
The Alchemist Archvampire: Chronicles of the Unseen Alchemist

Brief Notes for Those That Don't Want to Waste Their Time: +The chapters will be between 1000-2000 words and I will write until I feel like the chapter is over I don't like cliffhangers +As the title says, the story will follow the daily life of a powerful archvampire that interested in Alchemy. - So if you're looking for a novel with great plot twists, an overpowered main character making cool entrances and saving delicate female leads etc, you're in the wrong place. +The main character will use his power to entertain himself and find something to do with his endless free time. While doing that he causes something that he wasn't aware of... +And he doesn't like to leave his castle but over time this might change with the interactions he will have with female leads. +If you're not interested in mc's backstory, you don't have to read synopsis **** After centuries of war and slaughter, the Archvampire Jasper Shaw had finally become the most powerful being. The only one who could match him was the Demon King Asmodeus himself. But there was no chance of them fighting to each other, they were childhood friends from centuries ago. Jasper had achieved his goal, he was the strongest, he had no rivals. He had everything he wanted in the palm of his hand and of course he enjoyed it to the fullest. Wealth, women, authority, everyone in the world bowed down and offered gifts to gain his favor. Like that centuries passed... Jasper had gotten bored with everything. The endless time he had without a purpose became a prison for him. He created a castle for himself near the castle of his ancient friend Asmodeus and did not come out of it for three hundred years. He spent the first decade of this period sleeping in his coffin, which was the longest decade of his life. After a decade, Jasper decided to get out of his coffin and find a hobby. He played silly games by himself, drew pictures, wrote articles, poems and eventually got bored with all of it. In time he became interested in various types of magic but he quickly mastered in every magic so this hobby became boring to him as well. For a while he even became a gourmet; he tasted the blood of many different adventurers of different races, weights and sizes who came to his castle for different reasons, and he had a lot of fun while tasting that bloods. In the process, he didn't talk to anyone, he just watched them and somehow managed to get their blood, but of course there was one exception. That exception was an elf named Kael and over time the two of them developed a friendship based on mutual interest... After two centuries passed like that, Jasper finally found something that really interested him and that he was not very skilled at, Alchemy! But of course, he was not very skilled only for his standards. He spent ninety years doing Alchemy, he was still enjoying it, but he was running out of ideas to do something with alchemy. Right around this time his friend Kael told him that he was not going to visit him no more. Kael had been giving him his blood when he visited him, now Jasper would either have to talk to someone or find a way to get their blood again. Of course, Jasper was no longer the old Jasper, he was very picky about blood, so he had to find someone suitable and keep them visiting the castle, and of course he had to come up with new ideas to continue his hobby... Additional tag: Parody

LemonTheFirst · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Chapter 18: Jasper's First Marriage, First Wife

Raven couldn't contain her excitement. The moment Jasper agreed to the marriage, she jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she squealed. "When are we leaving?"

Jasper, caught off guard, blinked in surprise. "Leaving? What do you mean, leaving?"

Raven pulled back slightly, looking at him with wide eyes. "We have to go to my village. My family has to meet you, and we need to perform the ritual for the marriage."

Jasper frowned. "Leave the castle? I haven't left this place in over 300 years."

Raven's expression turned serious. "But it's necessary. They need to see you in person. We need their approval and the ritual to be official."

Jasper sighed, still hesitant. "I'm not sure I want to..."

Raven's eyes narrowed. "You promised, Jasper."

Jasper sighed again, more deeply this time. "Fine. I'll go."


After a week journey, they finally arrived at Raven's village. The dark elves who saw Jasper gave him disapproving looks, whispering among themselves about the pale vampire.

"Look at him," one dark elf murmured. "He's so pale. Is he even strong enough to marry Raven?"

Another snickered. "I've seen corpses with more color."

Jasper ignored the comments, his expression remaining bored and uninterested. He had faced far greater challenges in his life than mere disapproval.

Raven squeezed his hand reassuringly as they approached her family.

When they reached Raven's family home, they were greeted by her father, a tall and imposing figure with sharp features and piercing yellow eyes. His long, silver hair cascaded down his back, contrasting with his dark, intricately patterned robes.

Raven's father regarded Jasper with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. After a moment of tense silence, he spoke. "So, you are the one who has agreed to marry my daughter?"

Jasper nodded, meeting the elder elf's gaze without flinching.

"This is Jasper," Raven said, introducing him. "He's the one l-love."

Her father's eyes narrowed. "We shall see if he is worthy of your love. Prepare for the ritual."


The ritual took place in a sacred grove at the heart of the forest. The trees formed a natural circle, their branches entwining above to create a canopy. In the center of the clearing was a large stone altar, covered in ancient runes and symbols.

The dark elves formed a circle around the altar, chanting softly in their native tongue. Raven and Jasper stood in the middle, facing each other. A high priestess, draped in flowing robes and adorned with intricate jewelry, stepped forward, holding a ceremonial dagger.

"To join in union, blood must be shared," the priestess intoned. "The bond between dark elf and vampire must be sealed with sacrifice and strength."

Jasper glanced at Raven, who nodded encouragingly. The priestess approached Jasper first, holding out the dagger.

He took it, while not actually feeling the weight of the ritual. With a sigh, he made a small cut on his palm, letting the blood drip onto the altar.

The priestess then turned to Raven, who did the same, their blood mingling on the stone surface.

"Now," the priestess continued, "the strength of the bond will be tested."

She hit his wand on the ground and continued,

"You must fight together," the priestess said. "Prove your strength and unity."

The ritual involved a series of trials where the couple had to fight various magical projections and creatures, testing their unity and strength.

Their movements were so uncoordinated; they accidentally bumped into each other, sometimes even hitting each other by mistake...

But Jasper's overwhelming strength made quick work of his opponents, knocking them out in the blink of an eye, while Raven struggled to keep up.

An elder lady stepped forward, disapproval evident on her face. "The bond does not exist between you two. You fight alone, not as one."

The crowd murmured in agreement, some even cheering at the perceived failure.

Jasper couldn't help but use dramatic lines from the dramas he had been watching recently, took Raven's hands and looked deeply into her eyes. "Raven, not only are people trying to separate us, but even fate seems to be blocking our path. I always believed that we could overcome any obstacle, any challenge, as long as we are together. But if even fate stands in our way, how can we overcome such odds? Perhaps black and white... are not meant to be."

Raven's eyes widened in surprise and confusion as Jasper continued, his voice filled with a sense of finality, "Perhaps it's best if we part ways. Maybe that fate is right maybe we really should not be together."

He turned away, ready to leave... but Raven had to stop him because she wanted to get rid of her family's pressure about marriage, Raven's voice broke through the tension. "Don't go, please!"

Jasper paused, feeling her hand grasp his arm. The crowd watched, their emotions stirred by the rawness of the moment. Raven's eyes pleaded with Jasper, her voice trembling. "I need you. I don't want you to leave."

The crowd, touched by the heartfelt scene, began to call out, urging the elder lady to reconsider. "Approve them! Approve them!"

The elder lady didn't want to approve but couldn't resist the pressure, nodded in acceptance. "The bond is true!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their approval evident. They began chanting, "Kiss! Kiss!"

Raven blushed, thinking it wouldn't happen, but Jasper had other plans. He wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her slightly, and executed a graceful dance move that left her breathless. Then, holding her in his arms, he leaned in and kissed her deeply.

The crowd cheered louder and gave Jasper thumbs ups after that, their approval absolute. Raven's father, watching the scene, gave a thumbs up approval as well.

Jasper and Raven, still holding each other, looked around at the gathered dark elves, their expressions a mix of surprise and joy. They had won their approval, not just through strength, but through genuine connection.

Even though, Raven thought they had really experienced something special together... unfortunately the reason of joy on Jasper's face was because he had been able to recreate the scene from the drama in real life...

After the ritual, the festivities began. Traditional dances and songs filled the air, celebrating the union. Jasper observed the lively scene with mild interest while Raven joined in the dances, her joy evident.

As the night went on, Raven's mother approached them. She was an elf with long black hair and striking yellow eyes, her white skin contrasting sharply with the darker complexions of the dark elves around her. Her presence exuded a gentle grace.

"Welcome, Jasper," she said warmly. "I am Elara, Raven's mother."

Jasper gave a polite nod. "Nice to meet you, Elara."

Elara smiled, her eyes twinkling. "You can call me mom now."

Jasper, caught slightly off guard but maintaining his composure said,

"Thank you... m--"

Just was about to say 'mom' Jasper paused for a moment and thought, 'Have some self-respect Jasper. She's probably way younger than you.'

He smiled politely. "Thank you, Elara. I think I might need a bit of time before calling you 'Mom'."

Elara laughed lightly, clearly pleased by his response. "That's quite alright. Take all the time you need."

Elara turned to Raven, her expression softening. "Finally, our quiet daughter has married someone. And such a remarkable man at that."

Raven blushed, and Jasper gave a thumbs up.

"I can't believe I'll be a grandmother soon," Elara continued, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Raven's face turned crimson with embarrassment. "Mother!"

Jasper, however, remained unfazed. He gave Elara a serene smile. "That's quite a thought. I'm sure you'll make a wonderful grandmother."

Elara laughed again, clearly charmed by his response. "Thank you, Jasper. I hope you both find happiness together."

Raven, still blushing, looked at Jasper with a mixture of gratitude and slight annoyance.

The night continued with more dances, music, and celebrations...