
Structure of UFO

The UFO was well designed and in short that it was completely beyond human technology. They made us sit inside the prison. Though we were in prison we were able to see what is happening outside. The UFO flew with us to space. That was the first time I travelled to space. I was wondering to see the earth. we saw the way to a milky galaxy. It was more beautiful than we thought. Albert started the conversion.

" see there"

we were able to see all the seven planets of our solar system.

"It's really awful"

we travelled millions and millions of miles.

we saw another solar system. There is only a little bit of difference between our solar system and their solar system.

we entered a big planet. All the planets seemed very colourful. we entered a planet which is pink in colour. I was really wondered to see that the planet was fully mechanised.

we were taken to the main city. Again they put us in prison with high security.

"Oh! shit, where is our professor? what happened to him."Albert said.

" I forget about him and I hope he is safe in the earth. "

"Guys can't we do nothing to. we have to escape from here. let's find a way" Selby said.

we met a fatty person inside the prison. He started the conversation.

"haha haha."

" why you are laughing. Are you mad"

" I am not mad. I am happy that you all are accompanying me. but please I beg you to save me from here.oh! I think they will kill and eat me."

" can you just shut your mouth for some time"

" why should I shut. I will talk more and I will shout and you can never stop me "

" you are such an annoying person.

" Hmm. Sorry, I forget to introduce myself.

My name is Jackson. "

" Albert, please tie him ".

The soldiers looked like artificial creatures.

I had a doubt that they are created by someone for some motive.

They had a nuclear power with them.

soon I understood that their whole planet works with the help of nuclear energy.

suddenly some soldiers entered the prison and they took us to the master. That is the creator of the planet.


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