
Chapter 2

Felicity's POV

I woke up to my mom crying. I came out. Mom what's wrong. She said that my sister is in a coma. That we are heading to the hospital. Text your dad. That's what I did. I got my shoes on. My dad was there when we got there. My parents asked for my sister's room I hate her the attention is off of me now. We walk in the room and we see her hooked up to a machine it was beeping. The doctor comes in and says your daughter and 10 others have all mysteriously went into a coma. We can't find anything wrong with them. I frowned and left very angry. I got kidnapped. Because I look like my sister. They took me to thief boss who looked at me. Are you the bitch who stole my powers. No that would be my older sister. He looks at me you hate her right? I told him yes she took all of my attention. Well you can become mine my bride my perfect worries I said yes and took the powers he was giving me. Sis when u wake up u r mine to take. Two weeks later we got a call saying that my sister is awake. They wouldn't let us take her home til they did some more tests on her. When they realized that she is fine they let her come home. I'm riding with her in the back seat. I am so angry at her I want to choke her to death. As soon as we get home I go to my room and jump out the window I go to his side to tell him what's going on.