
The Adventure of Mr.Thrombey

I need those dragon lilacs to save that woman she is my everything.

lalallalalalalalal · Realistic
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6 Chs


I have hope this young brother. Our Father had put Adryon, five-hundred years into the future of man-kind where the earth had somehow weirdly increased in size. He put him into the body of a deceased married man and as a new man he told not his wife about his journey to find a cure for a new type of disease similar to cancer. So rare in the fact that she got to name it. She thought she would die so she told him to go on a vacation hopefully to forget her and have fun but it has only been a month and he has already traveled to a newly named island on earth near to the location of the island his wife had investigated to find a cure. Now with a band of mercenaries disguised as fishermen and a false identity as a botanist.

I best contact him in his sleep,oh ,he is sleeping now. I guess that is reasonable you never know what type of insects can infect you.

' Adryon.'


He sounded surprised that's surprising.

'Should I call you Alion now? Why are you so surprised anyway?'

'I thought you abandoned me!'

'I was just waiting for the remnants of this body's past soul move on or I would have possibly caused damage to your soul.'

'So why or how are you contacting me?'

'We are in your dream space and I came to tell you that some angels are coming to watch over you for the rest of your journey and new life. '

'Is that so? Well thank you Gabriel.'

'Oh and to remind you again, you only have ten years Alion don't waste them and enjoy your adventure.'

'Gabriel wait!'

'Tell your Father thank you.'

'You can pray and tell Him yourself Alion. He is always there after all. '

I left. I hope he does pray to my Father though.