
The destruction of Aliens

The master said" you people surrender to me. you should work as a slave to me. If you obey my words I will not kill you".

" no way. Humans will never work for you." Albert said.

" hahaha. soldiers, ask the professor to come here." the master said

we were very shocked because it was our professor who supported the Aliens.

"Mr.keng, why you are working for them. we trusted but you cheated us "

The professor did not answer my question.

soon the master shouted, " arrest them".

The soldiers dragged us back to the prison. we were confused about Mr.keng. suddenly all the soldiers fell asleep and at that time Mr.keng came to see us. He said that they captured his family and they had a contract.

That is, till he supports the Aliens his family will be safe under the custody of Aliens.

He said that the Aliens had planned to arrest the whole world and to obtain all the resources. Their main aim is to make the human world slaves to the Alien world.

They had inborn nuclear powers within them.

He said that he has been waiting for a long time to destroy the alien world. The professor has created a high powered bomb. If it explodes the whole planet will get destroyed.

soon he released us from the prison and he gave guns to each one of us. It is a special gun which has light energy in them and it can kill the aliens very easily.

As soon as the professor went the soldiers were awake. we killed the soldiers with the help of the special gun. Then we escaped from there. we parted in different directions and we started to battle up with the Aliens.

But their powers were high then we expected.

My team tried so hard. suddenly I was thrown away and I got hurt. Albert helped and saved me.

Then the professor ran towards us and said "we have to move soon using spaceships. This planet is going to explode within 5 min. Go fast and get inside the space ship" the professor said.

we switched on the space ship and we escaped from the planet. we came out of the planet and the planet exploded into pieces.

we all were happy, suddenly the master came following us and soon it also got exploded.

The professor said he kept a special bomb in the alien master plane. we happily went to earth with professor family. Everyone on the earth was very happy and they congratulated us. I married Albert and we lived happily.

But it is said there is still some unknown power which is unknown to the human world