
The Alchemist Archvampire: Chronicles of the Unseen Alchemist

Brief Notes for Those That Don't Want to Waste Their Time: +The chapters will be between 1000-2000 words and I will write until I feel like the chapter is over I don't like cliffhangers +As the title says, the story will follow the daily life of a powerful archvampire that interested in Alchemy. - So if you're looking for a novel with great plot twists, an overpowered main character making cool entrances and saving delicate female leads etc, you're in the wrong place. +The main character will use his power to entertain himself and find something to do with his endless free time. While doing that he causes something that he wasn't aware of... +And he doesn't like to leave his castle but over time this might change with the interactions he will have with female leads. +If you're not interested in mc's backstory, you don't have to read synopsis **** After centuries of war and slaughter, the Archvampire Jasper Shaw had finally become the most powerful being. The only one who could match him was the Demon King Asmodeus himself. But there was no chance of them fighting to each other, they were childhood friends from centuries ago. Jasper had achieved his goal, he was the strongest, he had no rivals. He had everything he wanted in the palm of his hand and of course he enjoyed it to the fullest. Wealth, women, authority, everyone in the world bowed down and offered gifts to gain his favor. Like that centuries passed... Jasper had gotten bored with everything. The endless time he had without a purpose became a prison for him. He created a castle for himself near the castle of his ancient friend Asmodeus and did not come out of it for three hundred years. He spent the first decade of this period sleeping in his coffin, which was the longest decade of his life. After a decade, Jasper decided to get out of his coffin and find a hobby. He played silly games by himself, drew pictures, wrote articles, poems and eventually got bored with all of it. In time he became interested in various types of magic but he quickly mastered in every magic so this hobby became boring to him as well. For a while he even became a gourmet; he tasted the blood of many different adventurers of different races, weights and sizes who came to his castle for different reasons, and he had a lot of fun while tasting that bloods. In the process, he didn't talk to anyone, he just watched them and somehow managed to get their blood, but of course there was one exception. That exception was an elf named Kael and over time the two of them developed a friendship based on mutual interest... After two centuries passed like that, Jasper finally found something that really interested him and that he was not very skilled at, Alchemy! But of course, he was not very skilled only for his standards. He spent ninety years doing Alchemy, he was still enjoying it, but he was running out of ideas to do something with alchemy. Right around this time his friend Kael told him that he was not going to visit him no more. Kael had been giving him his blood when he visited him, now Jasper would either have to talk to someone or find a way to get their blood again. Of course, Jasper was no longer the old Jasper, he was very picky about blood, so he had to find someone suitable and keep them visiting the castle, and of course he had to come up with new ideas to continue his hobby... Additional tag: Parody

LemonTheFirst · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 19: Thank you

In a realm beyond the mortal plane, where the very fabric of existence shimmered with divine energy, the gods and goddesses assembled. The Grand Hall of Eternity, a place of infinite grandeur and ethereal beauty, stretched out before them. Pillars of light and shadow intertwined, creating an atmosphere both majestic and mysterious.

A towering silhouette of flames and smoke spoke first, his voice echoing with raw power. This was Ignar, the God of Destruction. "He destroys all he touches. He shatters time and reality itself with his reckless actions, performed merely for his own amusement. His mere existence is a threat to the balance we uphold."

A figure bathed in chaotic energy nodded in agreement. Zareon, the God of Chaos, said, "Ignar speaks the truth. Because of him, even the universes have begun to collide. The portals he opens tear through the fabric of reality, merging worlds that should never meet."

Another deity, a blend of earth and shadow, stepped forward. Thalor, the God of Earth, said, "He destroyed a world I was responsible for with his reckless experiments. Whole civilizations lost in an instant, all for his twisted way of having fun."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the assembly. Silhouettes representing wind, water, life, and death nodded their heads.

A goddess shrouded in a tempest of storms spoke next. Tempestra, the Goddess of Storms, said, "He did not destroy my world, but his actions brought apocalypse upon it. People in that world lost their faith in me and now I can't do anything to fix it"

Several other gods and goddesses voiced their agreements, each recounting tales of destruction caused by his actions.

The assembly turned their collective gaze towards a single goddess, her form veiled in radiant, golden light. She was Lumina, the Goddess of Light. "He is from a world you are in charge of," they said in unison. "Take care of it."

A god, a serene outline of calm waters, spoke next. Seraphis, the God of Serenity, said, "She may be responsible, but we cannot simply intervene in the mortal world. Our interference could cause even greater chaos."

At this, Lumina smirked, her radiant light intensifying. "Do not worry. I have plans. If we cannot intervene in the mortal world, then I will make him come here with his own feet"

Some of the gods and goddesses looked confused. "How can a person from the mortal world come here?" one asked.

Lumina's smile grew wider. "Don't worry, he will find a way."

And with that, the scene faded, leaving the Grand Hall of Eternity in a tense and uneasy silence.


Jasper stood at the edge of the dark elf village, the marriage ceremony finally completed. He was heading to deep of the forst, feeling a strange sense of unease. Suddenly, a chill ran down his spine, causing him to stop in his tracks. He turned his head slightly, eyes narrowing as he scanned the forest around him.

"What the hell?" Jasper muttered, feeling a shiver that was almost comical in its intensity. He rubbed the back of his neck, his expression deadpan. "Is someone talking about me?"

He paused, looking at Raven who was just a few steps behind him. "This feels like one of those moments in those cheesy dramas," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Raven raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

Jasper shrugged exaggeratedly, rolling his eyes. "You know, when the main character suddenly feels like they're being discussed by some higher power. Next thing you know, I'll start thinking my pet golems are plotting against me."

Raven stifled a laugh. "You're really a weird man, Jasper."

Jasper sighed dramatically, striking a mock heroic pose. "Maybe they're just admiring my good looks," he said, flexing his muscles in an overly theatrical manner.

Raven shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips. "Come on, let's get going. You've got a promise to keep."

As they began to walk away, Jasper couldn't understand why Raven's attitude towards him had changed. It's like she hated him just a few days ago...

According to dark elf traditions, lastly they had to spend the entire night in the forest together to prove their love for each other.

Jasper clapped once, teleporting Raven and himself to the room with the television.

As Raven looked around in surprise, Jasper sat on the couch, letting out a sigh of relief. "Oh, castle, sweet castle!" he said, gesturing for Raven to sit next to him.

Raven hesitantly sat beside him and said, "We were supposed to spend the night in the forest."

Jasper loosened his tie and threw one arm over the back of the couch. Raven momentarily got excited, thinking he was going to put his arm around her. Then, with his other hand, he picked up the remote and turned on the TV.

"I've spent enough time outside of the castle today. I can't spend the night out there too. Besides, you deserve a bit of rest and relief," Jasper said.

Raven leaned against Jasper's arm and said, "Maybe you're right. We deserve a bit of rest..."

Jasper raised an eyebrow and asked, "I thought you didn't like me much when we first met... Was I wrong?"

Raven sighed in relief and said, "No, you were definitely right. Your nonchalant behavior really annoyed me. But today, that same behavior really helped."

Raven reached up and kissed Jasper on the cheek, "Thank you"

Jasper hadn't expected this and touched his cheek with the hand that was draped over the couch, his face showing a mildly surprised expression. He said sarcastically, "Hey, are you actually falling in love with me?"

When she relieved, the exhaustion of the entire day hit Raven, and she giggled softly. "Not that high... but someone as strong and reliable as you is hard to find."

As sleep overtook her, Raven's eyelids began to drop, and she murmured, "Maybe you'd make a really good husband after all---" Raven finally fell asleep in Jasper's arms.

While Raven said those words, Jasper's focus wasn't on the TV but on her. He felt a warmth in his heart he hadn't felt before. He thought, "Is this some side effect of the potions I tried? ...Whatever." Jasper leaned back, letting Raven sleep on his chest.

He started watching TV, where a blond, blue-eyed boy in orange clothes was shouting at his friend,

"Sasgaeee, come back to the village! Everyone's waiting for you."

The black-haired boy had a cold expression on his face and replied, "Go back, Nardo. It's too late for that."

"No Sasgae it's not come with me!"

Then black haired boy fled into the depths of the forest, the blond boy reaching out and shouting after him,


Jasper got engrossed in the show and watched it until morning.