
the adventures of a forerunner otsutsuki.

In a world of chakra a new being appears. well learned in a galaxy far far away she will have to adapt to this new world. A halo naruto crossover.

moadsfnidnbgni · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

A whole new universe.

Shivallah was in pain. The portal had been destabilised by the flood. that meant she went through EVERY SINGLE DIMENSION. the experience was made especially painful when her otherside tried to adapt to the different dimensions. she could confidently say she can survive in any conditions with enough time.

Shivallah smiled when she saw a relatively normal place. the fact that there was sapient life was very comforting for the girl who hadn't see anything living in decades. the sight of life especially the giant tree in the middle of the planet comforted her. She knew that the tree needed a lifeworker to be created and only a forerunner had the technology for that.

Suddenly she noticed her reconciliation debt starting and paled. she had traveled through so many dimensions that it would take another separate dimension to patch up the holes in space.

she remembered a very important fact. she was drifting in space towards a planet. the planet started to get very big very fast. she knew she was falling. she knew if she didn't stop now her body would just be a very large imprint in the ground.

she commanded her nanobots to stop her fall. when she started floating she noticed something strange. she felt a warm sensation in her gut. she tried to expel it evenly throughout her body but that didn't work. she pushed harder and the warmth fade a fraction.

she didn't know at the time but she now passively released the same amount of chakra as a fully serious hagoromo.

the only reason she wasn't destroying the country was her reconciliation debt absorbing her chakra to fix the universe after her dimensional crash. her chakra would be accessible for a very long time unless she found a way to fix it.

Shivallah sighed and expeled the rest of the warth she was feeling afraid it might be a side affect of breaking the universe. while she did that she didn't realize the affect it was having on others.


Kaguya Pov


" Dammit. this is a waste of time." ishiki was cursing kaguya's relatively small chakra reserves. kaguya knew this meant more time on the experimentation table. ishiki hated not having the answer. he wanted to find out how the oldest daughter of the clan head was this weak. the clan head was strong enough to take over the entire clan by force. this is made more impressive when the previous clan head could spam galaxy level attacks. kaguya was the biggest disappointment of his life. so much so he volunteered her to be sacrificed for the sentient god tree project.

Kaguya felt crushed but understood. she was currently his only weak link, the only way to make him seem incompetent. after all he couldn't protect his daughter from a planetary attack. well the fact his daughter died showed how weak his bloodline actually was. If she had any older siblings this would have been completely avoided. of course her only older sibling was no where to be seen. the only reason anyone knew of there existence was there tablet appearing in the ancestral hall.

kaguya was even more afraid because this made her the most weak expendable noble in existence. she could still destroy a planet but even a basic ranked soldier could do that. Ishiki wasn't a soldier but he was a skilled scientist and that made him valuable. the creation of the kama seal was revolutionary and it gave the softer members of the council a reason to keep insignificant life forms.

for example there was an interesting life form discovered about a decade ago. it was called a pokemon by the natives of the planet. they were animals who were amazing at chakra manipulation.

Kaguya got jerked back to the present by some barely concealed killing intent. ishiki was looking at her with the same expression her father gave her when there was a conflict. he would inject her with drugs and let the majority of the nobles have there way with her in hopes she would have a strong child. this never worked it mostly ended with the weaker nobles imbedded in walls and her completely paralyzed by the amount of malicious intent in the air.

Ishiki smiled and pulled out a vial of the same drug her father used. Ishiki smirked and led several oblivious men behind him. they saw her chained to the bench struggling and the first vestiges of apprehension creeped into their expressions. kaguya started reading their mind and noticed that there was only one mind. the men got closer and she could see sighns of ishiki's tampering. they were altered to make this as unpleasant as possible without dealing any permanent damage. kaguya worked harder to escape only to be hit by chakra so heavy it pushed Ishiki away even when he prepared defences that could stop anything below a B rank technique.