
The Advent of Spirits

"Where am I"? "Hey, you're finally awake. Come, let's play" "Who am I"? "Ehhh, Shido, you had forgotten everything already?" "What is happening to me?" "I don't know. I just woke up as well." A young boy could be seen wandering around the streets, not knowing anything about himself. Except the fact that he wields powers, quirks, as society called them and how to wield them. He had no recollection of his family, friends, names. The only thing he has was a puppet on his left hand that seemed to have a life on its, no his own. Follow his journey on discovering who he was. ***************** Volume 1: Hero or Villain (MHA/BNHA/My hero Academia) Volume 2: E***** and C********* () Volume 3: W**-**** e** () Volume 4: M**** and K****** () Volume 5: S************ () Volume 6: S****** and D**** () Volume 7: A******** in the S** () Volume 8: M******* and L****-** () Volume 9: F***** () ***************** Disclaimer: The pictures were found on internet and I took the liberty to edit them a little. The original pictures does not belong to me, and so are the contents of the original manga, anime, and light novels. They all belong to their respective creators and owners, and only the main character is my creation.

Spirits_everywhere · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 13: Meeting All Might (II)

"I'm home!" A voice suddenly sounded from the front door as Shido was just about to continue eating again.

"Ooh, All Might is back!" Shido said excitedly. He quickly mosaiced himself. He was waiting for him for the entire day already.

"Oh hello there young...man? So what are you doin-WAIT! WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!" All Might suddenly screamed, instantly transforming to his muscular form.

"Oh. Hi there! You may have heard of me before. My codename is Phantom. I'll be living here with you from now on!" Shido tilted his head and introduced himself.

""EHHHHH!!!!"" Both All Might and Yoshinon were surprised.

"You never told me about this!" Yoshinon used his two little hands/paws to grab his collar and shook him back and forth.

All Might who saw this scene, calmed down and rationalised his thoughts first. 'So he's Phantom. What is he doing in my house? Does he know about my condition? What is his motive?'

"I didn't? It must have slipped my mind then." Shido shrugged before going back to eating his ramen. As he ate, All Might just continued staring at him, wondering how he ate if he mosaiced his mouth.

After finishing the ramen, Shido placed the dishes in the sink before going back to All Might,"Once again, let me introduce myself formally. My name is Phantom, and I'm going to be staying here with you." Shido smiled brightly, but All Might couldn't see it.

"Ummm...can I ask why? Don't you have your own house? And for starters, I don't even know anything about you except maybe that you're a male from your voice, unless you can fake that as well." All Might questioned him.

All Might wasn't in a good state. He was a very skinny man with sharp, angular features and long limbs, his neck long and his eyebrows absent. He possessed a large scar that covers most of the left side of his chest.

"Hmmm...good question! I actually don't know!" Shido thought for a while before replying back cheerfully.


"Anyway, can I know your name, All Might? Since we're going to live together, let's get to know each other better!" Shido didn't care for the silence present and continued talking.

"...Toshinori Yagi. You can call me Toshinori. And what is that puppet on my table and how is it able to talk?" Toshinori stayed silent for a while before ultimately deciding to tell him his name. He got a feeling that even if he didn't tell him anything, he would be able to find out sooner or later. And if he was going to find out anyways, he might as well establish a good connection with him. Phantom was an enigma, no one could catch him. Since he was here in his house, as part of his duty as the number 1 hero, he might as well ensure that he doesn't become a villain.

In Toshinori's mind, he doesn't follow the standard rules. As long as he or she did not commit crimes like robbing, murder and rape, he would only give them a warning before letting them go. Shido's public concert wasn't considered a 'crime' in his eyes, even though the law states that he can't use his quirk in public. However, since he did not interrupt people's daily lives, or cause harm to anyone, he remained silent about his acts.

"Uncle Toshinori? Alright, I shall call you that then. The puppet over there eating the apple is Yoshinon, and he's my childhood and best friend. You can call me Shido. No family name, just Shido. I'm seven years old this year, going to be eight next year! I'm a boy by the way, if you can't tell." Shido blurted out everything except his quirk. It wasn't like he had anything to lose anyway. It wasn't like anyone could kill him even if they knew his particulars.

"Etto...okay." Toshinori felt awkward as he didn't expect Shido to tell him everything. He thought he would have to make him trust him more first before he would tell him anything, but things went unexpectedly well.

"Anything else you want to know? As long as it isn't confidential like my quirk I'll tell you." Shido continued.

"Nothing else for now. So why did you come here? Let me rephrase that, why do you want to live here?" Toshinori had asked himself this many times within the 5 minutes of conversation he had, but could find no reason for the mysterious Phantom to live here with him.

"Shido wants to fight you." Yoshinon replied quickly.

"Fight me? You want to live here because you want to fight me?" He was astounded, before quickly sighing,"If you want to fight me, I am afraid that I would have to decline you. As much as I want to fight you, I cannot. As you have already seen, or already known judging from your neutral expression after seeing me in my weakened form, I can only do three hours of hero work per day before my body gives up. Any longer than that, my condition would worsen."

Shido said nothing but continued looking at him.

Seeing his eyes filled with expectation of fighting him, Toshinori sighed once again. "Look Young Shido, If I were to fight you, my time for doing hero work would be reduced and I wouldn't be able to save the extra person otherwise.

Furthermore, if you want to fight me, you must be confident in at least fighting to a draw with me, meaning that there would be probability of injuries occurring. If I get injured from a spar for no reason at all, it would further worsen my injuries.

Sir Nighteye had already predicted my future, and within five years, I would die. I don't want to do anything to aggregate my injuries. So I'm sorry Young Shido, but I will have to decline the fight."

Shido heard his reasoning and internally agreed with him. His reasoning would make sense, if it weren't for his existence. He was an anomaly. And an anomaly messes up the future.

"But what if I tell you I can heal you back to full health?" Shido dropped the bomb.


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