
Dive! Dive! Dive!

Jack quickly gathered his things and left Gasnon's home with only a goodbye. He stored what he called beautiful armor and left, leaving long after Moranti and just before the sun began to rise.

As Jack blinked into his courtyard, He was glad to see food on the table. All of his wives were waiting for him at the table thanks to his earlier communication and warning of his need for a fast breakfast. They didn't say much or do anything special but they all enjoyed the slapdash breakfast that Maura had thrown together with toast, sausages, and a morning fruit salad.

Once Jack plowed through a couple of plates, he let loose a long sigh and gave each of the women a hug and kiss goodbye. After reassuring them of his imminent return, Jack teleported away. 

Reappearing elsewhere in the restricted area of the Leisure Guild, Jack smiled and knocked on the door before him. Immediately, Jack's hand was grabbed and the hero was dragged inside.