
The Age Of Magic That Began After The Apocalypse

Lucien is a human..... At least he considers himself one. Even though after his DNA was altered as much as his was thanks to a new type of radiation, genetically he could not be considered human, but from his perspective he is one, as are his few friends, possibly the last humans in the universe. . Until new ones appeared, but... a little different than the humans they remembered. ------------------------------------------------------------ New Chapters Tuesday and Thursday. The first 5 Chapters in 24 of December as Christmas present.

FereliX25 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

9. Reunio whith old friends, NOW

Seeing her mother's smile, and her sister in her arms, seeing them both safe. Movuya's body moved on its own and before he knew it he had fallen into his mother's arms along with his sister and started both crying and laughing with happiness.

Looking further back, Lucien saw something he thought he would never see again after millennia, a family hugging each other, happy to be together and alive.

'I think the last time this happened was when Lin almost died in one of Ku'lanh's attacks, a few millennia ago, right Avant?' Lucien asked the AI ​​that always accompanied him completely seriously.

[Correct, his last major attempt, which coincided with an attack by the largest group of pirates yet.] Avant promptly responded.

'....um, so really, huh...' he said for no reason, as he continued to look at the scene, feeling both a strange mix of happiness, nostalgia and loneliness.

Emotions aside, the rational part of Lucien's brain continued to be pragmatic and collect information, not only from the dead creature but also from the 3 individuals. Starting at the same time he sent the nanobots to cure the two children's mother, he also sent a few more to collect their real-time physical data, brain electrical intensity, red blood cell count, bone number and shape. , form and efficiency of organs, etc.

He also checked their memories through the mental link, but due to a personal rule he didn't check much in depth, just the last 6 months to get a sense of how they behaved and why they came here.

Doing so, he saw what had happened to them and couldn't help but admire their mother's tenacity, the boy's courage in defending them even at the cost of his life and the girl's strength for enduring all of this without complaining once. I understand even less than my brother. It reminded him of some similar events he and his friends had faced during the era they dubbed the Age of Survival.

'Now the question is how to deal with them...' Lucien thought and soon came up with a very acceptable answer.

He then slowly approached the family who had practically forgotten about him and cleared his throat slightly.

"Ah!!! Ah, sorry about that sir, I, we..." Movuya soon noticed him and stood up, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes and trying to thank the being who had helped them.

"My son wants to say thank you very much for helping us, if we can do anything to make it up to you, just tell me." Milian, Movuya's mother, said decisively, looking, without wavering, into Lucien's eyes.

"Um, well, since I said that, there's actually something I want you to do." Lucien said, looking at the three of them with a look that was both playful and predatory.

Instinctively Milian put herself between Movuya and her sister Minbi.

"Oops, calm down, you are intelligent enough to understand that if I wanted harm from you I would have already done something by now." He said, laughing a little but still satisfied with the woman's tenacity.

"So what do you, huh..."

"Sorry for the lapse in courtesy, you can call me Lucien."

" I am-"

"No need to worry, I already know who you are, Miss Milian, young Movuya and little Minbi." Lucien cut her off before she could finish, completing her sentence immediately afterwards.

"But how-?" Movuya, who finally recovered enough to be able to speak, began to speak before being cut off.

"For now that doesn't matter, what matters is: what are you going to do now that you are.... In a better state?" Luciene asked, always keeping the mental link active, he had no bad intention with this, but this way he could guarantee the truth of these new creatures.

"Us, I.... I want my mother and sister to be safe, while I will avenge my father!!!" Movuya said decidedly.

"Don't be a fool, son, your father gave his life for a chance for us to escape, even though he didn't succeed. Do you think he would want you to throw the life he tried to save at the expense of your own, that's what he would want!." Milian said, irritated by her son's impulsiveness, even though she understood.

"I know!!! But that doesn't change what I need, no! What I want to do. Mr. Lucien! Please, could you take care of my family until I get back!!" Movuya asked with a desperate look on his face.

"Boy, we can't ask even more from Mr. Lucien, when we haven't even paid for saving us!!." Milian said in a voice almost as desperate as her son's.

"Calm down!" Luciene said, using link again to decrease the rapidly rising adrenaline, forcing them to return to a calmer state.

Movuya and her mother, having calmed down again, looked at each other with apologies practically painted on their faces, and turned to Lucien.

""We're sorry for this embarrassing display"" They both said at the same time.

"I'm glad you guys calmed down." Lucien said, looking at both of them sternly, like a father trying to discipline his children. Luckily he already had experience "dealing with kids", even though he insists until the last moment that he was more like an older brother than bread to those two.

Returning from a quick look at his memories, Lucien said to the mother and son pair of a yet unknown species.

"Although I like your reasons, I believe this should be discussed after you rest. Especially since one of you can't even take it anymore." He said looking at the small form curled up and breathing slowly in Milian's arms.

The two of them seeing Minbi like that will be understandably embarrassed. Seeing this Lucien smiled again and called the other entity that had been observing the entire situation since the beginning.

"I-volion, show them the way to the hut and let us help them rest, please." Luciene said towards the android that had just arrived. I-volion saluted him and turned to the family.

Movuya again came into combat readiness immediately despite his fatigue. Milian held her daughter even tighter against her body, seeing the humanoid creature that reminded her of one of the worst monsters that her tribe had ever encountered.

I-volion came close, knelt down and extended his hand towards Movuya in a long gesture.

"This is I-volion in case you haven't heard, I-volion will guide you to a safe location and assist you in any way he can to meet your needs. He is completely loyal and trustworthy, you need not worry."

Lucien said this, but she did not say that if they behaved inappropriately they would be severely punished or eliminated. To ensure that they wouldn't have too much trouble accepting I-volion, Lucien did a little trickery, and used the mental link to lessen their suspicions and increase acceptance. Was it a bit immoral?, yes, definitely, should it be done?, probably not, did he care about any of those things to get what he needed?, definitely not.

Soon, the 3 figures moved away from Lucien as he looked at them, disappearing deeper into their territory.

"Avant, call an unofficial meeting now!!!. Maximum priority and urgency.!" Luciene said as they walked away and he watched them and waved at them.


According to Lucien's mental link, he discovered that everything she said was true, and that in itself already shows a possible serious problem. Question: how did several humans, or better said, how did a group of "new humans" manage to go unnoticed by them, to the point that they had already evolved to a point in the first known kingdoms, such as the Babylonians, Akkadians and Sumerians? And in just 5 thousand years, it took ancient humanity several hundred thousand years to reach this point since the last ice age.

They had to investigate this, and also check if there were other beings like them spread across the world that they knew nothing about.