
The 100 (fanfic)

I have never written a book before so any help with writing this book or ideas please tell me them. Also im only writing this for fun so i dont know what the update schedule will be. (Synopsis: what happens when a person that loves the 100 gets the chance to reincarnate into the world) (This is really bad just a heads up) (I also don’t own the image if its yours please tell me and ill stop using it) (also im not 100% on the story line in the 100 so sorry in advance)(also it will be super cringe so here is my “warning”)(sorry for so many this here but lexa will be with the mc i dont think i will do a harem)

Jacob_Boulanger · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Things can go wrong so fast

As i near the door i spot the lever to open it as i go to open the door someone yells for me to stop

As i turn around and look at her and say "why were not going to survive long in here"

She stairs looking at me"the air could be toxic" she said to me

I smirk at her"if the air is toxic were all dead anyway" i always wanted to say that as i reach for the lever i step on someone's foot as he go's to punch me as i block I punch back without thinking of who it is.

When i see it is Murphy he starts to fight me more he comes close and throws out a right punch and I blocked it with the same hand and trow a left knocking him out on the ground.

I can see him back off for a while and i reach for the lever again before anyone can say anything i walk out the still opening door which touches the ground i just continue walking then sit by a tree near by and watch as everyone runs out of the ship

"This is going to be hectic i have to decide where i want to go"i whisper to myself i have to decide if I want to stay with the 100 or go to the grounders.

"I think ill let it play out" i say to myself the walk back to the drop ship and look over clarks shoulder to see her looking over the map.

"What you looking at" i say over her shoulder which scared her as she jumped whacking my chin on her shoulder.

As i rub my chin she started to talk to me "sorry didn't see you there im just trying to figure where we are" i look at the map and point to where we are " were here if we go by the mountains around us" i said "my names rick whats yours" i ask holding my hand out for her to shake.

"Clark griffin"she took my hand her's was really small compared to my hands.

"We need to walk then" as i said that i see wells walk toward us and say "We've got problems. The communication system is dead. I went to the roof, tons of panels were missing and heat fried the wires."

"Well all that matters is getting to Mount Weather." Clarke urged as she looked back down to the map.

Rick felt the tension rising so he decided to change the subject to help Wells out. "Well if we want to get to Mount Weather we should head out soon before it gets dark."

"Ah..cool. A map." Clarke, Wells and Rick turned to see Jesper walking up to them. "If they've got a bar in this town I'll buy you a beer."

"You mind?" Wells was pushing Jasper back slightly.

Rick stopped him. "Wells it's alright. Jaspers, cool."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Murphy walked up to the three with a small group of boys behind him. "Hands off. He's with us."

"Relax." Wells put his hands up defensively. "We're just trying to figure out where we are."

"We're on the ground." Wells turned to look at Bellamy who was by his sister. "That not good enough for you?"

Wells hesitated for a second. "We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message that has to be our first priority."

"Screw your father." Octavia blurted out. "What? You think you're in charge here? You, your little princess..and your giant?"

Clarke walked by Wells. "You think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather not because the Chancellor said so but, because the longer we wait. The hungrier we'll get and the harder this will be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies?" Clarke looked around at the others. "We're looking at a twenty mile trek. Okay so if we want to get there before dark we need to leave now."

"I gotta better idea, how about you three go find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." Bellamy said, earning a cheer from the masses.

Wells shook his head. "You're not listening. We all need to go."

Murphy came up behind Wells shoving him. "Look at this everybody. The Chancellor of earth."

Wells looked at Murphy. "You think that's funny?"

Murphy didn't respond but he kicked out Wells' ankle causing him to fall over as the boys backing him held Clarke back. "No. But that was."

Suddenly without warning or hesitation Rick tackled Murphy into the side of the drop ship before hitting him with three jabs across his jaw. Murphy tried to take Rick off his feet He takes the hit but doesn't fall over kneed Murphy four times in the stomach.

Rick tossed Murphy onto the ground as Murphy slowly caught his breath looking up while Rick glared at him. "Stay away from him. If you don't I'll beat you within an inch of your life."

Murphy stood up as he glared back at Rick. "Oh really? Is the giant gonna hurt me?"

Rick just glared at him. "I'm warning you Murphy. I don't care what you think of Wells but if you try anything. It's gonna be worse than what you just got." Murphy glared at Rick who turned helping Wells to his feet. "You okay?"

Wells nodded. "Yeah. Thanks for the save."

Bellamy bellowed out a laugh. "Look at this. Looks like there's more to the giant than we all thought."

Rick shot his glare at Bellamy"shut up bellamy or else"

"Or what? What are you gonna do huh?" Bellamy decided to show his authority over Rick by pulling out a pistol he had stashed on him, aiming it an inch away from Ricks's face.

Clarke looked at Bellamy in horror, afraid Bellamy was actually going to shoot Rick. "Bellamy stop!"

Rick grabbed Beallamy's arm tossing him over his shoulder taking the gun from the teen aiming it Bellamy who was on the ground looking at Rick his hands up defensively and when Rick did all that it looked like it had been practiced.

Rick grabbed Bellamy's arm, hauling him to his feet before putting the gun in Bellamy's hand looking at him dead in the eyes. "Next time you pull that gun on me. You better be willing to shoot." Rick walked past Bellamy and away from the drop ship as everyone watched him.

Bellamy looked at Rick and seemed like he was really about to shoot Rick in the back but Finn jumped down off the dropship catching Bellamy's attention. "Hey. Come on. Chill out." Finn watched as Bellamy lowered the gun.

Murphy who was watching from the side ran up and grabbed the gun from bellamy and shot my in the shoulder going all the way through.

I stopped walking didn't even make a sound everything was silent so silent you could hear the bullet drop out of my arm when i healed i slowly turn around and look at the shooter with a death glare

" Murphy im going to give you three seconds to put the gun down or i will kill you"i lifted my hand with three fingers up and started the count down




"Fine then" i said as i walk closer to him i see im put his finger on the trigger and shoot me again this time in the right leg.

As I reach him he turns around to run i grab his jacket and he puts the gun to my head and he pulls the trigger but i doesn't shoot i grin as i see the look of realization that im not dead in his face

"You really tried to kill me huh" i ask him as i grab him by the throat and slam him into the ground i hen got on top of him and reportedly punch hum in the face till it was caved in and by that point clark came back to her senses and ran and pushed me off him

"You killed him"she yelled at me with rage on her face i look around and everyone seems to be backing away from me

"So you are all going to ignore the fact that if that gun didn't fire it would have been me"i look at everyone's face and see fear and discussed in there eyes

"So if someone tries to kill you are you not allowed to fight back"i yell at everyone i see bellamy grab his gun and point it at me he said"i think the people would sleep better if you left the camp" i look at him"so what banish me" i ask in a firm tone

I see him think and them look around and say"with a show of hand who wants him to stay"i look around nobody raises there hand"and who wants him to leave forever" i look again and everyone raises there hand

I swallow the spit that was in my mouth as i look at everyone feeling sad about how fast everything happened"fine then ill leave but don't expect help from me should you need it" i said loud enough for everyone to here as i turn around and walk away.