
The Adventures of a Powerless Mage

In a world where magic is the core of society and demonic beasts roam wild, an aspiring mage who has no affinity for magic struggles to fulfill his dreams of becoming the greatest magician of all time.

Sandwhichkarp · Fantasy
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11 Chs

First Day of School(2)

Second period for Brennan was government. They did the introductions once again, and went over what they would learn this year. After that, they had a quick break where they were allowed to eat a snack and talk to friends. They then went to magic theory. There, Brennan almost instantly noticed the difference between the inexperienced Ms. Madena and an experienced teacher.

"Hello students, I will be teaching your magic theory in 9th grade." A women in their 50s with professional attire said. "My name is Ms. Jenny, and in this class we will go over magic concepts. In your attribute class you will learn spells, while in this class you will learn how the spells work, how to manipulate mana, and how to use magic array spells. In order to pass this class you will have to create your own original spell by the end of the year.

As you may have noticed, this classroom is bigger than your other classes. This is because when you practice in your attribute classes it would be outside, while all of this class is inside.

Let's go over some basic tools used for practice. First we have the chalk. When you create a magic array you transfer your mana into the ground. You then form the mana until it creates different types of magic arrays. The chalk is there so that you can get used to picturing the patterns on the circles.

Let's have an example. You there" She pointed at Lawrence. "Judging by the color of your hair and your facial features your from the Johnson family. After summer you should already have practiced the family's basic lightning spell, right. Can you demonstrate it for the class?" Everyone was surprised by her amazing deduction.

Lawrence walked up to the open area and kneeled on his right leg. He then placed his right hand on the floor. A strange purple liquid oozed out of his palm and wiggled outwards. Each stream followed a path as if their were crevasses there. They formed 3 concentric circles, the innermost being 7 feet in diameter and the outermost being 12. Lines of fizzing lightning rose from the circles and formed a 3-layer dome around Lawrence.

"As you can see, this dome is very complex and powerful for a basic spell." Ms. Jenny picked up an eraser and threw it at the dome. The lightning struck out and hit the eraser, electrocuting it. "This is very effective against brute strength, but it is still a basic spell in the end. Against higher level spells it is not very effective." She waved her hand at Lawrence's dome and the circles and lightning disappeared, sending Lawrence flying.

For the rest of class she talked about mana. Mana is in your body, but learning how to control it is completely different. There are many factors including controlling the amount, density, and so on. A basic spell cast by a professional can rival an advanced spell cast by an amateur.

After class, Ms. Jenny pulled Brennan to the side.

"Oh, what's going on, is he going to get kicked out of the class because he can't use magic? Not that it matters he's not good looking like Levi or Lawrence." Some girls muttered to themselves as they left.

"Brennan. Do you know why it is possible for magic to have so many factors?" Brennan shook his head. "In the past, many magicians have created "laws" that magic center around, believing it was limited and could be defined. Yet each and every one was proven wrong and that is why we do not teach these laws in magic theory.

There is something I want you to know. Your father was the porter of the 9-Point Hunting Team. He had always distressed over not having magic and sought ways to change that, so he brought Leonardo onto the team to worked with everyone to try and find away around it. He discovered what is known as The Law of Infinite Possibilities, which states that there is no such thing as limitation when it comes to magic.

The only reason magic is thought to be limited is because there is no known way to surpass the limits of the human body, whether that is age or mana. He did however prove something else.

Do you think it's possible to create fire magic arrays without an attribute?"

"No, I do not think it is possible."

"Well that's where you are wrong. Your father proved that it was possible. He was able to cast intermediate level arrays and intermediate spells. We don't know how, but he said it was because of a family heirloom. I don't know what he is referring to, but I am sure you do."

"But if that really is possible then why don't you release it to the public?"

Ms. Jenny sighed." We all wanted to, but what do you think happens when people learn this. First of all, they will all come for the family heirloom. With the difference in treatment and income that a magician gives, people will thirst for it. Second, if everyone finds a way to become a magician, then who will take care of everything else? Government officials that were bound by their no attribute will seek these methods. Beast dissectors will seek these methods. The entire city's economy will be flipped.

But most importantly, It drains your life force. Why do you think your father died at such a young age? He was surrounded by the 9 most powerful people in each element, and was very powerful himself. We don't know this for sure, but when he started using the ring to give himself power he easily got ill and his hair turned white. If you choose to use the heirloom then be careful. That is all, you may go."

Still pondering what she said about his father, Brennan left once again, for his next class. But something struck out about what she said. If there really were no limitations when it comes to magic, why would there be a limitation on mana in the body?


Meanwhile, somewhere in the universe,

"You know, Adam, why are these guys so boring. They're your children, so should they be fighting fiercely between themselves right now? They're so peaceful."

"Well, my personality is about greed and pride, so with the technological advances they would have nothing to fear. Also I don't think infighting would be interesting at this point. Someone would just bomb the whole city and it would be over with."

"I see, then let's give them a stronger enemy. That ought to spruce things up right?"

It's getting SPICY.

Brennan (Last name ?)

Affinities/Element: None

Equipment: None

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