
The Adventures of a Powerless Mage

In a world where magic is the core of society and demonic beasts roam wild, an aspiring mage who has no affinity for magic struggles to fulfill his dreams of becoming the greatest magician of all time.

Sandwhichkarp · Fantasy
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11 Chs

First Day of School(1)

In order to prevent injury Brennan decided he would sleep at home whenever it was allowed. Of course once school started he would not be able to, and made some preparations for renting out his house.

He had not met his roommates officially yet, but it was finally time for school to start. Brennan put on the uniform he received which was a black suit, tie, and dress pants, and a white dress shirt. He combed his hair, put on his shoes, and packed his lunch. Then, he headed out!

The path from the outside of the city to the school, which was between the border of the city and the center, was about 30 minutes on bike.

As expected of one of the biggest schools in the city, the school campus was huge. There were at least 25 buildings each with multiple rooms. There was a huge auditorium, a library, and a giant field at the center of everything. Next to the field was the principals office, where Brennan had met with Uncle Leonardo right after summer break started.

Brennan walked around with his class schedule in one hand, a map in the other, and his backpack on his back. After once again marveling at the size of the school, he went to his first class of the day, which was homeroom. The homeroom teacher that he had was actually Ms. Madena! After an enormous promotion she was now teaching at Brennan's new high school. She had requested that some of her old students were put in her class.

Stepping into the classroom, Brennan was a bit nervous. For one, he felt out of place. Everyone here gave off intimidating looks, with carefully groomed hair and perfectly ironed clothes. Meanwhile he was here with his incorrectly tied tie and untucked shirt. He also didn't know many people here. Most of his old friends would have gone to other non-magic or lower end magic schools. Lawrence was the only one here.

The first thing he noticed was that the room was much bigger. In addition to the 4-person table groups there was a huge space on the side. There was chalk in a box in the corner and marks where circles used to be. The floor in that area was black so that the chalk could show and there were a few targets as well as punching bags lined up against the wall. Overall the first side seemed about the same as in middle school. The other space was used for special training.

Looking at the seating chart on the whiteboard, Brennan was at the back corner across from the door and next to the window. Lawrence, Angela, and someone named Levi were at the same table as him. He sat down in his seat and waited for class to start. There were only a few people here so far, and Ms. Madena sat at her new desk.

She looked more nervous than he'd ever seen her, because she was in the same situation as him. She would get a raise, but that didn't change the fact that her, someone who had never fought a magic beast in her life let alone been on a hunting team, was in a school where teachers were seasoned pros. She had heard that Ms. Jenny, who was teaching magic theory for 9th grade, was the wind magician in the legendary 9-Point Hunting Team! Let alone the city, She was world famous! Even beasts would tuck their tails and run if they saw her on the battle field. How was she going to compete with someone like that!

As more and more people came in, Lawrence and Angela came in as well. The last person called Levi was actually the black-haired boy that was his roommate. Even before the class had started there were already groups of people. Everyone looked at Brennan's group, because it had 3 people from influential noble families, all of whom were top of the class and attractive. Of course everybody else threw jealous looks at Brennan, wondering what some lowly commoner did to get this karma. Many people approached them to make connections, all of whom were kindly turned down.

"Hey Brennan, they're all throwing dirty looks at you. Should I take care of them?" Lawrence asked

"No, you shouldn't. This is inevitable and I don't want to ruin your reputation. Plus, I'm sure I'll be able to prove myself to everyone at some point."

There were 32 students in total, forming 8 table groups. Looking around Brennan noticed that his other 2 roommates were here as well. Ignoring the sound of Angela and Lawrence arguing about whether a bow or sword was better for combat, Ms. Madena started the class.

"Hi everyone, welcome to high school! I'm your homeroom teacher Ms. Madena. In this class we will do daily attendance, and then spend the rest of class doing activities or training. To begin let's have everyone introduced themselves, tell us what affinity you have and what previous training you have done."

First was the noble families.

"Hello, I'm Lawrence from the Johnson family. I have the lightning element and have trained with the sword.

"Hi, I'm Angela from the Walter family and have the esteemed fire element and bloodline. I have trained with the bow, as well as hand to hand combat."

"Hello ladies, I am Levi from the Smith family. I have the shadow element and have trained in assassination techniques passed down in my family."

"I'm Oliver from the Stevenson family. I have the earth element and specialized in hand to hand combat."

Next were the non-nobles. Even though they were not from noble families, these were still influential families. They were asked to share their background.

"I'm J-Jackson O'Reilly. I have the nature element and am a d-descendant of Joseph O'Reilly's brother." Jackson was the boy that was hiding behind Oliver when Brennan went to see their dorm. Who would have thought the insecure looking green-haired boy was a relative of the famed engineer.

The other people were all from big companies that made things like magic affinity orbs, or beast armor and weapons. Of course as usual, the last person was Brennan.

"I'm Brennan. I have worked at Jack and Callie's demonic dissection shop since I was little. One day I will be the greatest magician ever known."

"That dude? He doesn't even have an element. He couldn't even become a magician. He's not even a noble or anything. At least if he was he would have learned some family techniques. How did he even get into the school? Wouldn't he be better off going to a beast dissection school?"

Brennan ignored the various whispers around the class and sat down. He would prove to everyone he had what it takes, no matter how long it took. For the rest of class Ms. Madena reviewed some basic magic information. Finally, their 50 minutes was over and they headed to the next class.

Brennan (Last name ?)

Affinities/Element: None

Equipment: None

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