluded from magical interference."

Saber nodded. The United States sounded perfect. It was far enough from Britain that he wouldn't have to worry about Dumbledore or the Ministry finding him, and the mansion would give him the privacy and protection he needed while he figured out his next steps.

"I'll take Howler Manor," Saber said decisively. "That's where I'll go."

The goblin gave a sharp nod. "Very well, Lord Howler. We will arrange your travel to the United States immediately. Tempest and Patch can accompany you, of course, and the wards on the manor will recognize you as the rightful heir. We will also transfer access to your vaults, so you will have full control of your finances and resources from abroad."

Saber's chest swelled with relief. It was finally happening. He was leaving Britain, leaving everything behind, and starting over. He would live as Saber Howler, no longer Harry Potter, and no longer tied to the lies and manipulations that had controlled his life.

The goblin paused for a moment before continuing. "Howler Manor is located in a neighborhood near Chicago," the goblin said thoughtfully. "The area is peaceful, with very few magical residents nearby. However, you will have a neighbor—a muggle family by the name of Witwicky."

Saber raised an eyebrow. A muggle family? That was unexpected. "Are they... problematic?"

The goblin shook his head. "Not at all. The Witwicky family is a simple, unassuming household. They have no connection to the magical world and pose no threat. Your wards will ensure that they remain unaware of any magical activity within your property."

Saber considered this for a moment, then nodded. It didn't matter that the Witwickys were muggles. He could handle keeping his magical life separate, especially with the wards in place.

"Good," Saber said. "That will work."

The goblin healer gave a final nod. "We will prepare everything. Your departure to the United States will be ready within the hour."


Saber stepped out of Gringotts, the cool night air of Diagon Alley brushing against his skin. It felt strange, standing in the magical world as someone new. He was no longer the boy who had been known as Harry Potter. He had a new name, a new face, and a new life waiting for him.

He made his way through the alley, careful to stay under his invisibility cloak, until he reached the Leaky Cauldron once again. Tempest's sleek black car form was waiting for him, parked discreetly in the shadows. Patch, still in his small bot form, chirped excitedly as Saber approached.

As soon as Saber opened the door and slid into the seat, Tempest's deep voice rumbled from within. "Everything went well, Creator?"

Saber smiled slightly, the weight of his old life finally lifting from his shoulders. "Yeah. Everything's in place."

Tempest hummed softly, his green headlights flickering as he spoke. "Where are we going next?"

Saber leaned back in the seat, feeling a strange sense of peace wash over him. "We're going to the United States. It's time to leave Britain behind."

Tempest rumbled in agreement, and Patch chirped happily from the passenger seat. As Tempest's engine roared to life, they sped through the dark streets, leaving the magical world of Britain far behind. Saber glanced out the window, watching the familiar sights fade into the distance.

He didn't know what awaited him in the United States, but for the first time in his life, he felt in control of his destiny. He wasn't Harry Potter anymore. He was **Saber Howler**—the heir to a legacy he was only beginning to understand.

As they drove through the quiet streets, Saber felt a sense of excitement building in his chest. The future was uncertain, but he was ready for it. He had his powers, his allies, and a new life waiting for him across the ocean.

And for the first time, he was truly free.