
2: This Time

Franklin was exhausted. He'd already been here all day, they'd start to suspect something was up. The train-yard was abandoned as always, dusty and silent, total seclusion. Just the buzz of electrics to keep him company. The perfect place to practice was without the fear of it being discovered. Everywhere else Franklin tried there was always too many people. The peak of summer was a magnet for beaches, piers and highways were always too packed. Constructions sites were cramped, he could hardly get any run-up and it wasn't like the workers were going to miss him. What if he was made? He'd considered heading somewhere mountainous but the last thing he wanted was flying off some cliff cos he tripped on a rock! Then there was the wildlife to contend with. Franklin shivered at the thought of a mountain lion sinking his teeth into his neck if he got a cramp. Here worked best. Knowing he had around five minutes before the next one passed, he began stretching. Last time he pulled something, it went really bad really fast. The blare of the horn interrupted his thoughts, he knelt down and prepped himself. Franklin controlled his breathing and cleared his head. "This time." Franklin motivated

The train thundered past him at full force but the gust didn't knock him down. He was already in front. While his sneakers scraped and flung the sand beneath him, Franklin kept pace with the locomotive. It was tough to keep going, he was panting, his legs started to shake. Failing yet again he screamed as he fell down to the ground and caught his breath as the train disappeared into the tunnel. The yard was quiet except for his sighs.

He slammed his fist down and pushed himself up, walking with his head held low back to the pole to limber up again. Eventually another five minutes passed and Franklin returned to his position, "This time." Franklin repeated

Again the blare came and again Franklin shot past. He would do it this time, this was the one. He couldn't bow out. His trainers were tattered and dirty, the grime worming its way up his clothes with every time he fell. He'd never wash this out, be picking grains from his trainers for a month. That is if they didn't explode by the time he ran home. The train inched past him just a little but it was enough to gain the win and enter the tunnel. Franklin dug his heels in but it didn't help him as he slammed into the head first to concrete. Coughing and clutching his chest, he limped back to the start and rested. His watch beeped and he heard the blare. Once more Franklin knelt and breathed out harshly, "This time!" Franklin continued

There was no delay as the train rocketed on and Franklin struggled to contend with it. Was this machine unbeatable? Franklin knew he was fast, faster than anyone else since it happened but how quick was that train moving? Fifty, sixty miles per hour? No living person could move that fast, and Franklin had to start from a position. He didn't let it overwhelm him, he had to beat that damn train. As it retreated into the dark, Franklin kept his spirits up and stomped backwards declaring to the sky, "This time!"

Five minutes. Franklin stayed in position, staring determined at the entrance. Beat the train. Hearing the screech, he screamed and bolted when the monster rolled on. No distractions, ignore them all. Keep running. Keep going. Beat the train. Beat the train! "This TIME!" Franklin roared as he surpassed the train and sprinted into the tunnel. He did it. He finally did it! This was the one! He went to slow down but the horn snapped him out of it. The train was behind him! "Oh god!" Franklin realised, now he had to run. The soles on his shoes were ripped beyond repair, he could feel the boards as they hammered against his feet. Franklin could feel blood in his shoe, had he torn through the soles? Don't stop running, even a single trip and he'd be dead.

The train driver was too shocked to even move. What was he seeing right now? That guy was running in front of a train! He wasn't dead, this couldn't be happening. Unless, dear God.

One of them.

He hit the brakes but Franklin disappeared off further as the train finally began to slow. The wheels burned against the rail but Franklin still had to move. Even if he felt the muscles in his leg shrieking at him, even if his heart was beating a mile a minute, he couldn't stop! Franklin bolted through to the other tunnel and the light of the train was flickering. One push. One last little push. Using the last ounce of his strength, he darted left. The wind threw him off-balance and he was sent tumbling against the side. One of the railings chipped Franklin's tooth, tasting blood in his mouth and spitting it out. It was gone, and he'd done it. He really did it! Franklin Washington! He speeds past bikes! He styles on the skaters! He shames the cars! Now he can outrun a train! His chuckles turned to full manic laughter as he drank in his victory. He'd finally done it. His feet burned, his legs were aching and he was basting in his own sweat but he'd done it. This high was fantastic. He yelled to the skyline, all the blocks in view. No words came out, just noise.

As his watch squealed, Franklin knew he'd be fighting that freighter for five whole minutes! He was invincible! Nobody could touch him now! Just as he was freaking out to the world, another train came flashing past and his heart skipped a beat. Retreating back too quick, he slammed against the railing and felt it slip away from the others. Then nothing, now he didn't feel a thing except the wind zipping against his back as he scrambled in the air.

Nathan was relaxing against the wall and listening to his audio book. In his recent line of work, it was hard for him to get 'me time'. Checking his phone, he doubted whether or not the target was showing up. Given the nature of his Affliction, he assumed there'd be a bolt or flash or some indicator. Profile said he was young, likely a college student of some description. Mr Washington had been sloppy; guy was making so much noise for a fugitive. Nathan didn't care how fast the guy could move, you don't evade the government.

His speculation was interrupted when he spied his target falling through the air and slamming down just outside his reach. Nathan grunted and paused his story as he checked the man's condition. He didn't seem to be dead, just unconscious. He'd collapsed but was just scraped up, maybe a few broken bones. Of course, there was always the chance of internal bleeding but Nathan was confident otherwise. If not, the target wouldn't have been a danger to anyone but himself. Dialling for an ambulance, Nathan went to move Franklin only to have him recoil. "Get- off!" Franklin mumbled as he dragged himself away. Nathan easily walked in front of the wounded man and took a knee. "Franklin Washington? I'm a friend, call me Nathan. I've phoned for help, stay calm." Nathan calmly addressed

"No, you're him..." Franklin rejected

"I assure you, I'm not going to hurt you in any way. You're in no condition to go anywhere, just try not to move." Nathan replied

"Get away from me." Franklin spluttered

"It's alright." Nathan smiled

A new set of sirens wailed as the men surrounded Franklin and laid him down as they drove off. Franklin tried to move but was sedated by one of the drivers. He faded in and out as Nathan began to tie his legs down to the bed and handcuffed him. Franklin groaned in pain, he couldn't feel a thing. It spread through his broken body with ease. Slowly, the pain numbed him and he got sleepy. No! He had to fight it. Going with the hunter was a death sentence, he thought Chris and Mike were just trying to scare him but he was real! The Inflicted hunter was real! His handcuffs shook fast, but just not fast enough, Nathan held him down against the stretcher and stopped the vibrations. "No sir, if he's having a seizure just let him go through it!" The medic resisted

"Trust me, you can't let this man move." Nathan grimly warned, "He'll be coming with me when he's clear."

"Sir, I don't believe you have the authority to-" The medic barked

The medic shivered as the atmosphere started to shift, the fear washing him over, as Nathan flashed his badge and knew to keep his mouth shut. The medic edged away from the hunter and the prey, and the ambulance's sirens made it easy to evade the traffic on the way to hospital in complete silence.