
The Achievement Junkie

**SEQUEL is live and updating!!** "Outclassing the Achievement Junkie" ***COMPLETED!!!*** ---Book 1 of 10 in the Quillverse--- Jack, the “Achievement Junkie”, is the greatest menace known to all servers! His merits have no end, and neither does his shamelessness. If it will earn him an achievement, then he’s more than willing to commit the deed. But after earning every achievement inside his favorite MMORPG, Jack earns the ultimate bonus quest and is summoned into the game’s world. Only, it’s no longer a game. And it’s 1,000 years later than the in-game timeline Jack is familiar with. Armed with what the locals consider ancient knowledge, Jack starts his journey from lv. 1 in a class he never knew existed. He must hurry to uncover the secrets behind the apocalyptic Godly War from 500 years ago, and do everything he can to prevent it from happening again. But after learning those secrets, Jack soon decides that a war is exactly what the gods need, so long as he’s the one in charge! --------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/akzn9SM5k9 **Note: You do NOT need to read my "Quillverse" series in order, but some books will have tie-ins or shared characters further back or further forward on the cosmic timeline.

TheSilverQuill · Games
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739 Chs

Holy Gods Spectating

"Can you picture it? An army of thousands of lv. 60's and lv. 50's marching onto Gilga, stampeding it to smithereens? What a glorious sight!"

Tralon was unsure what felt worse, the electric shock constantly coursing through his body or his heart tightening uncontrollably. Each was unbearable.

As Thyron continued to laugh and Tralon prepared to teleport away, they both heard the whistle of the wind.

Thyron jumped back and groaned in pain. Lightning Cage was instantly dropped as that arm of Thyron's pressed into his bleeding side. The spokesman took a few deep breaths and spied the latest combatant to join the battle.

"Tralon, are you--"

"I'm fine." Tralon rushed to his feet, coughing up some blood as he did so. "Be careful of his Lightning Cage and his earth type spells."

Without another word, Tralon teleported away in a flash of light.