
The 100 (fanfic)

I have never written a book before so any help with writing this book or ideas please tell me them. Also im only writing this for fun so i dont know what the update schedule will be. (Synopsis: what happens when a person that loves the 100 gets the chance to reincarnate into the world) (This is really bad just a heads up) (I also don’t own the image if its yours please tell me and ill stop using it) (also im not 100% on the story line in the 100 so sorry in advance)(also it will be super cringe so here is my “warning”)(sorry for so many this here but lexa will be with the mc i dont think i will do a harem)

Jacob_Boulanger · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The start

(I forgot to write what the mc name is so ill put it here so its less confusing sorry name:rick gill height:6'7" reason for being put in solitary: he accidentally killed a guard when he was a kid. Parents:dead)

Things tend to be weird especially when its dark out. I think as I'm walking down my street i was just two houses down when i hear my dog start barking in the house I didn't want him to wake the whole neighbourhood with his barking so I jogged to my house.

When i got to my door I heard my dog yelp as I fumbled for my keys i hear him again and someone else talking. The keys were taking to long and in my panic i body slammed the door open and saw what would be the last thing i see of my past life.

My dog on the floor with a knife wound on its stomach as i ran to him it slipped my mind that someone else was in my house. As i get to my dog i feel something hot stab into my neck and then black.(i dont know how to start this someone help😭😭)


Somewhere in the void

"What where am i" said a blue orb floating in nothingness.

"Why your in my domain" said a deep dignified voice.

"Why am i here" asked the blue orb in a bit calmer voice now that it knows its not alone.

"Your dead but worry not I'm going to give you a chance at life again with five wishes and a body of your choice"said the voice.

"What's your name" said the blue orb wanting to know who will give it a second chance.

"Im what you people call a rob but we don't have much time to waste on this we need to hurry" said rob the voice demand action.

"Can i have a little bit to think on what my choices are"the blue orb asked rob in the kindest voice it could Muster.

Rob takes a couple of seconds to think and eventually agrees. the soul took its time to think of all its options before remembering something.

"What world am i going too" the orb asks as this will effect its choices.

"You are going to be put into the 100 you would be put onto the ark in solitary until your sent to the ground" the rob said staring at the orb as it hops a little at hearing its will head to its favourite tv shows world.

"Alright i think i have my wishes they are

1. Super soldier serum

2. ability to never have to sleep or eat,But I could if I wanted to

3. Pro on all earth skills class(pro knowledge on every subject)

4. Master fighter(hand to hand combat,guns,melee weapons)

5. Immortality(can make 30 people immortal aswell and also take it away)(bans immortality with the healing)(i can choose what i want to scar)

And for my body i want it to look like this"said the orb with determination and hope that the wishes would help it in living in the world.(pic in the comments below)

"Perfect good luck on your trip"said the rob when a bright light blinds my eyes and i wake up on the floor.

As i look around i see there is not much to look at gray walls a darker gray floor a metal bunk with a wool blanket on top of it. This is where ill be staying for a while i just wonder how long.

Time skip 14 years

As the time when by i familiarize myself with my strength and abilities. With the knowledge i have it wont be a problem to survive on the ground. But there is a problem in the years i have not even made a friend solitary is well solitary no one came to visit talk to me the guards just looked forward and never spoke. It was damm annoying they would only give me food at a certain time twice a day one in the morning and one at night and the food tasted horrible it tasted like cardboard that was rubbed with the crumbs of the original food.

To pass the time i manly exercised and I picked up a habit of singing into the vents I learned that people could hear me through the vents no one said anything back though. It helped pass the time. And then the day came the guards opened the door the told me to face the far wall of the cell with my hands up. I did as i was told because unlike the other people here i knew what was happening I would finally get to see earth again.

I tried to get a little bit of information from them but it didn't work. They really did train them properly not to talk to anyone.

As they put the wrist band on one if them shot me with a tranquilizer dart in the back. And funny enough it didn't work on me.

"Do you need to try again"i openly mocked them

"Yea" they used a simple sentence and shot me agin i was still facing the wall

I turned around just in time for him to shoot me again and this time im a little annoyed im not gonna say that it was extremely painful but if you got shot in your nip with a needle it would hurt.

I look at them and say "im more than willing to walk with you guys to wherever you need me to since it seems your drugs aren't working"i laugh them a bit as i see them struggle with making a decision.

"Ok but you cant wonder around stay beside use"both guards walk to each side's of me and grab my arms pulling me along to the drop ship.

As i het there i see finn,clark and wells in the seats all ready with the seat belts on all of them i sit in the seat beside clark.

After about 30 minutes the ship shakes and we go down to earth i look beside be to just get a look at them clark seems alright but i liked lexa better.i see and clark wakes up and starts to argue with wells

That's when the monitors in the drop ship came to life and Chancellor Jaha's face appeared as he stared directly into the camera. "Prisoners of the Ark hear me now. You've been given a second chance. And as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable. Those crimes will be forgiven, records wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain." The screens displayed its first sign of disconnection blurring out for just a moment. "It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years."

While Jaha's speech was played there was a sudden wave of encouraging shouts to someone on the ship.

"The Spacewalker Bandit strikes again!"

Rick looked to see what the hell was going on and turns out someone decided to unbuckle themselves from their harness to float in the air so he decided to say something. "Hey! Spacewalker! I suggest staying put unless you want to risk getting hurt when we land!"

"What's wrong with this? Afraid of a little adventure?" The Spacewalker a.k.a Finn floated by him.

Rick grew annoyed. "No, I just don't have tolerance for dumbasses who can't sit still when we're potentially going down to an irradiated planet to die."

"Mount Weather is life," Jaha's voice broke through after rick expressed the need for Finn to strap back in or risk hurting himself. "You must locate those supplies immediately. Your one responsibility is to stay alive."

The drop ship began to violently shake again meaning they passed through the atmosphere and were getting pure turbulence. Two more decided to unbuckle themselves and float around just as the ship was getting a large amount of turbulence. But when the ship suddenly stopped all three floaters crashed into each other as the ship made its descent.

The panic of dying before hitting the ground entered the One Hundreds minds as they could potentially crash because the rockets haven't fired up yet and if they don't soon they'll all die.

But then it was over the ship landed and the lights started to flicker while the machines died as the One Hundred slowly came to realize that.

"Listen." Monty looked around. "No machine hum."

Rick soon realized it, whispering to himself. "We're on the ground this is where it all starts."

Jasper looked around the drop ship in wonder. "Woah..that's a first."

Soon everyone started to unbuckle themselves as Rick did the same he was the first out and he when straight to the ladder and went down to the bottom floor he made his way to the door

(Again if you have any ideas for this and if i like them ill try to get them into the story)