
The Adamas Project: Restoration

"This is the only way to save you." The deadly disease infects many adolescents around the world. They only have ten years to live. Arthur became one of the many teenagers infected with the disease. He began to feel seizures and had difficulty speaking to moving. Both parents took Arthur to be treated with a particular method, brain nerve recovery with a full dive treatment method. The patient will dive into an artificial world to train sensory and motor skills. Scientists call it The Adamas Project. This is the only way that can cure patients quickly. The patient will live in a new world in a medieval setting to form a strong mind. This is how scientists train new capabilities of a 'damaged' brain. But the big risk comes. Patients who die in the artificial world will die in the real world. Arthur accepted the risk for his recovery. But will he be able to complete his treatment in the artificial world?

Rafaiir_ · Games
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156 Chs



The initial plan for the first practice with Allegiance failed. I have to use my sword due to Seth's arrival. I was worried that if I insisted on practicing using a spear, it would raise suspicion in Seth's mind.

He chose to join me in training. He admitted that he had no one to study with; the adventurers he met didn't want to train him for various reasons. I don't mind it. Maybe he will join the practice only today.

However, the reality is different. He came back for the second time, even a third time. I even put Allegiance in Eve's house because he kept coming. Eve also looked so excited when she trained me on the swordsmanship she was good at.

The third exercise was the opening of our friendship. I started to ask about things outside of training, like skills and guilds. I purposely provoked him about the guild in hopes that Seth could tell me whether he was in a certain group or not or even plans to join one.

"I haven't followed any of them yet," explained Seth, stretching his legs forward during his training break.

"Nothing yet? Aren't you a Templar? There must be groups of adventurers who want you to be a part of them."

"There were several offers, but I turned them down. I'm the type of player who likes to be alone," Seth replied, smiling pleasantly.

"Oh, I see. I have something to ask you," I said.

"Go ahead."

"Have you ever heard of the Three Knights Alliance?" I asked, making sure.

"I've heard about it. They're a large group that often helps other adventurers or Adamas in trouble," Seth replied.

The young man still didn't know the bad side of the group. Moreover, he didn't seem to know the group's main purpose as much as Ethan had explained.

"Are you interested in joining them?" I asked; Seth started to focus his eyes firmly on me.

"What about you? I'll answer after you answer."



If asked such a thing, there was no single reason for me to join them, whether as a Templar or a Paladin. So, my decision regarding my interest in joining the Three Knights Alliance group is none.

"No. I'm a typical solo player."

"That's right, isn't it? I think being a solo player is more fun than a group," explained Seth, apparently agreeing with my words.

"So you're not going to join them?" I asked; Seth nodded in agreement.

We talked for a long time without realizing that our conversation was being watched by Eve. The woman was sitting with the sword she had next to me. He smiled; for some reason, he smiled at me, who suddenly turned to him.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Looks like my Arthur already has a new friend, huh?" Eve asked, smiling seductively.

"He's my training partner. Isn't it natural that I talk to him a lot?" I asked, making sure.

Eve nodded her head with a smile spread across her face. We had only been friends in the third practice session when she found it difficult to keep up with Eve's technical speed.

If I think back, Eve's technique wasn't a sword technique used by novice knights like Seth and me. However, by studying it. So you could say that we are better than the other Adamas.

"Sure. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just that you need to know that you two are different." Eve glanced sharply at Seth, who was sitting opposite me. Her mind must have been stirred with rage when she saw a Templar nearby.

"Different? What do you mean?" Seth asked, confused.

"Our swords are different. That's the difference she meant. Right? I asked, smiling forcefully as I looked at Eve, who was still looking at Seth with a different expression.

"Oh, I see."

I started packing, and so did Eve and Seth. That day's training was sufficient, according to Eve. I've also checked my status information. During this one week, my level had risen to level 7.

I don't know what the level changes Seth or Eve got were like. However, I'm sure they must get almost the same level up like me. I thought training with weapons, whether swords or spears, would be more helpful in EXP points than regular physical training.


Next day.

Today was a day off, but Seth suddenly came and asked me to go hunting for wild rabbits. At first, I refused because the forest area in this village was unknown to me. However, Seth assured me that he knew for sure the forest where many rabbits were.

"They said that by hunting forest animals, we can get more EXP points than just regular training," Seth explained, what he thought was true.

I will not be stuck in training forever to collect experience points. I also have to go outside in the sense of places usually used to increase levels, whether forests, caves, or borders.

I also agreed with Seth's suggestion. I immediately took my sword and stick. By bringing Allegiance along, I'm confident I can cast the first skill I've never tried.

Seth led me into the forest on the same route he was about to go to practice. We left the training ground and started looking for various types of forest animals to hunt. Seth said beginner adventurers often do this to increase EXP or find animal skins/furs to sell.

"If we walk deeper, I'm sure we can find the animal we're looking for." Seth pointed to the forest's depths with the index finger of his right hand. I nodded and let the young man take me somewhere I didn't know.

What he said is right. We met several animals, from hedgehogs, rabbits, and coyotes, to deer. I immediately thought, why didn't I order a bow and arrow if it happened like this.

"I'll catch up with the first one."

Seth began to draw his sword and walked toward one of the animals excitedly. I did the same, chasing some animals to hunt.

If I saw Seth do it swinging a sword, then I chose to throw my sword at them in hopes of getting hit. What I did prove accurate and did not take more energy.

I held three wild rabbits of almost the same size in my hands. After I defeated those monsters, an alert message popped, telling me that I'd already earned 10 EXP points.


"You're right. It's easier than regular training," I said, pleased to see the EXP notification on my face.

"That's right, isn't it? What I'm telling you is true," Seth replied.

He ran increasingly into a different place, leaving me, who was still busy sneaking around to catch other forest animals. Then, just as I had locked onto my fourth target, I gasped in surprise to see that the rabbit's stomach had been attacked with an arrow.

"Arrow?" I asked, surprised.

I quickly turned around and looked behind me. A young man looked the same age as me doing the same hunt as Seth and I. He looked back at me and started walking toward his bunny.

"Hunting with a sword? You suck!" accused the young man, making me furious.

"What? Don't be arrogant just because your arrows are suitable for this hunt!" I said.

I saw the blue sensor clearly displayed above his head. Now, I'm even warier. I don't know why so many blue sensor owners accidentally come to me.

"A Janissary?" I asked; he looked startled as he turned his gaze to me.

"Oh, you're an Adams too? I take my word for it; a Templar can't hold a weapon other than a sword," said the young man apologetically.

Seth arrived with two bunnies in his hand. He greeted me and asked to end the hunt this time; I saw his face and body were full of sweat. He must be feeling really tired.

"Y-You? Who are you?" Seth asked, nervous to see the young Janissary presence in this place.

"My name is Alain Lavaud. As you can see, I'm a Janissary archer," answered the young archer, who turned out to be Alain.

Now, two people close to me need to be watched. Their sudden arrival and meeting with me was no accident. So I really have to watch out for those two.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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