
The Age Of Magic That Began After The Apocalypse

Lucien is a human..... At least he considers himself one. Even though after his DNA was altered as much as his was thanks to a new type of radiation, genetically he could not be considered human, but from his perspective he is one, as are his few friends, possibly the last humans in the universe. . Until new ones appeared, but... a little different than the humans they remembered. ------------------------------------------------------------ New Chapters Tuesday and Thursday. The first 5 Chapters in 24 of December as Christmas present.

FereliX25 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

7. New Hope

The alarm sounded for 20 seconds and neither Lucien or even Avant had any idea what it would indicate even though one had an enhanced mind connected to a countless amount of information and the other was a virtual entity living in this world of information and data.

"Avant, what is the reason for this alarm?!" Luciene asked, for the first time in millennia, amazed. "I'm not going to say that the central power core or the analog core of terminal 00 is defective!!!" This time he said with fear in his voice. Avant responded impassively as always.

[Negative, according to records from bunker 00 F.Auxilian, this alarm is only triggered when an indicator with a specific genetic sequence is detected within a radius of 10,000 kilometers, being the last and only time so far that it has touched being almost 20 thousand years ago.]

"A specific sequence and the last time was almost 20 thousand years ago. So you mean!!!"

[Correct, a creature with a genetic sequence similar to that of homo-sapiens sapiens micro avance has been detected.] Avant also responded with the maximum animation that his robotic voice can express.

Less than 1 second later, Lucien had already detected the creatures and which part of the forest they were in, but due to his rush he didn't send any drones to send images of what was happening in the place at the moment, not that it made any difference but...

"Very well Avant, I'm looking forward to seeing what these new guests will be like." He said with great excitement, and then disappeared from the control room.


Movuya didn't really understand how things were happening, one moment they were with their father and everyone else in the tribe celebrating and hearing everyone's screams of joy, the next moment the screams turned to fear and pain along with the hoarse and despicable laughter of his fiercest enemies, and the next moment he saw his father being beheaded in front of him and the other members of the clan in the village's central square. So I go in front of the one who had killed his father while laughing holding his mother in his lap and trying to kiss her, with an unknown female with his sister, while being held by 2 males much bigger and stronger than him.

There was a scream and his mother was no longer on the poor man's lap but in front of the female, punching them hard and catching his sister. Even though he was startled, Movuya soon acted and got rid of the men, hitting right where his father had said he would. the males are more vulnerable and go to their mother and sister, and then run into the water of the river, and from there to the forest. Movuya never remembered running so much in his life, he thought more than once that he was going to die, but he knew that if he stopped running then he would die, Movuya was young, not stupid, he knew what would happen to him if his mother hadn't been so quick and decisive, and also knew what would have happened to her and probably to her sister, who is no longer 3 years old, too.

That's why he ran with them, carrying his sister from time to time, only stopping to eat the small fruits they found on the way and drink some water that they had gotten when it rained and from puddles, other than that they just trusted running even though they didn't have any. no one behind them. But it wasn't because there was no one they could stop, there weren't many safe places other than the village that their ancestors had created, the closest place to that was an ancient legend about a legendary forest. Where those with determination tried to enter and almost everyone died, but those who returned said they saw glimpses of various fat animals in a forest full of life, with insects, flowers and fruits everywhere you looked.

Few in the village believed this story because even today there were hunters who claimed to have seen the entrance to this legendary forest, Movuya was one of those who did not believe that this place existed, having the same idea as his father that it was not worth wasting time trying to reach a place that might not exist even though it had plenty of food when there were several other full hunting and gathering areas near their village. But now he begged that this place really existed so that he and his mother could rest even for an hour and think about what to do after everything that had happened.

However, in their desperation to escape, they had forgotten one of the reasons this place was considered a myth.


They obviously weren't the only ones trying to get there and the entire path was full of various beasts that could easily finish them off, luckily their tribe specialized in hidden hunting so even a 2 season cub was already starting to have an idea of how to hide in the environment and how to hide your smell. Despite this, the number of beasts was huge and diverse, so there were times when they had to flee even faster or fight, which led to the situation they were in.

With his mother with a bite that almost took off her arm and a deep cut on her back while protecting her sister with her body. And all he could do was stand in front of the beast with a branch with the only knife they could bring at the end.

Movuya was sure he would die but if it gave his mother and sister a little more time to get somewhere safe so be it.

'Even if I won't be able to do anything else for them or avenge you, my father, I will do as much as I can, just like you did!!!' The young man with an appearance of no more than 10 years old by human standards, placed the improvised spear in front of him pointing directly at the only place that was considered certain among all the beasts' eyes. He looked into the beast's glowing orange eyes and used all the strength he had in his body and threw himself at the screaming people.

"FUR-SHAN-GHRAN!!!!!" He ran with his small legs towards the almost 9 meter monster, exhausting all his strength, in retaliation the monster launched one of the tentacles that fell from his body towards the child.

But before any attack reached any of them.


And Movuya was thrown back with such force that his head stopped twice on the strangely soft but still hard ground, knocking the improvised spear from his little hands and the air from his lungs. As soon as he got up, he looked at the beast and saw a large hole in the monster's chest with small tongues of light appearing at the edges of the hole, just like the ones that sometimes left behind when the lights hit the trees when there were storms.

'But how did this happen there are no rain clouds in the sky, just those ashes and...' As soon as he thought about it Movuya looked at the sky and noticed something that in his desperation to escape the beast went completely unnoticed, the gray sky that had accompanied him and what was left of his family since they started fleeing almost 5 days ago, had completely disappeared.

'And also, this didn't come from heaven, this came from—!!!!'


Next tuesday I will continue my other novel until February.