
Chapter 3: The Interviewing

Rays Pov:

As i followed Charmie and Snoofles out into the parade i felt everyones eyes on us and it made my skin crawl. Like they wanted to do something bad to us. I quickly signed, "I dont feel comfortable with their eyes on us like we are pieces of meat." to Charmie and keep walking slowly and to the best of my ability trying not to fall. I also keep an eye on the people around us. I dont want Charmie already getting hurt because i was careless.

Charmies pov:

"because we are, instead of the lumas coming out on their own free will, they are forced to come out." I quickly sign back as i hold my head up high, when in all actuality i want to run and hide from the rest of the world. When we get to Eternitys town square we all stop, and watch as the President Jacob gives his annual speech to all of Utopia, but those like me, who never fit in their mild of "right".

Rays Pov:

I stand there basically ignoring what President Jacob says and thinks up a strategy to get both Charmie and me safely through these games and back home with no problems. When i stop thinking i see that President Jacob is done with his speech and everyone begins to walk back to the big double doors and we feast all of us with that low life of a President then we are sent to find our rooms.

Charmies pov:

I quickly find my room right across from Ray's, thankfully, and walk in to see one of the most luxurious bedrooms i have ever seen, alongside a bathroom that is HALF of the bedrooms size! I take a shower, lay out my outfit for the interviews tomorrow, feed Snoofles, get changed into my pajamas and start heading off into dreamland, with dreams of a world that is vastly different from Rango.

Rays Pov: 

I have a hard time falling asleep that night, i mostly sat by my bedroom window thinking of ways to escape all this with Charmie and Snoofles. We could run away and be happy as a family, but we know that we would easily get caught if we tried to run so that night i didn't get any sleep at all. I just sat there looking out into the night and the dancing people of the capital and heart of Utopia. They look like they find our suffering fun to them. As if there is nothing wrong.

Charmies pov:

I woke up fairly early in the morning and began plotting ways to get back at our "leaders" as when they announce the years winners they ALL go to the arena and pronounce them right then and there, Ray and i could EASILY shoot them. After that i got ready for the day and went down to breakfast with Snoofles, and noticed just how exhausted Ray looked.

Rays Pov:

I sit at the table barely eating and almost falling asleep right then and there but i push myself to stay awake. I couldnt be vulnerable in front of our enemies and worst of all if i fell asleep right then and there i wouldnt be able to plot ways for us to escape. And we would be forced into that arena to fight or be killed or worse. I didnt even want to think what would happen if i didnt get us out of here. I drank a couple cups of coffee to stay awake as i see Charmie walk in with Snoofles and i wave sleepily at them.

Charmies Pov:

I wave back and hand Ray a bottle of 24 hour energy(not sponsored) to help her wake up and sign to her " Here you go Ray, remember to SIP it not chug the entire bottle otherwise you'll crash." I start fixing a plate of food for Snoofles and i, setting his plate on the ground, and eating mine soon after, while plotting ways to kill the guys who try to mess with us.

Rays Pov:

"Thanks also you look well rested sleep well im guessing?" I signed as i take the 24 hour energy (not sponsored). I slowly sip it and it taste like grape so it was weird. I look around and see a few people studying us. I dont like it at all. I turn my head away from them and continue sipping my grape energy.

End of chapter 3

Thanks to Retoole for helping me write this story and hope you get better :(

I dont know when chapter 4 will be uploaded due to one of the wrighters being sick so i will update when i can. Thanks for your patience and support.