
The Allegory of Triberias: The Call of Destiny

One day. Twenty four hours.Twelve hours of Light when no one shall stumble and twelve hours of darkness when all hell breaks lose - Literally. The temples are all abandoned and the priesthood left. Where to, nobody knows. Only the tales remain. The tales of legends and the great empty buildings that once upon a time were home to the greatest race to ever live. Now the sun rules by day and the great terrors by night and until the Great warriors rise again and take over their mandate, the earth and all that are in it are sure to be doomed. Havillah is just an ordinary girl in a world that everyone seems special. Not so gifted with only one Virtue, her only talent is her crazy knack for Hope Crystals and a caring personality that her mentors frown upon. Killion on the other end is an army captain, a young man tasked with the responsibility of keeping his town alive, but can he do so when his own life is seemingly in danger from the very terror that he is supposed to protect them from? When these two lives meet, their lives are never same again. Havillah is kicked out of Triberias and now she has to learn how to live a life without Virtue. The power that she grew with and has always known all her life. Despite all the betrayal, the intrigues and the dangers she has faced, will Havillah know love, and learn of the sacrifice, honour and what it truly means to be Called or to be Chosen? Will she know family again and will she regain the powers that were stripped of her in a moment jealousy? Or will she give in to her rage and the desire to be avenged of a city whose leaders banished her, but are now in need of her help to help it survive the Breaking and the imminent war that is looming over the horizon?

C_Kimberly · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Energy Prints.

Energy Prints.

After a moment of thought, Killion replied. "As a matter of fact we do. It is our latest development. One that we use to track the terrors even before they arrive, but I don't understand. What does this have to do with Havillah disappearance? Do you want us to track her the same way that we do terrors? I am afraid that that maybe a little problematic considering her size and the net amount of energy that people emit. That is, when compared to the sheer size of one dragon terror let alone a horde."

"You are catching on fast, young Captain. I do plan to track her the same way you do the terrors. As you have come to realise, every living creature with a connection to the other plane emits a certain amount of energy that remains in the surroundings until it ebbs away as it slowly decays. Most of this energy is usually too low to be perceived by most trackers..." She said turning to Moriella and Cjaira who nodded their heads in understanding. "But when Virtue is employed this same energy is amplified tenfold or more depending on the strength of the wielder, making it easy to sense and even trace."

"My lady, was that not what was done back on Triberias? You will track Havillah like you did after a Collapse." Moriella stated as a matter of fact and waited for the explanation that she knew would eventually come.

"Yes, I could, but away from the Hope, my senses are somewhat dampened. However, I believe that their way of tracking terrors will also work. You see, the two work virtually the same way, only that instead of using Virtue like our trackers back at home, they use this Technology."

"Yes." Killion agreed. "So you want us to attempt to pick up Havillah's unique energy signature and trace it. I think with how you have explained it, we can try to do it. Gabriel!" The young soldier perked up at the mention of his name and nodded, before leaving the room for the Hub's Central Command System. After that explanation, even he now knew what he was required to do.

"Good. Then we should lay some ground work before we begin the tracking. Tell me, when was the last time you saw her? " Tamaar inquired just as Gabriel was walking out.

Killion thought about it for a moment, his mind going back to the day he had brought her to the clinic. Had he known what he knew now, he would not have let her go. He should have chased after her, his tiredness be damned.

"In the clinic." He finally told them. "Grandma Kezzia was adamant that she saw Havillah jump out of the balcony. She flew away before we could catch her."

"Then we start there." Tamaar uttered before turning to follow the Captain and Sergeant as they led the way.

"What are you doing?" As the three ladies continued to follow the Captain to the balcony that was situated within the Hub's clinic, Moriella inched closer and inquired of the Elder.

"This is not Triberias." Tamaar began to explain "– and as such certain things also works differently. The Hope of Triberias keeps our energies pure and therefore it amplifies our Virtue, but here, away from it's light, our Virtue is a little dampened and therefore we need their help and their technology to find her. "

"But humans are..." Cjaira protested.

"What Cjaira? What are humans? You need to get that garbage out of your head. We are all human. If you cut us, we all bleed red. The only difference between us Great and what you refer to as humans is just Virtual. Stripped of all that, underneath everything, we are all the same."

"I am sorry my Lady."

"And rightly so. Now, I know that you are still young, but I do expect you to show some restrain and even a modicum of respect for these people here. They have learnt to survive despite these terrors and an obvious lack of Virtue, but either way they have still learnt to survive and for that, if not for any other reason,then Cjaira, these people deserve your respect. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, my Lady." Cjaira mumbled. Her head was bowed down in shame even as she reflected after being given a scolding.

"Now, I know that you are both anxious to see Havillah, but so are they." Tamaar stopped to place a comforting arm on each of their shoulders before smiling down at Cjaira comfortingly. "And with their help, I am sure we will find her. So, chin up. We have a lot of work to do ahead of us."

"Yes my Lady." The girls nodded in unison and the trio resumed their walking, that had been stalled while the Elder spoke to Cjaira. The pair before them had noticed this and out of respect, they had gone on a few places ahead of them and dallied as the trio completed their conversation. Now that the ladies were following, they resumed their casual pace, leading them to clinics waiting to await Sergeant Connors there.

After a while  Gabriel ajoined them and as he came in, the trio spotted a man with a white cloak walking behind him. He came to a stop beside the group and the three strangers could only stare at his strange goggles and a white tablet, alight with blue that he used to survey their environment even as they waited for the Lady Tamaar to issue out instructions.

"Can you scan the environment for energy signals... They should be energy prints that are somehow high and yet slowly diminishing. They may not be as strong as those of the terrors, but still they should be somehow relatively stronger compared to everything else around here." The tech guy nodded even as he continued to type in instructions and tweak the control modules on the tablet he was holding. After awhile he perked up as he held out the tablet before handing it over so that his captain could see.

"What is it Remuel?"

"I have gotten it." The Tech guy beamed as he pointed out a graph with two lines on the tablet. "It's been her all along. The strange energy that has been bugging us for weeks. It was her." He added excitedly.

"What do you mean Remuel? Am I to believe that the sensors have been picking up her energy prints all along?" Killion questioned even as he turned back to nod at the woman.

"We did, but back then my team had thought that it was just one of the terrors. It did make sense since the surveillance teams reported back that it was nothing. However,I guess it was not nothing." He smiled, pausing as if he himself was taking in the news. "Anyway, what you are looking at are the two dominant energies around Bethesda." He said as he finally snapped out. "The red represents the terrors but as you can see, those prints are quickly fading when normally they should be off the charts  The green represents Havillah, our boogie,he added with a laugh. "and apparently her prints are quite strong here.  Right now, the energy seems to be quickly fading, but the sensors are picking up stronger ones around the inner circle and the city's outskirts. That is where the strongest one is." The Tech guy told them.

"Good work Remuel. Broadcast it to the pillars and then have them map out the ground around Bethesda." Killion told him. "Meanwhile send all coordinates to our suits and organise for an extraction team to meet us at those particular points."

"Yes sir!" The guy said even as he rushed out of the room to do his Captain's bidding.

"What does this mean for us?" Moriella inched closer to Tamaar in order to ask.

"It is going to be a little hard to follow, but we will have to do so nonetheless. It is a wonder that Havillah could go that far but then again, some things in her seem to have changed quite alot."

"Because of the energy readings?" Moriella whispered.

"Yes, but we won't know more until we find her. Then, I guess, everything will make sense."

"It's hard to believe, right?" Cjaira laughed. "That all it took for her to unlock her potential was being banished."

"Yes...It was much harder for her to access Virtue back in the city, but I guess that struggle, the effort that she had to put in eventually played out for her own benefit. That or she had some help."