
Chapter 3

My parents took me home. My sister looked strange. Her eyes were black. She use to smile now she frowns. I cant put my finger on it but she is off. My sister i fear is no longer my sister. I try to convey this to my parents. They tell me that me bieng in a coma took a toll on all of them. I have a strong sense the stranger things are soon to come. I put those thoughts in the back of my mind as i try to help them adjust to me bieng back. Today my sister completely disappeared as soon as we got home. My parents made me my favorite dinner. My sister never came downstairs for dinner. I looked in her room she was completely gone. I told my parents. They told me she disappeared from time to time but she always came home. My friend came over and hugged me. He told me that he's good im home. I told him about my sister missing. He said that he will help me find her. We went out to look for her. We looked all night and we couldnt find her. We will try again tomorrow.