
That Time me and my Classmate got Reincarnated in Another World

Hikaru Tanaka, a high schooler suffering from severe mental illness and bullying decides to take his life to escape his pain, spending his last day with his half-sister, Hana Tomura. He decided to jump off the high school roof, but, to his dismay, Hana was still there trying to save him, in an unfortunate turn of events they both fall to their death, in the last moments of their lives they hear a voice that speaks of another world and reincarnation. Shortly they wake up in another world, summoned by the Wieka Kingdom to help in the holy war led by goddess Ifrit against monsters, but to everyone's surprise, Hikaru and Hana were reincarnated as monsters. The king himself exiled them from the castle but, in a turn of fate, the king revealed the truth about goddess Ifrit and her plan to enslave and destroy all monsters. The king's last wish before Ifrit brainwashed him is for them to become demon lords and defeat goddess Ifrit.

MenamAishi · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Traveling (1)

The next day:

We finished training Fumiko, this got us in the graces of the local lord, since he values his daughter more than anything, which is a good thing for us, the closer we get to her the higher the chances of us being able to kill the local lord are so it's a win-win for us at least. But there is one detail that I forgot, how will Fumiko will react to her father's death? How will she take it, since her mind is still too underdeveloped to process complex emotions like grief, but how we will explain that her father has died to her?

"I don't think we should worry about that too much Hikaru, I will deal with explaining that to her"- Why is Hana offering herself like this to explain it to her?

!It is because Hana knows more about being social and having a social life more than you do Hikaru. I suggest you get better at social stuff ASAP if you want to do that yourself, but that's impossible!- Great, Sia is mocking me again!

"Sia can be so funny sometimes! Don't worry Hikaru, I will be the one to take care of that"- Hana slightly chuckled over the telepathic link.

We went to the lord to announce our departure.

"Well, a day has passed. The carriage will be ready shortly, if you want to, you can spend a little more time with Fumiko over there"- He pointed to a chair where Fumiko was playing with some dolls.

Hana went up to Fumiko and started to play with her.

"Well, I will pack everything that we need for departure, it's in our rooms that we slept last night, so do you mind if I go to pack out stuff?"- I asked the lord with a smile.

"Ok, do whatever, but make sure to keep the promise ok?"- He coughed before turning away from me.

"Sure, I always keep my promises"- He is willing to do almost anything for power, this corrupt old geezer, he may look young on the outside but he is using magic to make himself that way.

!Confirmed, I can detect magic in unusual areas of his skin which means he uses magic to maintain it.!

"Thanks for confirming my hunch Sia"

"So, when are we going?"- Fumiko asked, wait, will we bring her along too?

"Well, if she wants to go, then she will go, I can't refuse my baby like that, can I?"- The lord looked towards Fumiko.

"Of course, she can go with us. Hikaru, go and pack stuff faster, don't stare at us"- I went to the room where I am packing, well, not packing but I am checking for anything that might be out of place in the room. The room is pretty small and the bed is only for 2 people, I am used to sharing a bed with Hana now, there isn't anything weird going on or anything but you get used to it.

"Sia, do you detect anything out of the ordinary here?"- Looking around I can see the painting seem to have eyes of their own.

!Analysis complete: Detected a Rare Skill called Monitor and Abuse, this perk gives you the power to monitor anyone through a painting of something that has a place for eyes, you 2 were monitored but nothing happened since this skill can't interfere with a legendary skill or higher!

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier Sia?"- We were monitored without knowing huh?

!It wasn't necessary. This is the same skill that is making the Local lord feel sick. The abuse part of the name applies to both the caster and the receiver!- This is interesting.

I grabbed some clothes that I thought we will need and some other stuff from the room and put them in a bag.

I went downstairs again to see Fumiko and Hana ready to head out

"Come on Hikaru, it's already late, let's head out"- Hana, Fumiko, and I walked to the carriage and now we are headed for the city of Ikrel.

"Hikaru, I want to ask you something, what kind of things did my dad tell you to do to the lord? I hope those aren't bad things..."- Fumiko paused for a second and then looked at the ground.

"No, they just wanted to have a chat and he sent us as an envoy since we are strong and people won't dare try anything funny as they do to other envoys"- Fumiko looked at me confused, well this is the excuse that I came up with but it seems like she ain't having it.

"What is an envoy, is it like someone that my father sends out to do work for him, as official lord works in his stead, oh. I remember he told me to give you 2 this. Now it makes sense"- Fumiko handed us a piece of paper with the stamp of the local lord on it.

"Yeah, I remember that we needed this, thank you Fumiko"- Hana moved seats from seating with me to seating with Fumiko on her lap.

"I love it when Hana holds me on her lap!"- Not fair, why does she get to enjoy this, Hana is right about making the bed and the house more comfortable.

"Jealous Hikaru? Maybe someday this could be you"- Hana laughed at me over the telepathic network.

"The bed is too rough at night like you said, the lord's bed was the only decent one"- I replied to her.

The carriage moves slowly, after that no one commented anything.

We made a stop at night, I made sure the area is safe and I started to cook food, some wolf meat from my Spatial Storage

"What is that?"- Fumiko pointed towards the meat. I got out some seasoning and then started to cook the meat while seasoning it and putting some vegetables to steam as well.

It took 1 hour for the meat to cook and half an hour for the vegetables to steam.

I served everyone a plate of wolf meat and steamed vegetables. I hope that the driver of the carriage and Fumiko survive eating the wolf meat, I read that it is toxic for humans

!Not really, with the skill Predator you eliminated any bacteria, fungi, or anything that would hurt a human from there so it's safe to eat!

"Well, thanks for the confirmation, Sia!"

We spend the rest of the night around the fire.

End of the first day of traveling.