
the adventures of a forerunner otsutsuki.

In a world of chakra a new being appears. well learned in a galaxy far far away she will have to adapt to this new world. A halo naruto crossover.

moadsfnidnbgni · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

A haruspis with chakra is dangerous.

Shivallah pov

I learned my lesson. I will never use up all of that warmth again. the warmth reminded me of entering the domain. As my parents were a haruspis and a theoretical, I have a huge advantage compared to other forerunners based off of my abilities. A half theoretical half haruspis was a huge advantage. I could enter into the domain and understand anything I saw there In a matter of hours. when people created the composer, I was first to volunteer.

I went through the painful process and became something more. I was thousands of times as advanced as abbadon although he still was a ridiculously strong firewall. he thought I was a natural occurrence and allowed me to access neural physics.

from that point on my life was a downward spiral. the ecumunene brought me back into real life but they noticed something. I was inexplicably changed. when I was an extremely advanced rogue ancilla, I found out how to use vacuum energy properly. I remembered when I accidentally destroyed a planet I realized exactly how bad I screwed up. the only problem with neural physics was it connected my mind directly.

the ecumene started using me. I was there most powerful weapon, capable of destroying galaxies and rebuilding them in seconds. the only time I was free was when I was under reconciliation debt. at that time space will not allow anyone to reach me physically or mentally. I was also able to work in peace, altering my mind in ways not even the precursors could´ve imagined. I master the quantum universe. the last time I was sent out, I destroyed the transit dimension. this was very inconvenient for the ecumene simply because they had to use normal TRACKABLE channels. these channels were also less efficient this caused many problems for the council chief among them being; how were they supposed to stop the other forerunners from getting suspicious. I solved that problem on my own.

I found the most disturbing creature I could, then I fed it all of the knowledge of forerunner level technology and my memories. I knew I wouldn't be the same until the halo rings fired. when they did go off during my dimensional journey I felt it. I felt it again later for some unknown reason. It may have been my mind control getting destroyed. I remembered getting blasted through a barrier. it felt worse than going through the composer. the composer is a dangerous machine that can turn matter into code and back again. it isn't good at turning people back. If I didn't already have the knowledge required to travel into the domain unharmed I would be dead.

this chapter isn´t finished but my friend learned my password.

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