A man Dies, and becomes transmigrated to the 100 universe, with the traditional system. This man will go on to become a legend and build a kingdom on this new earth
AN: Ooh my favourite, Death!
--inner thoughts—
Begin Story
Angus, Garzol, Bent and Bairn approach the grounder camp with the White flag raised.
They are stopped by guards.
Grounder: who are you what do you want.
Garzol: I am Garzol the old prince of the Dwarves. I request to meet with your Heda immediately.
Grounder: What is a damned rock muncher doing here?
Garzol: Just do it you long ears loving toadstool!
The Grounder walks off, leaving another in his place to guard them.
Angus: what was that about?
Garzol: that is an insult usually used by elves, and those associated with them.
Shortly later a small troop of guards appear with a stern looking black lady.
Black Lady: Leave your weapons here and follow me.
The 4 started taking everything off.
Angus put his axe, spear, shield and a dagger on the ground
Garzol only had a halberd and a dagger.
Bairn had two axes.
While Bent had a small mountain of knives, clubs, axes, and two spears lying in front of him.
Everyone looked at him in shock.
Bent: what I can't leave home without protection, who knows who I will need to poke.
The group then followed the Black Lady into an empty tent.
All was silent, with the Black Lady just scowling at them
After a few moments, a large burly man with a scar over his eye walked in followed by a slender woman with a cat like gait. Her face was painted in some type of ceremonial style. Then Lastly was Anya kom Trikru
The Man: This is the Heda of the coalition of 12 Krus. Introduce yourselves.
Garzol put his right fist over his left breast before shallowly bowing: Greetings I am Garzol, prince of the Broken Mountain Dwarves.
Angus did the same bow as Garzol: I am Angus of Runeskru.
This got him strange looks from the grounders.
Bairn pounded his fist over his heart: Bairn, Jotunn Mercernary.
Bent straightened his left hand and drew it over his throat like a knife: Bent, Ambassador of the Beaver plains Hobbits.
For a few moments no one spoke
Garzol: We have introduced ourselves, how about you give us your names.
The Grounder man stepped Forward threateningly. But was stopped by Heda.
Heda: I am Lexa head kom Trikru
The Man: Gustus
Black Lady: Indra chief of Trikru
Anya: I am Anya kom Trikru.
Lexa: Well, Garzol why have you brought an army and called a parlay?
Garzol: we came to aid Runeskru in Freeing their people from the Mountain men. But we needed to confirm if Skaikru landed or not.
Lexa: What is Runeskru, I only know of Skaikru.
Angus: Runeskru are those of us who were unhappy with Skaikru and have split off. Runeskru has Come to an Agreement with the Blue cliff and Rock clans to occupy the land between them and Azgeda.
Indra: Split or not Skaikru is Skaikru. You are our enemy and will die.
Garzol Stepped forward: Runeskru has the support of the Dwarves. If you mess with them, you mess with us.
Bent: The Hobbits of the Beaver plains also Back Runeskru. If you threaten them, we will beat you with the bones of our enemies. (AN: look at the Sidestory for explanation)
This got the Grounders to Flinch in fear.
Angus: why are you gathered here at Skaikru, Our Battle ended 3 weeks ago when your army attacked us.
Indra growled: Jus drein Jus Droun (blood must have blood) You Massacred my people in flames.
Angus: that was your doing so that conflict is done. Now tell me why are you picking another fight.
Lexa was impressed at his back bone. His Eyes looked like a Volcano, unmoving and Dangerous to provoke
Lexa: One of your people came to one of our villages and killed 13 innocents. Give them to us for punishment or we will declare war. You were lucky once, do you think you can survive another attack?
Angus: Do you know who killed them?
Indra: No
Angus then Turned to Garzol
Angus: Can you go to the Skaikru camp and get Bellamy, he will be comfortable with you and not a stranger from the Grounders.
With Permission from Lexa, Indra led Garzol off to collect Bellamy.
While Garzol is gone, Lexa and Angus have a staring contest with neither backing down, just observing every bit of information, that one could see.
Bairn was sick of the silence and just shouted out
Bairn: come on you two, go off and fuck if you are that interested in each other.
This caused Gustus to Approach him.
Gustus: Do not talk about Heda in such a vile manner Ice giant!
Bairn simply grinned in amusement.
Shortly after, Garzol and Indra returned with Bellamy.
Bellamy: Angus, you came!
Angus simply approached and whispered
Angus: do you know who killed the Trikru Villagers?
Bellamy Frowned: It was Finn, Why?
Angus: Trikru wants him or else they will declare war.
Bellamy: What do you plan to do, you are the Chief, and I follow you along with the others of Runeskru.
Angus then turned to Lexa
Angus: I have learnt that the one to kill your people was one of mine named Finn.
Angus: do I have your word that you will call of war if we hand him over?
Lexa: yes, you have my word.
Angus turned to Garzol and Bent: Do you confirm the agreement was accepted
Garzol: Witnessed
Bent: Witnessed
Angus: Alright, give me a day and I shall have Finn for you.
Angus and his comrades then leave the tent. Bairn goes back to the army of Hobbits Dwarves and jotunns.
While the others head to the Arker camp.
Guard: Halt who is that
Bellamy: I am Bellamy with Angus and Guests, let us in.
As they enter Finn, Amir and Clarke Approach Angus.
Seeing Finn, Angus Strode to him and Slugged him in the stomach. This Caused some of the Guards to raise their guns before Kane called them down.
Angus: Finn were you Tweeking, why the hell would you attack a village?!
Finn who was still on the Ground: I was not thinking
Angus: Of course, you weren't and now you will die for your stupidity.
Jaha approached and told them to come inside to talk.
Once inside the station
Jaha: Angus what do you mean by Finn will die?
Angus: I have just found out that Finn here killed 13 Trikru villagers. The Grounders are saying either he is given to them, or they declare war!
Jaha: is there no way we can stop them? What about that army you brought?
Angus: the army I brought, only signed on to free the people from mount weather. Also are you daft? The Grounder army outside numbers 10,000.
Everyone paled in fear.
Finn spoke: I will go, please tell Sara I loved her.
Angus Just Agreed.
Clarke: is there anyway we can get the grounders to help Fight Mount weather?
Angus: I will Try. Anyway, come on Finn you have a date with a lovely lady named Hela!
Off they went
The Shadows seemed to Grow Darker and colder at the mention of Hela.