
The Age Of Magic That Began After The Apocalypse

Lucien is a human..... At least he considers himself one. Even though after his DNA was altered as much as his was thanks to a new type of radiation, genetically he could not be considered human, but from his perspective he is one, as are his few friends, possibly the last humans in the universe. . Until new ones appeared, but... a little different than the humans they remembered. ------------------------------------------------------------ New Chapters Tuesday and Thursday. The first 5 Chapters in 24 of December as Christmas present.

FereliX25 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Analysis 5

"Well, since we already decided what we were going to call them from the beginning, we just need to add them to the table." Camilo said and soon after.

"First let's decide how to differentiate the species" said Hooku-ha.

"I think it would be better separated by habitat and not taxonomy." Maeelus said.

"It's not bad, but I think it's better to be separated based on the habits of their society or pseudo society." Lucien said.

"What do you mean, in the habits of their society?" Tyama asked, already getting a headache.

"Exactly what I said, as Ulik said. These orcs have differences in the composition of their brains that is reflected in the way they act towards themselves and others. And wouldn't that be the reason why we came here, to establish contact and decide how will we respond to these new beings?" He explained. "It's Ulik's decision on how to make this distinction, just like everyone else, but I believe that the naming should be done after evaluating the level and capacity of the beings, so I didn't name mine based on appearance but rather on biological habits. that they have."

In this everyone began to contemplate things until now.

"So you think we should change the nominations?" Alyssa asked.

"No, but I believe we should consider renaming and reclassifying them after we get to know them better."

"Very well, in the case of these orcs I believe that the ones on the right must be the western orcs, after all they are physically similar to the orcs that the west describes and they also inhabit the arboreal forest areas in the western area of my territory." Ulik said after thinking for a while. "As a left panda, I think it's best to call them bestial orcs, honestly simply from their appearance, perhaps winter orcs would also be possible, as all of these orcs inhabit snow-covered central and eastern areas, icy tundras and fjords that rarely warm up. " He said uncertainly.

"Like I said it's your decision."

After thinking a little more, Ulik decided to leave them as bestial orcs, both due to their appearance and their more common habits. Even though they had a tribal civilization like the western orcs, theirs was much more brutal and more animalistic in comparison, having at most simple tools like spears and rustic bone axes and dwellings in tents that were just animal skins stretched on logs without even being tanned. Not that they seem to care.

[Updating table.... Complete update]

[Species: *Orcs(#0001-0781)

—Sub: Western (#0001—0321)

Mutation Level: Null

Radiation Level: 120—490 MATER

Life Force: 170

Physical Force: 20 T (*0.6 U)

• force: 2 T (*0.6 U)

•speed: 25—48 (*0.6 U)

•resistance: 25

Traits: Night Vision, Enhanced Digestion (medium), Environmental Resistance (medium), Enhanced Fertility (small), Physical Reinforcement (high), Absorption (lower).]

[Updating table.... Complete update]

[Species: *Orcs (#0001-0781)

—Sub: Bestial (#0001-0460)

Mutation Level: Null

Radiation level: 120—530 MATER

Life Strength: 185

Physical force: 25 T (*0.5 U)

• force: 5 T (*0.5 U)

•speed: 30—50 km (*0.5 U)

•resistance: 30

Traits: Night Vision, Enhanced Digestion (medium), Environmental Resistance (medium), Absorption (lower), Enhanced Fertility (small), Physical Reinforcement (lower), Bestification, Frenzy (lower).]

"Huh?!, Ulik, what do this Bestification and Frenzy mean?" Musa asked.

"It seems that in these bestial orcs, the animal instinct is much greater than in Western ones. So much so that with the right mastery of the manipulation of malleable matter by MATER particles, they are even able to restructure their bodies into what would be two animalistic forms prior to the of them being able to regain consciousness." He explained.

"How exactly would they do this? You yourself said that their mental structure prevents significant development in the mind to the point of using MATER radiation efficiently, right?" Alyssa asked.

"Yes I did."


"You already answered it yourself, Alyssa." Ulik interrupted her. "The mental structure, the shape of the brain and its synaptic pathways, prevent a significant development of their mind, not completely." 

"Henn, interesting." Maeelus purred looking at the couple of creatures being projected forward.

"Besides." He continued.

"This reconstruction is an instinctive act more than a thought act. It occurs when a mature individual, or in some cases a puppy, encounters an obstacle that could end up killing him, the adrenaline rush reinforced by MATER radiation, stimulates every cell in the body for combat and possible survival, causing the body to adapt to the situation and restructure itself in the form most suitable for success in combat, which even history has demonstrated several times is mostly the most animalistic form of a creature, using its strength basic for survival." Ulik took a cup from a dimensional pocket and took a sip of water.

"An interesting fact however." He said. "This restructuring only occurs when the individual is only willing to fight and there is no escape, even though this is also a viable option and often has a greater chance of success."

"And as it was placed as a racial trait of the species, I imagine that older individuals have learned a way to actively activate this bodily reconstruction rather than leaving it to instincts alone, correct?" Old Zhun asked.

"Yes, just like all conscious beings, even if they are more "barbaric" or as we put it "bestiáis", they have the basic capabilities of culture, including transmission of knowledge, both through oral reports and through some events recorded on the leather of animals they kill. And yes that includes their green "cousins", and the same is true for them." Ulik finished.

"Thanks for the concise report Ulik, who now?" Old Zhun asked.

"I think it's better in that case, since the beings in my territory would have a certain degree of kinship with Ulik's orcs." Ethel said, making the little giant with icy eyes raise an eyebrow.

"Very well and why would that be the case?." The same asked the green-haired woman.

"It's much easier to show." 

And soon 3 pairs of creatures appeared on the screen, two tall and muscular pairs but whose sex could barely be differentiated externally due to the large amount of muscles and an even greater amount of fat, the easiest thing to do was to look at their snouts and see if they had fangs. , if they did they were males, if not they were females. The creatures were around 2.10m to 2.40m tall and weighed easily 20 tons making you wonder how they walked, Ulik's orcs were large and were certainly quite heavy but in comparison they were much more athletic than the creatures they saw on the monitor. 

The second creatures were by far the smallest seen so far, both barely reaching 1.10 meters, a similarity they had with the previous huge creatures was that it was difficult to differentiate the sexes, with the female having slightly more developed mammary glands and a little longer hair compared to the male who was bald but it was possible to see a sparse fuzz along the skull. They both had light green skin, blooming yellow eyes, pointed noses and ears, with several needle-like teeth, they also had longer than normal arms compared to their bodies, almost dragging their hands on the ground, which in turn had just 4 slender fingers that ended in what could be either long nails or claws.

The last pair of creatures was very simple to understand, they were bipedal lizards, simple as that, their bodies were lizards capable of standing on two legs with palmified feet and hands that help them both in locomotion in water and in humid and waterlogged environments like the marshes and wetlands that Ethel's territory lies.

"I understand why you said it was related to Ulik's orcs, these first two would also have the same genetic base coming from creatures of the Suidae family (pigs)? With inheritance both from wild boars like Ulik's and those that are more closely related to the ancient domestic pigs?." Lin-Wu said looking at the parameters of these burly creatures compared to Ulik's previous two.

"Based on the initial analyzes we have of Ulik's creatures, I believe we can consider the Western Orcs and these orcs, which by reference we can call Eastern Orcs, descend from those of the Bestial Orcs who would have genetic influence from the "common" swine of the earth with DNA altered and mixed with human and Aknolika, from the Beta Kan-Gravm sector 230 thousand light years from the Milky Way." She said. "Obviously these DNA fusions did not occur through mating but rather feeding and experimentation by the last remaining humans in clandestine laboratories in vain attempts to save themselves. I believe they were the result of these experiments, which developed on their own in nature and then They subdivided the Western Orcs and Eastern Orcs into two species. Why this happened we don't know, and frankly in relation to that, I don't want to know." She concluded.