
28. Chapter 28

Maya managed to finish her first two Duolingo lessons minus the listening sections because she didn't want to wake Carina. She made a mental note to ask someone to give her her headphones because she was pretty sure this would go a lot better if she could hear the words.

However, before she could open the third lesson, she felt Carina moving next to her, putting her phone down as Carina woke up, deciding not to tell her wife she was trying for probably the tenth time to learn Italian.

"Did you have a good nap?" Maya asked, leaning over carefully and kissing Carina's forehead.

"Si," Carina yawned, "Did Andy and Jack leave?"

"A while ago, yes," Maya nodded, "You slept almost an hour and a half. How are you feeling?"

"Ok," Carina said, stretching a little bit, "I just wish I wasn't so tired."

"Rest is good for you," Maya said, "That's what you always tell me. Plus, it'll help you finish fighting off the infection. You are looking much better today."

"Are you saying I looked bad before?" Carina asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," Maya said, trying to backtrack, "No. You always look amazing, but you look like you are feeling better and you look less pale and more like yourself and…"

"I am joking Bambina," Carina said, stopping her rambling, "I know I was looking rough the past few days because I felt awful. My tummy is still not quite settled all the way, but it is not nearly as bad as it had been so I am not surprised I am starting to look a little less bad. You are also looking like you are feeling better."

"I am," Maya nodded, sitting the bed up a bit, "I was actually thinking of maybe pulling out the puzzle Diane brought for me yesterday?"

"She brought you a puzzle?" Carina asked, confused.

"Oh yeah, I guess I didn't tell you about that suggestion," Maya said, "She said puzzles might help keep my mind focused on something other than my anxiety and she left me one. It's somewhere with our stuff."

"I'll go find it," Carina said, getting up, noticing another bag sitting on the couch before she found the puzzle.

"Who brought these back?" Carina asked, realizing it was her sweatshirt and other clothes Travis had taken yesterday.

"Jack," Maya said, "He said Vic washed all of it at the station and told him to bring it back today."

"That was really nice of both of them," Carina smiled, deciding not to put her sweatshirt back on yet, not quite so desperate for its comfort as she had been recently, "Oh, here's the puzzle."

"Thanks," Maya said as Carina set it on the table, moving it so Maya sound reach it.

Carina grabbed her phone as she sat down on the bed, quickly texting Vic and telling her thank you for washing her clothes and making sure she got it back. She then looked over to see Maya carefully sorting the puzzle pieces, the process slow because she only had use of one hand.

"Can I do it with you?" Carina asked, unsure if this was something Diane had told Maya to do alone.

"Of course," Maya nodded, "I'm putting all the middle pieces in this box and leaving all the edge pieces on the table."

"Ok," Carina nodded as she started working with her wife.

They had maybe sorted half the pieces when there was a knock on the door, Ty and Joanna coming in again.

"Hey," Maya smiled, "Is it already time for more therapy?"

"Only if you are up to it," Ty said, "How are you feeling after this morning's session?"

"Good," Maya said, "I am ready to move more."

"Alright," Ty said, "Ready to try that roll maneuver again?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "Let's do it."

Carina got up, moving the table so Ty and Joanna could move Maya over.

"Were you working on a puzzle?" Ty asked as he and Joanna got in place.

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "It's something my therapist thought would be useful, keep my mind engaged in something."

"That's smart," Ty said as he nodded to Joanna, the two of them fluidly moving Maya to the other side of the bed, "Alright, now, here is the pillow. Do you remember how to do this?"

"Roll my entire body at the same time, use my left arm to push up while brining my legs over the entire time keeping the pillow on my abdomen?" Maya said, having run this maneuver in her head probably fifty times since she first did it that morning.

"You got it," Ty nodded as he and Joanna got into place in case Maya got herself into trouble, "Whenever you are ready."

Maya rolled her body carefully, smiling as she locked eyes with Carina once she was on her side. Carina gave her a small thumbs up as the injured woman took a few breaths in this position, just allowing her body to get used to it before she got ready for the next maneuver. That also went well and soon enough, Maya was sitting up, smiling at her wife.

"Good job Bambina," Carina smiled as Ty and Joanna got everything set up for when Maya was ready to stand.

"Ok," Maya said, looking at her physical therapists, "I'm ready."

"Go for it," Ty said, nodding as he made sure he was there to catch Maya should this go wrong.

Once the blonde was upright and Joanna had taken the pillow, she took a few deep breaths.

"You alright?" Ty asked, making sure he was supporting Maya.

"Yeah," she said, nodding, "Just…tired maybe. And achy. I'm good to walk though."

"Bambina," Carina warned, knowing that her wife was notorious for pushing too hard.

"I'm good," Maya promised, "I think it's just from being still for so many hours. Let's walk."

Maya took several steps, noticing for the first time that the back of her gown was not closed as much as she wanted.

"Can someone close my gown?" Maya asked, "I feel like my ass is hanging out."

"It is," Carina said, coming up behind her and trying to tie a better closure, "Why do you think I enjoy standing behind you so much?"

"Shut up," Maya said, feeling her face turn bright red before she looked at Ty, "When can I wear real clothes?"

"That is a question for Dr. Grey and OT," Ty said, "I can put in a request for someone to look at that possibility though. You are probably not going to be able to get into pants until the stitches come out of that leg and it heals a little more, but maybe a shirt or a dress?"

"I don't even think I own any dresses that would be remotely appropriate for this," Maya said, thinking as she went to take another step, only to realize she needed her full attention on walking as her leg muscles did not engage in the way they should have, causing Joanna and Ty to quickly grab onto her.

"Are you alright?" Ty asked as they continued to steady Maya.

"Yeah," the blonde said, "I just wasn't thinking about my step and didn't get my muscles ready properly I think."

"Ok," Ty said, "Are you feeling up to another step?"

"I think so," Maya said, nodding.

"Ok," Ty said, "We are just going to hold you for the next few alright?"

"Sounds good," Maya said as Carina moved from being behind her to in front of her.

"Bambina, are you sure?" Carina asked, looking at Maya's face for any signs of pain or distress.

"Carina, I am fine," Maya said, looking at her wife, "I just wasn't paying enough attention to my body. I promise I will tell you if I need to stop, ok?"

"Ok," Carina nodded, trying hard to believe her wife.

It wasn't that she didn't trust Maya because she did implicitly, but she also knew how deeply ingrained Maya's father's mantras were in her head and how, even when the blonde didn't realize it, the sayings would take over and make her push herself too hard. She knew Maya was so much better now, but this was not something they had ever gone through before so she was struggling to trust her wife's judgment on her body.

Carina watched as Maya took a few more steps before Ty and Joanna headed her back to the bed. They got her seated as Carina walked back over to them.

"Are you ready to try to lay down on your own?" Ty asked, unsure if Maya would be up to it after her long walking excursion.

"Maybe," Maya said, "Let's try."

"Ok," Ty said, explaining to her how she was going to lay down.

Maya went to start the maneuver, only to have her abs start screaming at her as she made a slightly wrong move, making her cry out in pain, Ty and Joanna immediately taking over and getting her laying back down.

"Are you ok?" Carina asked, rushing to Maya's side.

"I…I think so," the blonde said, pain still radiating through her abdomen though it was lessening some.

"Do you need some pain meds?" Ty asked, about to run to get the nurse.

"No," Maya said, trying hard to regulate her breathing, "No, I am ok. I just didn't move everything together. I'm ok. It's just sore now. Nothing I can't handle."

"Are you sure?" Carina asked, looking at her.

"I'm sure," Maya nodded, "Can you move me back to my spot in bed?"

"Of course," Ty nodded as he and Joanna carefully moved Maya back across the bed. "Thanks," Maya said, nodding.

"Alright," Ty said, "That's all we are going to do. We will be back around 4 for another round if you are feeling up to it. And I will put in a note to Dr. Grey about what we can do about your wardrobe."

"Ok," Maya said, "Thank you."

"Of course," Ty said, "I'm sorry that last maneuver didn't go as planned."

"I am the one who made the mistake," Maya said, "I guess I wasn't quite ready."

"That's ok," Ty said, "We will try again in a few days."

"Thank you," Maya said as they left.

"Bambina, are you sure you are ok?" Carina asked, getting back into bed with Maya.

"I'm sure Car," Maya said, "I am a lot achier than I was earlier, but that's all. I promise I will tell you if I am not ok."

"I know," Carina sighed, "Sorry it's so hard for me to trust you."

"Hey, it is my own fault," Maya said, "I am the one who is terrible at telling you when I am not feeling well or am in pain."

"But you have gotten much better," Carina assured her, brushing a piece of blonde hair off her forehead, "So much better."

"Thanks," Maya said, leaning up a tiny bit and capturing Carina's lips, bringing the Italian down with her.

The make out steadily increased in intensity until there was a knock on the door.

"Damn it," Maya groaned as Carina moved away from her, "Come in."

"Hello," the nurse said, coming in, "Dr. Grey wanted to get you started on some oral fluids again today. I brought just some simple unflavored Pedialyte if you are feeling up to trying it?"

"I guess," Maya said, biting her lip, "Can I drink with this tube?"

"Yes," the nurse nodded, "And if it makes you feel nauseous or anything, just let me know and I can give you something for that, ok?"

"Ok," Maya said, looking at the cup the nurse handed to her, "Are you going to watch me drink it?"

"I have to," the nurse said, noticing that did not make Maya very happy.

"If it's ok, I can watch her drink and make sure she doesn't choke," Carina offered, knowing this was going to be hard enough without a stranger staring at her wife.

"I think that would be just fine," the nurse nodded, realizing that leaving her with a doctor was perfectly fine, even if it was her wife, "I'll be back in thirty minutes to see how it's going."

"Grazie," Carina nodded as the nurse left, "Bambina, are you ready to try this?"

"Do I have to?" Maya said, staring at the cup.

"You have to try," Carina said, sensing Maya's anxiety about putting anything in her body through her mouth, "But why don't we work on the puzzle a little bit first?"

"Ok," Maya said, nodding a little bit as Carina pulled the table closer to them, "Sorry. I know I should just be able to drink that. It's stupid."

"It's not stupid Bambina," Carina said, shaking her head, "You have been through a lot and your body had been through a lot and you have not had a great time with drinking so it is ok. You are going to be able to do it, ok?"

Maya nodded, leaning her head over to Carina's shoulder. They worked on sorting the puzzle pieces for about five minutes before Maya decided to try taking a sip.

"You can do it Bambina," Carina nodded reassuringly, "And if you start to feel sick, they will get you some medicine and if you throw up, that is ok. Nothing you do here will be wrong, ok?"

Maya took as deep of a breath as she could before putting the straw in her mouth.

"I'm right here," Carina said, putting a gentle hand on Maya's shoulder, "You can do it."

Maya took a small sip, almost gagging as the fluid entered her mouth but somehow managing to swallow it.

"I did it," she said, looking at Carina with a smile on her face.

"That was very well done," Carina smiled, "Do you want to take another one?"

"Ok," Maya said, putting the straw back in her mouth.

She took another sip, a bit bigger this time. She swallowed it easier, taking another swallow before removing the straw.

"Great job," Carina said, "How do you feel?"

"Ok I think," Maya said, feeling the liquid going down her throat, "I don't know. It feels weird."

"That's ok," Carina reassured, "We have a basin right here if you need it, and meds if you need those, but hopefully, you will be just fine. Let's do the puzzle again, ok?"

Maya nodded, turning her attention back to sorting puzzle pieces. A few minutes later though, something was not feeling right in her belly.

"Carina," she said, looking at her wife, "I don't think I am feeling well."

"Ok," Carina said, moving the puzzle away as she grabbed the basin, "Are you nauseous?"

"I don't know," Maya said, thinking, "I just feel…weird."

"Ok," Carina said, unsure of what to do, "Do you want some medication or is there something I can do?"

"I don't know," Maya said, clearly frustrated.

"Ok," Carina said, trying to stay as calm as possible for her wife, "What does it feel like?"

Just as Maya was about to answer, she suddenly opened her mouth and let out a small burp, Carina immediately putting the basin in front of her just in case.

"I'm ok," Maya said after a second, "Actually, I think I feel better."

"Ok," Carina said, setting the basin aside while making sure it was still well within reach, "Do you think that is all it was?"

"Maybe," Maya said, taking stock of her body again, "I think so. God, that was so stupid. I freaked out over a little bit of air in my stomach."

"Bambina, it was not stupid," Carina said, "You are learning to trust your stomach again, and anything that feels weird is probably going to make you extra nervous for a while. And sometimes air in your stomach can make you feel sick. Just give yourself grace right now. Your body has been though a lot and however you feel or respond is just fine."

Maya nodded, rubbing her eyes which were suddenly feeling very tired.

"How about you try another sip of your drink and then take a nap?" Carina suggested, her own stomach not feeling super great again, "You have done a lot already today and you still have more this afternoon if you are still feeling ok."

"Alright," Maya said, nodding as she took another two sips of her drink, not loving how it went down, but knowing she needed it, "Are you going to nap with me?"

"I am first going to use the bathroom," Carina said, "And then I will rest with you. I might not sleep, but I will lay with you, ok?"

Maya nodded as Carina got up.

"Can I have my bear?" Maya asked, feeling overstressed and in need of comfort.

"Of course," Carina nodded, handing the stuffed animal to her wife before going into the bathroom.

As she used the bathroom, she thought about how she could comfort her wife when she got an idea. Once she was done in the bathroom, she headed back to the hospital bed, glad the blonde was still fighting her sleep.

"I have an idea," Carina said, "Can I sit the bed up?"

"I'm tired," Maya complained, not wanting to be moved around, having spent five minutes trying to get comfortable.

"I promise you will like this," Carina said, looking to Maya who gave her a small nod of consent.

"What are you doing?" Maya asked as the bed was sat up to almost 90 degrees.

"Do you trust me?" Carina asked, looking at Maya.

"Always," the blonde nodded. "Ok," Carina said, "Then I want you to hold this pillow against your abdomen and stay upright when I move the bed back, ok?"

The blonde did as she was told as Carina moved the bed back down a bit before climbing in behind herm scooting Maya forward ever so slightly.

"Oh," the blonde said, smiling as she leaned back against her wife.

"Was this worth me bothering your comfy position?" Carina asked, pressing a kiss just behind Maya's ear.

"Yes," Maya said, nodding a little as Carina reclined the bed a little more so they were both comfortable, "Why didn't we do this earlier?"

"Because with the amount of times we were both having tummy issues would have made this very hard before," Carina said, feeling her own body relax more than it had in a long time now that her wife was in her arms again, "But now that we are both feeling better, I thought this might be good for both of us."

Before Maya could respond, there was another knock on the door, the nurse walking in.

"Oh," she said, "You two look comfortable."

Maya nodded, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"I was just checking in to see how fluids were going," the nurse said, looking at the cup, "30 mL, that is excellent work. How are you feeling?"

"Ok," Maya said, "I had some issues with some air in my stomach, but I feel better now."

"Good," the nurse said, "Well, I will leave this here if you want more. Get some rest, ok? I'll keep everyone out for at least an hour unless you call."

"Thanks," Carina said as she played with Maya's hair, the blonde losing her battle with her sleepy eyes.

Carina hadn't really felt tired when she had gotten into bed, but feeling Maya's weight and warmth against her, she felt her own eyes start to slip shut and before long, they were both sound asleep.