
25. Georgina

I don't know if I just asked the stupidest question ever or something, but now I wanted to decline and yet my heart says no.

I'm not stupid, I have already addressed the feeling I have for Austin. He is something else, he is more than just a friend now! I'm falling for him. The longer we hangout and see each other, the harder I fall.

I cannot believe that all the things that we did in the past few months was the kind of relationship I crave for. I want a fun, chill relationship where I can just be myself and feel free!

Austin gave that to me without even asking what I really want, he made it all for me without a single effort! I may hate him the very first time I met him, but the funny thing is that maybe others are really be saying the truth when they say opposite do really attracts.

Sean is a really great man, I love him! I wouldn't agree on arrange marriage if I wasn't so because I know that I have the capabilities of rebelling against my dad. However, I see my dad on Sean, he's fund of fancy stuff, business, building a huge empire. He changed by the time we finished college and when he finally took over the corporation of his family and mine. Not to mention the long distance relationship!

"Hey G? Space to Earth?"

"Oh!" I said realizing that I was spacing out in front of him. "Err, I--I have other things to do! I have some clients to meet, actually. I can't."

He was silent and rest his back on the car door massaging his mustache studying me. "Did someone have ever told you that you're bad at lying?"

Oh goodness!

"What?" I said trying to laugh. "I'm most definitely not lying!"

He just chuckled followed by a huge sigh. "You know it's alright with me if you'll just decline."

He then fixed his seating position and the atmosphere just shifted, or should I say his playful expressions vanished replacing it with his facial expression that I see on his game highlights on YouTube. He looked really serious, or maybe bothered. I don't know! I can't tell.

"I was just trying to savor our last few moments together right before we sign those fucking divorce papers."


"And besides, I'm going back to Scottsdale this weekend. I'm going to miss you."

And those last words caught me up, causing me to almost hyperventilate. I can't barely breathe.

"Don't play that shit on me." I only said trying myself to calm down, controlling my voice not to freaking shake.

"I'm serious!"

"Are you guilting the heck out of me to hangout with you today?"

"Hey you said that! I didn't!"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course you are!"

I just released a large sigh finally deciding to agree on his request. I mean, I want to do it too anyway! We'll separate ways soon enough, the circumstances and situation is not in favor of us. We can't be together, so we might as well just enjoy each other's company as friends then who knows where our lives will be after the divorce is done!

Gosh! I'm saying it like it's as if we actually got married for real!

"So where to?"

"Ha! Let me drive."

"Absolutely not!"

"Oh come on!"

I rolled my eyes again and unbuckles the seatbelt and changed position with him.


"Really? We drive all the way here only to drive bicycles?" I complained when Austin brought me to Toronto Island and rented some bicycles to go around the park.

He nodded smiling. "Yup! And we're gonna go get some ice cream somewhere."

I laughed in complete disbelief as I shake my head! I cannot believe this two hundred pound world well-known hockey player who's known for being a beast in the ice enjoys this kind of things!

"What?" He asks.

I continue laughing still staring at his gorgeous brown eyes.

He tilt his head grinning. "You're judging me. I know that face Georgina!"

Oh! I love it every time he calls me by my real name. He gives me legit butterflies on my stomach. Fuck this!

I only managed to smile. "So! Where's my own bicycle then?"

"Uhh-- you can't do that! You're wearing a dress." Austin says.

"Oh!" I said glancing at my own outfit. I'm literally wearing a blue day dress paired with some white sneakers.

"Just seat here!" Austin suggested pointing at the small space in front of him.

I haven't sat on the bike yet, but I can already picture me and Austin looking like a legit couples in 80's strolling around the park. Damn! What was I thinking?

"You know I can just hop on the back." I insisted.

"You can't, plus it's safer if you sit here in front." Austin says. "Come on."

I sighed and obliged. We're closer than ever by the time I sat on the bike, I felt his breathe on my neck and shoulders. My whole body tingles as I get surrounded by his tattooed arms gripping the bicycle, the sweet sensation of my back touching his chest turns my head in a complete haze.

As he starts driving I couldn't help but chuckle. "Jezz! I've never done this in so long!"

"Really?" Austin asks.

"I guess the last time was when I was a kid!" I said and giggled like a complete kid. "Where are we heading Matthews?"

"We'll just go around the park. Find some food on the way, or maybe ice cream!" Austin said.

We drive around the park laughing and enjoying like a complete kid! Some kids even shouted calling Austin's name but he just waved without looking at whoever those kids are.

"Oh my god! No one hand please!" I shouted.

Austin laughs. "Relax! We're good."

"We'd better be!" I shouted again.

We stopped for a bit to eat some ice cream, as what he have always been craving. And after that we proceeded on biking around the park again...

Austin found a place that there's only few people overlooking a very nice view of the whole park. We made a stop there. I sighed, I'm in complete bliss right now. And as the air kisses my skin, I have never felt so free.

In complete surprise, I found myself resting my back at Austin's chest smiling. I felt his heartbeat down my back.

"Are you exhausted, eh?" I ask.

He chuckles a bit. "Nope! I'm good G."

I sighed making myself comfortable. "I'm having so much fun, this is fun."

I heard him sigh and then slowly, he laces his arms around my shoulder, I gladly let him.

"Thank you!" I said resting my head.

"Anything for you G."

And my whole body just melts when he suddenly kisses the side of my forehead.

I'm in great trouble!