
The Adamas Project: Restoration

"This is the only way to save you." The deadly disease infects many adolescents around the world. They only have ten years to live. Arthur became one of the many teenagers infected with the disease. He began to feel seizures and had difficulty speaking to moving. Both parents took Arthur to be treated with a particular method, brain nerve recovery with a full dive treatment method. The patient will dive into an artificial world to train sensory and motor skills. Scientists call it The Adamas Project. This is the only way that can cure patients quickly. The patient will live in a new world in a medieval setting to form a strong mind. This is how scientists train new capabilities of a 'damaged' brain. But the big risk comes. Patients who die in the artificial world will die in the real world. Arthur accepted the risk for his recovery. But will he be able to complete his treatment in the artificial world?

Rafaiir_ · Games
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156 Chs


"The total is 10 gold coins," said the blacksmith man; he told me the price that matched Eve's prediction.

I took out a small black cloth bag containing ten gold coins to pay for the services of the blacksmith who had helped forge my weapon. The man accepted the gold bag I gave him and counted the number of coins in it.

"Are you not going to buy armour to protect your body?" asked Eve.

My eyes turned away, looking at the tall woman standing beside me. I think it's too rushed for now. I'm afraid that if the armour mass is too heavy, it will make it difficult for me to move.

"I don't know. I guess I haven't thought about that at the moment," I explained, slinging my sword on my left wrist, and hooking it to the hook on the belt of my pants.

In different to the sword, the black stick is the camouflage of the spear I hold tightly and carry with me anywhere, just like any standard accessory. People didn't suspect anything about the stick I was having, not even looking at them.

"Perhaps to cover up your appearance, so you don't look that shabby, I recommend you to wear a long robe that can cover your body up to your knees," suggested Eve.

Cloak? Ah, the long cloth covering my upper and lower body. Makes my image feel so mysterious in the eyes of the people who see it. I'm not sure I'd wear something like that like a hick.

"Good suggestion. I'll think about it," I said, nodding as I looked down at the road leading to Eve's house.

Just as I passed a bakery, Eve called out to me and told me to come over. I did what she ordered. She was seen standing with her eyes staring at the glass cupboard containing warm bread that had just come out of the grill.

"Would you like to bring some for our lunch in the field?" asked Eve; I couldn't refuse what she had to offer, considering the taste of the bread in this shop was delicious.

"Sure, if you don't mind," I said. Eve smiled and started pointing at some of the bakery's favourites on the menu.

The woman bought five warm buns wrapped in a brown paper bag. Eve immediately invited me to return to the house before starting practice on the field we usually go to.

Eve walked into the house, waiting for her to be ready for practice. I waited for her while looking at the fish pond, my favourite place in the house. Somehow the number of fish in it is increasing; I don't think I've ever seen Eve bring fish from downtown.

The door opened, and the sound of wood creaking clearly signalling Eve was ready with her equipment and clothes. I immediately turned my body and looked at the woman standing tall beside me.

"Are you ready?" Eve held her spear in her right hand. I immediately stood up by showing the black stick I had just got from the blacksmith shop. Using this spear, I want to know what it's like to practice using my weapon.

"I'm ready. Let's go."


I press the circle button on the stick I'm holding. Instantly the staff transformed into a long spear with sharp blades. I gripped Allegiance tightly – the spear's name – and tried to spin it like a majorette.

"You look comfortable wearing it," Eve said, her eyes looking at me in awe.

"I don't know why I seem to have gotten used to using spear-type weapons for a long time," I said.

After I got this spear, this curiosity started to arise to see the status information I had. My hands began snapping fingers and displaying my status information. Everything seemed normal; there wasn't even a significant change from my practice yesterday.

However, something appeared. A red dot that I assumed was a warning there was something that needed to be changed. The dot appeared in my class section, raising my curiosity even more.

Immediately, I pressed another notification screen that showed the character's status. However, that section appears locked and displays another alert message telling me to choose the primary weapon my character will use.

[You have to choose the primary weapon to use?]

[Convergence || Sword ] [ Allegiance || Spears ]

Such a word order appears. I have to press one of the weapons I will use as the primary weapon. However, another question arises. What is the difference between the primary weapon and the other ordinary weapons?

Being different from other class types would be a bit advantageous for me. Because of that thought, I chose the spear as the primary weapon. My finger pressed the button that said 'Allegiance || Spear' slowly.

Right after I pressed, the character's status opened again. The focus of these two eyes began to stare at the five-skill circle at the bottom of the body chart in character status. Furthermore, there are the same red dots as at the beginning; I think this is an early sign that my first skill has appeared.

"Do you know what it is?" I asked, pointing to the part of the circle with the roman numeral one

"Probably skills. I heard that every Adamas has up to five skills. You've only unlocked one skill out of all available," Eve explained, squinting at my status screen with seriousness.

"Is that so, huh?"

When I click on the skill, an alert message again tells me to choose between the two proposed names. The two marked 'White Ordo and 'Red Ordo are apparently completely different.

"What's the difference between the two?" I ask.

"Hmm, I can't answer it. I've never seen the character status of an Adamas before," Eve explained; she said she had no idea what I was asking.

"Looks like we need to talk about this with someone," I said.


I shook my head; that guy wasn't what I wanted to ask. I prefer to ask the guild officers about this, search in the library for information by reading related books, or check my status information if there is a manual page.

"All right. I'll help you. I know a few people who know exactly what an Adamas is. Maybe he can help you," Eve explained.

I nodded gratefully. I couldn't do this without her. She immediately began training while taking her spear. The woman said that today's training would be divided into two parts, physical and technical.

"Your body is strong enough to swing the spear; you should have no trouble demonstrating my technique."

"Okay," I said, gripping the spear handle with both hands.

Just as we were about to warm up before practice, a loud noise came from behind my back. Eve and I both turned our heads to see who had made such a noise.

A young boy appeared, almost the same stature like me, only he looked bigger. He has a blue cursor over his head, indicating he's one of the Adamas. Suddenly I immediately turned my spear into a wooden stick as camouflage.

"What are you doing?" Eve asked firmly.

"Sorry for interrupting your practice. I was escaping from a swarm of bees that stung me while resting under a tree," he said, his voice shaking.

The young man suddenly looked at me with a surprised look. Then, he pointed at me enthusiastically while his eyes were looking over my head. I'm sure he was as shocked as I was when I met Galahad.

"Y-You are an Adamas?" he asked, widening his eyes.

"Yes. My name is Arthur Mason," I explained, walking over to him.

"I'm Seth. Seth Richards. A holy knight Templar," explained the young man named Seth; he introduced himself very well.

"So am I," I continued, smiling.

"You're a Templar?"

I nodded. Becoming a Templar is an excellent choice for camouflage. I don't know yet who Seth really is and whether he has any relation to the Three Knights Alliance or not?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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