

I AM TRUTH I AM POWER I AM MAGNIFICENCE I AM MALEVOLENCE I AM LIFE I AM DEATH ... ... ... I AM DRAGO Follow drago on his journey to becoming an unparalleled existence feared and respected by all.. (AN: This purely fictional.. it's hardly backed by any logic whatsoever... so if you like a ridiculously powerful MC with little to no logic behind his powers, this is for you.. otherwise I'm sorry for any offense you pick PS: This us my first book.. I am not especially a good writer so please be nice and bash me kindly)

TheReal_I_G · Fantasy
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31 Chs



And as one voice ended, another began, only this time, it was a monotone voice, like that of a robot, sounding in my head



Should have been what I should've heard, but as usual, it didn't go as it was supposed to,


as I was at a lose at how arrogant and unyielding everything about the arch-dragons seemed to be, I heard a scream out the window, snapping out my thoughts, I rushed to the window with my siblings who now seemed to have woken up from their stupor..

Want we saw out there, was pandemonium and destruction.. buildings, cars, the road, everything was in ruins, with monsters running wild, yes monsters, the kind you'd find in fantasy movies and books, watching as a lady was shredded in three pieces by what seemed like a hybrid mix between a wolf and man..

Indeed, it it was a werewolf, and it was not just that, gigantic insects, what looked like a sabertooth tiger, a flaming furred lion, and all the likes were running wild all over the place killing and destroying everything..

looking at my brothers who for some weird reason had eyes sparkling in excitement and not the usual disgust or fear, I realized that maybe, just maybe, I'm not the only one with screws loose in my head,

"So what do you guys think", I said

"it would seem that this 'Origin record' whatever it is meant what it said by the age of originals" my elder brother, White said.. he was a tall man, with tanned skin, a hair full dar.. "WHATTTTTTTTT" I screamed in disbelief, looking at the rest if my siblings, my eyes widen I absolute shock and disbelief,

"Ugh! why the fuck are you screaming like a wuss", my younger brother, Apollo, said. looking on in disbelief I asked, "what happened to you guys?".. with an expression of confusion they looked at me waiting for me to continue, I simply walked away, and came back with a mirror, showing it to the two, I watched as their eyes slowly widened in disbelief as well, it was then, that they paid attention to me and as if on cue ""WHAT THE FUCK"".. thinking they were surprised at their own looks, seeing as my brother White, who ironically was more tanned in the past now had, flowing multicolored hair that seemed to defy gravity and never falls, pure white irises with flowing arcs of lightening in them, and was now adorned in a royal pure white robe, with a staff floating around him like a child returning to his parents, he looked like some mage straight out a scary fantasy, as for Apollo, his was even more exaggerated, someone I was taller than by a head was now the same height as me and the oldest, his top gone to who knows where due to the bulging muscles that appeared from Gods know where, with golden red scales covering most of his body, curved dragon horns emerging from his temples, bright golden-red hair falling down to his waist and a menacing aura about him..

I was wrong, their screams were no due to their absurd changes, no, turn the mirror over, I froze, golden eyes as blinding as the sun itself stared back at me, long flowing golden hair that seemed to shine announcing their presence, a face one can only described as to perfect to behold by mortal eyes, and a flowing crown of light hovering silently above me.

As I looked at these obvious facial changes from what I should look like, I move the living room mirror, and there I saw it, bright golden scales that shone with an austere allure, 4 pairs of gilded-white wings, that spread for what looked like two meters each, adorned in a glowing battle armor that seemed to merge with my scales, I stood in awe of myself

"so what the hell happened to us" my brother, Apollo who seemed to have gotten more impatient spoke,

"I do not know",white who seemed to have transformed into some otherworldly sage apparently so suddenly spoke,

"it would our true origins are more complicated than we would've thought" as I said this, they turned toward me..

"The origin records, like it's name implies, is meant to return all races under it's jurisdiction to their most primal form, their ORIGINAL so to speak",.. I continued "as you can see from the destruction going on outside, everything is returning back to it's most primal state, to their ancestral origins, wolves to werewolves, some tigers to what I assume is monstrous sabertooths, lions to those flaming monstrosity ", "but there are no tigers or wolves or lions in our vicinity" Apollo spoke while White just nodded in agreement

"Yes you're right" I spoke, then continued " but, there are dogs, cats, ants, humans, insects...." their eyes widened as they seem to realize what I meant..

Apollo, "you mean.." "it is exactly as you have thought, everything is returning to most primal origin in their genes, some humans might turn into apes, some might even turn into other humanoid being, even werewolves might be gotten from some humans, it all depends on their ancestry".. "so we?" white asked this time around

"indeed, it would seem our genes have a rather peculiar ancestry and origin, and if I am not wrong, it should be one of extremely powerful descent"

"and how do you know all this" he asked

"well, let's just say, my own transformation came with alot of information, but before that" I stopped...

looking at both of them I smiled, "why don't we open our panels and see just what information we'll gleam" and so with anticipation in our eyes, we uttered in strange unison


I seem to be dumping more info the more I go.. but I should get all out by the first 1-15chapters, hopefully..

Today's chapters (1/3) might do more.. it's not settled yet

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