
The Abandoned Alpha

As soon as I started pulling his arms to take him to my favourite place along the coastline it electricity seemed to pass through my skin. "Shit I'm sorry I am again being over-friendly", I muttered out in a voice was laced with guilt "Hey it's ok, See we are not in the office and even if we are we can always be friends right?", he said thrusting out his hand for a handshake "Friends right that sounds good", I shook his hand with a grin on my face and the electricity was back as soon as our hands touched "Ok now come along I'll show you the best place around here", I said taking my hand back and thus bring him out of his dream. Zachery Mathew Collins is not only the owner of a multinational business empire but is also the Alpha King of the werewolves. Over the 24 years of his life, all he has known is to strive every day to get a step forward from where he was. But what happens when he is put into a whirlpool of feelings and emotions towards his mate. What happens when she becomes his top priority? But most importantly what happens when he learns about secrets she has been hiding all these years? Amber a 20-year-old independent friendly woman, but there is a lot hidden behind the smile on the face. Will she ever accept an outsider as her family? Will she be able to accept her true identity when the time comes?

ELeena · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Time To Let It Out


Amber did something I hadn't expected, I felt she would need her space but she stopped me from going, this made Ray happy and satisfied.Right now I could feel her soft breath in the back of my neck as she slept with her head snuggled into my neck. Every breath of hers sent sparks through my body.

I slowly picked her up and laid her on her side of the bed and made my way to the washroom.After I finished my business and took my place beside her I was caught by her soft features, even after having the power that she showed today she was kind, soft no one could look at her and say she could fight like that. But today she proved the moon goddess is never wrong she was strong, stronger than one could imagine, she was powerful not just because of her strength but because she was ready to sacrifice everything for the once she loved. Today to save us she let out a secret she had hidden with all her life, and all this time she had never once misused her powers. Every feature and detail of her made me feel lucky to have her as my mate.

I pulled her closer as she snuggled into my chest and tonight I knew I would have the most peaceful sleep of my life.


I woke up in the morning to someone's soft snores, I looked up to Zach, and yesterday night came flushing back, panic started to form I didn't know what to do.

"Ummm don't move", came a sleepy voice out of Zach as he pulled me close.

Even in this situation, it made me laugh and no matter how much I wished to go back to sleep I couldn't so my ultimate resort was to wake Zach up.

I somehow sat up by escaping his iron grip, " Zach wake up"

"Ummm", he said and threw his hands to pull me into a hug and realised that I was already upHe opened the littlest of the little bit of his eyes, "Why are you up so early?"

"It is ten in the morning Zach", I said with my hands on my waist

"You look cute", he said before closing his eyes again

"Zach Zach wake up", I said this time shaking his hand, I hated it when I was awake and someone slept in front of me.

After a little more effort he finally opened his eyes, "Yes my queen what do you want?"

I smiled and started to leave the bed, "Hey lady where do you think you are going you woke me up and now you are leaving. Not fair", he said with a pout.

"Well..", and I was cut off by a knock at the door.

"You go I will see", Zach said getting up.

"Hm-hm", I knew he was right I wasn't in a condition to face people.

As I came out of the washroom I saw Zander and Beth sitting on the bed along with Zach.

"You shouldn't have risked your life kiddo", Zander said coming up to me.

"I wasn't you know that Zander"

"Yes you are powerful but what if"

"Nothing happened to me Zander", I cut him off. I knew he was scared but I couldn't just sit back at that moment.

"Did you tell him?",Beth asked

I nodded my head for the answer"Amy, you know even I don't who or what you are it's your secret and it's yours to tell but at least he deserves to know the truth"

I nodded in agreement.

"I will go get the breakfast ready if you want to stay in you may", Beth said taking a turn out.I was left with Zander and Zach, Zander knew everything and right now Zach didn't even know half of it, I couldn't figure out what should I do.

Zach excused himself to go to the washroom and I looked up to Zander who gave me a reassuring smile.

"Amber, it's ok to take your time"

I just nodded my head to his answer, and mind linked Beth to get Cami, Xavier, and Javour for breakfast to my room.

The only thing I told myself was, "Enough of hiding. It was never your fault"

Zach came out and was about to sit beside me when all of them entered with their breakfast plates.

Cami and Beth were trying to make me feel comfortable so I had a smile plastered to their faces whereas Xavier was still in shock and Javour didn't know what to do.

"Sit", I said smiling at them, "Beth I forgot Mike, can you call him as well."

Beth nodded in agreement and after two minutes I saw Mike entering.Mike was a rather timid soul and didn't talk a lot but was a great friend. Since the couch and the chairs were already full he came and sat beside Zander.

"Hey", that's what came out my stupid mouth.

"Thanks", Cami said smiling.

"I had to", I smiled back at her.

"Breakfast", Beth said sensing the arising tension.

"Ok so I called you here", I said with a mouth stuffed with food and everyone started laughing at that.

"Kiddo killing ten rogues doesn't make you grownup you know!", Zander said ruffling my hair, to which I pouted.

"I didn't just kill ten rogues ok? I saved your fucking asses", I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh thank you Amber", Zach said mockingly. Though he received a smack after this.

"You know what I planned of saying something very important and look at you people joking around", I said trying to look angry.

"Well you started", Xavier said trying to hold back his laughter.

"Whatever", I said throwing a pillow at him which he easily dodged, or I would say that's what he thought.

As the pillow was about to fall I used a spell which made the pillow hit his head from the back and he was awestruck.

"What was that?", Mike said with an open mouth.

I looked around and saw the bewildered faces. This made me realise I had a lot more explaining to do than what I had thought.

The once who were fighting outside which included most of the people here didn't know the witch and the spell part but only knew the wolf part.I sighed at the thought.