

Rosaleigh Blu Clarkson is a normal girl, 25 years old and single. All she ever wanted was a job to help out at home and her family, but fate decided on another thing. Xander Blythe Grey the devil of the business world. Everyone knows not to mess with him, he's as cold as Antarctica, probably even colder. He never expected Leigh to walk through his doors, not in a long shot. The only person that could cause global warming in his antarctic world. Which could cause good or bad. With the history between the two have, unknown to Lee, how will Xander handle her working for her.

Omphile_Magongwa · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 26

Who knew how much work this guy has to go through every day? I can totally justify his grumpiness now.

Juggling my duties as a personal assistant and being the 'boss', you can call that a sh*t storm.

I got a taste of it during the weekend but today it just seems worse than ever, I look at the stack of work I have left on the right side of the desk.

F*cking Mount. Everest.

The intercom on the desk goes off, "Rosaleigh there's a Julio waiting for you at reception." I take a quick glance at my watch and internally curse.

"Let him up." I respond. Looking for my phone, I find it on the floor and switch it on.

Three missed calls from Julio Bristow.

Stumbling out of the chair, I put on my shoes and grab my handbag. I manage to quickly take a look at myself hoping like I don't look like I haven't aged twenty years.

Only halfway there.

The moment I reach the elevator, he's already waiting in the waiting area. He smiles when he sees me, "Hey, I wasn't sure if you'd remember. But if you're too busy I can just–" I cut him off.

"No it's okay, I could use the break." I smile, he nods and gestures to the elevator.


It takes us no more than ten minutes to reach Chick-fil-A, we order our food and are now sitting in the parking lot, laughing about some highschool memories.

"Okay, okay wait. Freshman school dance with Julie Hosterman." The look on Julio's face makes me burst out into laughter again.

I know we've all had our bad moments in highschool but that day I'll never forget, to say it ended horribly would be an understatement.

How does one embarass oneself thrice within the hour, chip a tooth and lose their jacket in one night?

To this day, Julio never got the jacket back because the very next week; Julie had moved out of town with her family, and unlucky for highschool Julio. The following week was photo day for the year books, I felt guilty as his friend for laughing.

But best friends laugh at you.

I finally manage to calm myself down, looking to my side I see Julio looking at me with a bright smile and glimmering eyes.


My smile slightly falters, and worry seeps into my every being. I know that look, and let's say I was lucky enough to avoid it the first time and forget about it.

"I missed this, promise me we never distance ourselves again." I quickly try to snap him out of it, it works.

He shakes his head, his white curls flying every where. He sticks out his pinky, I do the same, we hook them and kiss our thumbs.

Again he has the same look, I almost feel bad for him. Our eyes lock, I'll admit Julio is cute. It's just that I've seen him as my brother for so long, it feels weird having him look at me like that again.

Thankfully my phone rings, breaking our eye contact. I dig out my phone and look at the screen, an unknown number.

"Rosie?" My heart drops and hot, angry tears fill my eyes, I don't open my mouth to speak. I don't wipe away the one tear that falls down my face, nor do I try to remove the feeling of disappointment flowing through me.

"W-Where?" I whisper, my voice breaking. I hear the soft sigh coming from him, the same guilty one I've been happy to not hear in the last six months.

"Rosie it isn't what–" I cut him off.

"Just tell me where Logan, dammit!" I snap, my fingers are gripping the phone so hard that I'm surprised it hasn't snapped yet.

I notice Julio shift and start the car the same time he answers.

"62nd." He murmurs, just above a whisper. I end the call and let my hand fall limply on my lap.

Should've known it was too good to be true.

Another tear rolls down my face, my bottom lip is quivering non stop and I think my face is red from how hard I want to cry right now but I can't, I won't.

I've wasted so many tears on him, it's enough.

"Where is he?" Julio asks, I shake my head. He's silent.

"You have to go to work, and so do I. Logan isn't going to ruin our day, just drop me off at the office." I whisper.

What kind of sister am I?

I feel like this question would be running through everyone's mind if they didn't know how much I had to endure for Logan.

I don't know who of all five of us took every milestone hard, but I think Logan did. He was fourteen when mom died, and fifteen when dad got diagnosed with cancer.

From that age, he's been in a waiting cell more than most criminals. Petty theft, vandalism, drugs, underaged drinking, fake ID's, forgery and it goes on.

He's went to juvie for a year for the drugs and fake ID's, but he just turned nineteen and they won't take it easy on him this time.

"Rosaleigh." Julio tries to reason, but I shake my head disagreeing.

"Take me to the office Julio, that's all I ask." I say, I know he's reluctant to agree but he does and follows my orders.

I walk out of the car without a word, and up to the office with no changes within me. I open Grey's office and find Nicholas in there on the phone.

I shut the door quietly and go to my office, for the next minute I just sit in my chair swaying left to right until there's a knock by the door and Nic enters.

His smile falls when he sees me, "You're back early." I point out standing up.

He nods hesitantly, "Yeah, Xander didn't need my help anymore. Thought I would come back and help you." He explains, I nod.

I respond with a low 'thanks' and head back Grey's office, slumping into his chair I take a glance at my watch.

I spent an hour with Julio meaning it's two, meaning I have to fetch Lucia at half past three, and she can stay with me until probably six when I'll fetch Noelle and then straight to the manor.

Pulling back my hair, I tie it in a messy bun and get to work. I don't mind Nic's presence, although I feel his gaze on me for the next five minutes, I don't mention it.

Eventually he gives up and leaves me alone as I hoped he would, when the door closes. My eyes well up again, and another tear rolls down my face which I immediately wipe away before the rest coms following.