
The Adventures of Balder

A soul finds himself in the centre of the void where he is spin the wheel of fortune that would pick the world and the character and three powers he will be born with. English not my fast language and I am doing this to practise my writing

The_Great_Sage_ · Movies
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Reborn

When Caelum now Baldur opened his eyes, he found himself in a golden room lying on a bed in the body of a baby. As he was getting his bearing together the doors to his room suddenly opened and a beautiful woman that had a motherly aura, with blonde hair and green eyes entered the room and headed straight towards him.

'So, this is my mother in this life.' thought Balder as he looked at Frigga inquisitively

"Oh, my baby, Baldur, it seems that you awake." Frigga said as she looked down to Baldur and smiled at him gently as she looked at his brilliant bright blue eyes and golden blonde hair on his head

Frigga looked down at her first born in pride. She was the goddess of magic, family, and marriage. She first met Odin at the end of the wars of the Aesir and Vanir wars. In order to stop the unnecessary deaths between the two clans, she one of the princesses of Vanir and Odin who was the crown princes of Asgard got married. Which resulted in the end of the wars between the two clans and let to the eventual unification of the two pantheons.

At first, she was indifferent towards Odin due to his pride and cruelty at times, but as time went by, she began to grow fond of him because of his dedication towards the protection of his people. As time went Odin father Bor died due to injuries that he sustained in his fight with the dark elves and because of this Odin became the new king of Asgard and she as his queen and together with the might of Odin and her wisdom and magic, they managed to finish the unification between the Aesir and Vanir bringing them into one pantheon.

A year letter after the unification of the two clans she and Odin found that she was pregnant, and nine months letter their first-born son Baldur was born. Frigga came out of her thoughts and looked down at her son and could not help but be drown to him. He had this magnetic aura around him that seemed to draw people in

'He must be hungry but first let wash him and get him changed'

Frigga then proceeded to take Baldur to the bathroom took off his cloths washed him before changing him into cleaner cloths. After that she took him back to his room before she started breast feeding him

As Balder was being breast he could not help but be embarrassed with what was happening to himself. He was not really used to having everything done for, but he was able to quickly get over it as they were nothing that he could about it and like that years quickly went by.

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In a courtyard that was situated in the middle of the golden palace in which the royal family lives. A young man of about 18 years of age could be seen practising with his sword. He looked really beautiful and looked as if he has been crafted by the very gods to embody the perfect physique.

He had should length flowing golden hair and shining light blues eyes, he was dressed in dark blue Asgardian battle amour. The boy was fighting against a 14-year-old girl that was dressed in black and green Asgardian battle amour. She was a beautiful girl with long black hair and blue eyes.

Baldur looked at the girl in front of him. Its had been know 18 years since he had been reborn in this world, and during that time his had to adjust to the world around him including the different culture and language. He also had to adjust his new life as the crown prince of Asgard that his been born in and the responsibility it entailed.

Nothing much really happened in the first five years except spending time with his family and being tutored in the history of the realm as well as how to govern Asgard by my father and mother. His mother would often tell him stories of Vanir and Aesir wars and the unification that happened afterwards that caused peace between the two of them.

His father Odin was a stern and strict individual that gave off the air of ruler that demands respect from everyone and was often busy with his kingly duties, but Baldur was able to feel the emotions of love and pride coming from him every time he would spend time with him. He would tell him about the nine realms and the consistently ongoing conflicts with in them as well as his dream of uniting all the realms under the control of Asgard to stop the conflicts.

When he was four years old the royal family welcomed a new member in the birth of my little sister Hela. She looked so cute and innocent unlike movies where she becomes a bitter and vengeful person hell bent on conquest war and death.

It was also at time it really hit home that this is my new reality and not some dream or fantasy. When he looked at her big blues eyes and so the innocent in the he vowed that he would not allow what happened in the movies to happen to her. And in order to keep that vow he had to become stronger not only to keep himself safe but also to protect his family and friends.

After that he asked his father if he could hire tutors as he wanted to start training to become both a strong warrior and king. When his father asked why he said that he wanted to be strong enough to protect his family, friends, and people and smart enough to govern them wisely. His father smiled at that time before he proceeds to get the best tutors Asgard.

During the coming years he had several instructors that specialised in different fields. My military instructor was an Asgardian named Tyr who was god of war and justice. He was powerful with a strong build and stood and 6,7. He had short black hair, grey eyes, and strong sense of justice. Tyr face showed no emotions with a scar running across his left eye. Tyr was a general in the Asgardian army and fought alongside both his father Odin and grandfather Bor. He was very loyal to Asgard and possessed a vast amount of knowledge and experience in war which made him the perfect choice.

My mother Frigga taught me everything I needed to know about politics and diplomacy. She was a very smart individual that helped my father in the running of the kingdom. It was also from his mother that he began learning magic from she was one of the most powerful sorcerers and the goddess of magic that even taught his father some of her spells. With it I learned different forms of Asgardian magic excelling at things such as transfiguration, shapeshifting, mind magic, illusions and rune magic.

My father was already teaching me about the governance of Asgard and the duties that I was required to do as the king and what was expected of me, how to act like a king, how to command respect and power. He also talked to me about the gods of our pantheon and how we differ from those of different pantheons and different governance between them. He would also tell me stories of his youth and the battles that he would take part in.

Baldur also got interest in Asgardian science and technology which caused my father to get me tutors in them. They taught him everything that he needed to know about Asgardian technology. During years he did not just spend most of my time studying and remembering the promise that I made to my mother in my past life to live free and have fun. So, he would spend most of my time playing music as he had a deep passion for it as well painting and sculpting.

He also made sure to spend time with Hela and developing a strong bond between the two of them as time went by. She had a deep love and admiration for him and would often follow him around, watching him train and would often explore the palace together. When Hela reached five, she also began training mentioning that she wanted to protect me. She was powerful when it came to fighting, she was able to pick up things really quickly.

He was interrupted from his thoughts when Hela swings down her black sword at him he uses his sword and blocks hers. The sound of metal could be heard throughout the courtyard as the two of them began to trade blows with each other as sparks could be seen flying everywhere when the sword scrapped against each other. after a few minutes of mixed sound and shuffling of footwork on the ground balder began to end their as his speed began increasing then he started slashing towards her until he cornered her and forced her to surrender.

"You have really gotten stronger Hela" Baldur smiled towards her

"Even so I can never seem to beat you brother, every time I feel like I have gotten stronger and can beat you. You always seem to grow even more powerful." Hela said with a scowl on her beautiful face

"Hela, you should not compare yourself towards be. You are a really powerful individual and are able to beat a lot of other Asgardian easily all you require now is patience and experience" he said as he rubbed the top of her head

Hela smiled as she the hand on her head and felt the warmth built up within her body. He removed his hand from her head began going into the palace

"Come Hela it's time for dinner, hurry up before mother becomes upset"