
Cheering Up Zariff

"Come on, Jack. Tell us more!" begged Eliza, hugging him from behind.

"I can't Eliza… It's for the best of everyone. Trust me…" Jack sighed, a lot on his mind.

"Hmmm…" Maura set down a platter of ribs and a heaping bowl of mashed potatoes. "You're acting unusual…"

"Can you blame me?" 

"No… But you're not acting that shocked either. I guess your double already knew so it wasn't a surprise, but I sense that you're up to something," reasoned Maura, sitting down beside Jack.

Eliza moved and sat on the other side as Daliea entered the courtyard and sat across from Jack.

"Daliea, don't do it. You could ruin everything." 

Sighing, Daliea teetered her head back and forth. "I know… Palpo already warned me and forbid it…"

"Ah, come on! How else can we get it out of him?" Eliza jokingly whined.