
The Age Of Magic That Began After The Apocalypse

Lucien is a human..... At least he considers himself one. Even though after his DNA was altered as much as his was thanks to a new type of radiation, genetically he could not be considered human, but from his perspective he is one, as are his few friends, possibly the last humans in the universe. . Until new ones appeared, but... a little different than the humans they remembered. ------------------------------------------------------------ New Chapters Tuesday and Thursday. The first 5 Chapters in 24 of December as Christmas present.

FereliX25 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

5. Choices

All the creatures now had their minds improved and were able to perfectly understand everything Lucien had said, and as always they left the decision to the strongest among them, the largest creature. Which in turn didn't take that long to accept the second option given by Lucien.

The reasons are simple, as Lucien had said even with the evolution he had forced on the creatures they would still have many enemies to worry about, even if there weren't many who were equally strong or stronger than them now, these stronger enemies would certainly existed.

On the other hand, Lucien offered a place with abundant food and guaranteed protection, as long as they did not attack anyone who did not attack them first, did not feed excessively and did not cause unnecessary destruction in Lucien's territory, although occasional territorial attacks may occur, both the sides would have an instant understanding of the extent to which they could cause harm to the environment. All of these rules and more were directly sent to the creatures' minds the moment Lucien asked about their decision, showing a great increase in the ability to assimilate new information.

There was the disadvantage of it being difficult to find suitable partners in this environment, but demonstrating impressive intelligence (even soon after it had been improved) and great reasoning capacity, the larger creature realized that Lucien would not prohibit them from leaving his domain occasionally. And at these times they could look for partners to bring back.

"Um, smart guy, did you realize that so quickly?" Luciene said amused. "It even makes me wonder if you have any human or former Union traces in your genome.... Neither of those possibilities would be very difficult." He contemplated quickly.

"And yes, you are right about that. But I ask: would those you bring back follow the rules?" He asked seriously.

"As long as we showed that we would be stronger than our partners. They accepted our decisions, sir." The creature said through a mental channel that Lucien had established first, but now the creature could also use.

"Um, law of the strongest, never loses its effectiveness, whether it's good or bad." Lucien said without caring much. "Well you already know the rules and the consequences if they are broken." He said with a strong intonation on the last word, enough strength to make all creatures choose each other when they thought of the consequences of breaking the rules, showing their full intention to follow them.

"Very good, so now all I can do is welcome my new inhabitants." Luciene said with a smile showing her white teeth and opening her arms, making it seem like a lie all the pressure he had just put all the creatures under. "You can settle wherever you want, whether in the forests, in chains of underground caves or in the mountain caves further on. There are but if you want to settle near my house, I recommend that you do not, the reason I imagine is clear from what You can see more in the center, right?" he said, giving the creatures a smile like a cat.

They in turn just nodded and glanced sideways with at least one eye in the direction of Lucien's confrontational territory, where his main house was located and in it what had attracted the creatures to this place in the first place.

"With all that out of the way, welcome to your new home and new life!!" Luciene said loudly enough to be heard for several kilometers, causing the birds that had not yet fled due to the disaster that the creatures had caused before, to wake up and take flight.

Soon after that Lucien simply disappeared from the creatures and left them to their own fate.


'Hmm, they don't seem like such a bad addition to the ecosystem, don't you think?' Lucien asked.

[I can't say definitively, but I don't believe that adding a species that specializes in creating tunnels is a good addition to a forest. Even more so that size]. A mechanical voice responded in Lucien's mind.

'No need to worry, I highly doubt they will dig many tunnels, well only the 8th grade one would really be a digger. I think the other 5th graders were actually climbers and must have followed the big guy because he ended up destroying their old habitat.'

[Doesn't this just confirm my earlier concern?]. The voice asked in an indifferent tone.

'Usually yes, but remember that I was the one who improved them, they already know the limits, and because it's a forest I think they'll develop an interesting cooperative hunting technique. Haven't you already calculated these chances? he asked the voice.


'Then why are you worried?.' he asked amused.

[It is not because the calculations say so that they always happen. If that were the case, you and the others would have died with the rest of your species.] The voice still said in an indifferent tone, but at the same time it seemed to sound exasperated and irritated.

'I suppose that's true.' Lucien admitted in thought. 'But shouldn't you also be grateful for that? After all, it's the fact that we survived that you still exist too, isn't it?' Lucien asked, already knowing the answer to the conversation they occasionally have.

[Humf, I suppose that's true']. The voice responded, even though it was very unwilling and still amused, despite the voice continuing with an indifferent and mechanical tone.

During this conversation Lucien was walking through a particularly dense part of the forest, several kilometers away from where he had left the creatures. He wondered why an articulated intelligence (AI) as advanced as Avant, still bothered about pointless arguments they'd already had over literally millennia.

[By the way, I already sent the creature data to Master Camilo at the central point, but should I send it to Master Maeelus and Ad-juru?].

'Um, good question. The 5-degree ones were certainly not strong but their coordination with each other was almost as good as that of ants and bees. And that 8, despite not being anything special, still has a lot of potential...' Thinking about what would be best for the overall vision, Lucien had to think carefully so as not to cause another disaster. Having so few "humans" left was bad enough, but causing yet another completely avoidable disaster after millennia of serious living was the epitome of idiocy, and he could certainly say he understood that.

'Well, show me their general data, so I can take advantage and see how many in total managed to get here in the last 100 years.' Lucien commanded Avant.


[Designation: #42—>#42.2

Mutation level: 8—>8.2

Radiation level: 23,000 MATER

Life Strength: 300

Physical strength: 500t

• strength: 200m

•speed: 50m

•resistance: 250m

Traits: Contamination Lv8—>0, Absorption Lv3—>6, Metallic Hide, Hardened Fur Lv6—>8, Metallic Skeleton, Excavation, Command Lv5—>Max, Coordination Lv4—>7, Conductivity Lv5—>Max.]

'Hmm, command can be considered both leadership and coercion, and he managed to reach 4 on his own, it seems that the big guy really has great potential to be a leader, even more so now with maximized potential.' Lucien thought, stopping in front of a cliff just beyond the forest, giving the best possible view of Lucien's "home".

'Now let's consider what would be better, to specifically warn the observed with corpses or my little brother who is the closest thing we have to a mad scientist these days.' Lucien considered looking at the scenery us, the green forests that spread far beyond the view, dotted with rivers, lakes and "small" mountain ranges all around, leading to white sand beaches largely to the small desert on the other side. northwest.

'Even though it's just a small thing, even this can have big repercussions and I definitely don't want to be responsible for another tragedy.' He thought looking ahead at the moon that was much closer than it should be, more specifically Lucien was looking at the large hole in the moon that corresponded to about 1/3 of its area.