
That Time I Was Betrayed and Got My Revenge

A Kid well respected by people, learn that most humans, most gods and most importantly, your own best friend are nothing but fakers. let us dive in the world which Akihiro will get revenge on for this very reason.

LordSanctify · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Vs. Celestial Being Arc

Chapter 169: The Unseen Adversary

As Akihiro and Lucia clashed with unmatched intensity, their surroundings trembled from the sheer force of their power. Yet, just when it seemed like their duel would reach its devastating conclusion, a sudden disturbance rocked the battlefield.

From the very fabric of space and time, a cosmic entity materialized—a Celestial God. Its presence dwarfed even the god-like power Akihiro and Lucia had unleashed, causing both of them to momentarily halt their battle.

Lucia's grin of devilish confidence faltered as she assessed this new threat. Akihiro, too, felt the weight of the situation. They were facing a being beyond anything they had ever encountered.

Celestial God: "I am the harbinger of oblivion, the ender of all existence. This universe, along with countless others, shall be reduced to nothingness."

Lucia, despite her reckless nature, couldn't ignore the gravity of the situation. She dashed at the Celestial God, but her attacks seemed insignificant in the face of its power. The Celestial God merely waved its hand, sending her crashing to the ground.

Akihiro, witnessing Lucia's futile struggle, knew that they couldn't defeat this entity alone. He made a split-second decision, one that would put aside their feud for now. He joined forces with Lucia, forming an uneasy alliance.

Akihiro: "We might despise each other, Lucia, but if we don't stop this thing, there won't be anything left to fight for."

Lucia, still recovering from the Celestial God's attack, nodded in reluctant agreement. She knew that their personal vendetta had to be set aside to confront this greater threat.

Together, they charged at the Celestial God, their combined power creating a shockwave that shook the very foundations of the world. The battle against this cosmic being had begun, and it would test their limits like never before.

As they clashed with the Celestial God, their animosity temporarily forgotten, they understood that their survival and the fate of their world depended on their ability to overcome this unimaginable adversary.

Chapter 170: The Frozen Hourglass

Time itself twisted and contorted under the command of the Celestial God. Everything around Akihiro came to a sudden standstill—the roaring battlefield, the relentless clash of power, and even Lucia, frozen in the midst of her attack.

The young warrior found himself in a strange state of limbo, a realm where time had no dominion. He tried to move, but it was as if the very fabric of existence held him captive.

Celestial God: "You shall be the observer, the witness to the end of all things."

Akihiro could hear the Celestial God's echoing voice, resonating within the eerie silence. Panic welled up within him. He had no idea how to combat an enemy that could manipulate time itself.

As the Celestial God turned its attention to the frozen Lucia, Akihiro knew he couldn't remain passive. He concentrated every ounce of his willpower, attempting to break free from the temporal chains that bound him.

Gradually, he felt a glimmer of progress. A finger twitched, and then his arm. With unyielding determination, he pushed against the frozen time, inching closer to freedom.

Akihiro: *I won't let this... thing... dictate our fate.*

His body surged with newfound energy. With a final, monumental effort, he shattered the temporal shackles that had imprisoned him.

The world around him lurched back into motion, and time resumed its relentless march forward. Lucia's attack, suspended in mid-air, continued its course toward the Celestial God.

Lucia's eyes widened in surprise as she watched her attack draw near to the Celestial God. Realizing that Akihiro had somehow broken free of the time freeze, she joined him in the assault.

Akihiro: "Let's finish this together, Lucia!"

Their combined attack struck the Celestial God with cataclysmic force, sending shockwaves rippling through its celestial form. The entity recoiled, weakened by the unexpected assault.

While the battle was far from over, Akihiro and Lucia had proven that they could defy the cosmic power of the Celestial God. The fate of their world still hung in the balance, but at least now they had a fighting chance.

Chapter 171: Divine Bargain

Akihiro, still brimming with newfound power, stood before the Celestial God, baffled by the unexpected turn of events. The deity, with an air of calm assurance, allowed him to approach.

Akihiro: "Why? What do you want from me?"

Celestial God: "I see potential in you, Akihiro. I see a warrior with the strength to shape the destinies of worlds. I offer you a choice."

The deity extended a hand, revealing her celestial form adorned in shimmering armor.

Celestial God: "Strike me down, and my power shall become yours. You will become a god, capable of righting the wrongs committed by Lucia and bringing back those lost in her wake."

Akihiro hesitated, torn between the desire for power and his lingering doubts. Lucia, who had been their adversary for so long, now seemed insignificant compared to the cosmic force before him.

Akihiro: "And what's the catch? There's always a catch with these kinds of deals."

Celestial God: "You will bear the responsibility of maintaining the balance of the cosmos. You will be tasked with preventing beings like Lucia from abusing their power. This burden will be yours to carry for all eternity."

Akihiro weighed the implications of the choice. The chance to right the wrongs of the past, to undo the suffering inflicted by Lucia, was tempting. But the eternity of responsibility that came with it was a heavy burden to bear.

Celestial God: "The choice is yours, Akihiro."

Akihiro's heart raced. He thought of his fallen comrades, of Seraphina, Chieko, Yuna, Atsuko, Ryuko, Katsumi, and the countless others who had suffered due to Lucia's actions. He clenched his fists, determination burning in his eyes.

Akihiro: "I accept."

With unwavering resolve, Akihiro drove his weapon into the Celestial God's form. The deity's essence flowed into him, filling him with godly power beyond imagination.

He could feel the cosmos itself coursing through his veins. Akihiro's eyes glowed with divine energy as he turned toward Lucia, who watched the exchange with wide eyes.

Akihiro: "Lucia, it's over."

With newfound power and purpose, Akihiro prepared to confront Lucia one final time, determined to bring an end to the chaos she had wrought and to undo the tragedies of the past.