
That Time I Was Betrayed and Got My Revenge

A Kid well respected by people, learn that most humans, most gods and most importantly, your own best friend are nothing but fakers. let us dive in the world which Akihiro will get revenge on for this very reason.

LordSanctify · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Showdown Arc

Chapter 160: Tragic Confrontations

The courtyard of the royal palace was a scene of devastation. Bodies of fallen knights lay strewn across the ground, their armor stained with blood. Seraphina, Yuna, and Chieko had charged at Lucia with unbridled rage, seeking to avenge the atrocities committed by her and her group.

Lucia, her eyes filled with malevolence, met their assault head-on. She moved with preternatural speed, her movements a blur. With ruthless precision, she struck down each of her attackers before they could even blink. Seraphina fell first, a cruel grin on Lucia's face as she delivered the final blow. Yuna, determined to protect her friends, took the hit meant for Seraphina, sending her crashing to the ground.

As Seraphina lay wounded, her vision blurred, Lucia leaned in close, taunting her mercilessly. "Did you really think you could defeat me?" she hissed. "Your friend Syrus learned the hard way. He couldn't protect you."

Akihiro's gaze fell upon the lifeless bodies of Chieko and Yuna. His heart filled with grief and fury. Without hesitation, he sprinted toward Taiyo, who had been left vulnerable in the midst of the chaos. Akihiro unleashed a burst of flame, consuming Taiyo in a torrent of searing heat. The once-confident warrior was reduced to ashes in an instant.

Saiko, witnessing Taiyo's demise, erupted with a maniacal laugh. He seemed unhinged, his sanity slipping away. Atsuko, determined to protect her comrades, charged at Saiko. However, Saiko's laughter intensified as he welcomed her attack.

Just as Atsuko was about to land a strike on Saiko, Yōko, the half-orc warrior, pushed her comrade out of harm's way, taking the full force of Saiko's attack. She fell to the ground, mortally wounded, blood staining her clothing.

Akihiro stood over the smoldering remains of Taiyo, the flames of vengeance burning in his eyes. He turned his attention to Saiko, whose laughter had subsided into a malevolent grin. Atsuko, her eyes filled with sorrow and anger, clutched her wounds and watched as the final confrontation unfolded.

The courtyard was silent except for the faint crackling of flames and the labored breaths of the wounded. The battle had exacted a heavy toll, and the survivors now stood on the precipice of an irrevocable climax. Revenge had driven them to this point, but it had also exacted its price in blood and suffering.

Chapter 161: The Tragic End

The courtyard remained shrouded in a heavy silence, broken only by the echoes of battle. Saiko and Atsuko faced off, their eyes locked in a deadly dance of determination and despair.

Saiko, his laughter having given way to an eerie calm, extended a hand wreathed in dark mana. With a swift and brutal strike, he sent a shockwave of energy hurtling toward Atsuko. She braced herself, determination etched into her features, but the sheer force of the attack sent her hurtling into a nearby building. The structure groaned under the impact as debris rained down around her.

Akihiro, his eyes burning with vengeance, charged at Myra and Nariko. The two women, who had once been his friends, met his advance with grim resolve. Myra's hands crackled with destructive mana, while Nariko gripped her weapon tightly.

Their fight was a whirlwind of strikes and spells. Akihiro's power had grown immensely, fueled by the burning desire for retribution. He parried Myra's mana-infused attacks with precision, countering with his own devastating blows. Nariko's blade danced through the air, seeking an opening, but Akihiro's agility and combat prowess left her struggling to keep up.

Ryuko and Katsumi, watching in horror as Yōko's life hung in the balance, had no choice but to intervene. They rushed to her side, determined to heal her wounds. However, Yōko, her strength fading, declined their help with a bittersweet smile. She knew that her fate had been sealed.

Saiko, having dispatched Atsuko, turned his attention to Yōko. He approached her with malevolent glee, his mana-charged hand poised to snuff out her life. With a cruel and heartless gesture, he unleashed a surge of energy, and Yōko's form went limp. Her smile, a testament to her bravery, was forever frozen on her face as her life slipped away.

Ryuko and Katsumi, devastated by the loss of their comrade, were sent tumbling backward as Saiko's mana blast radiated out from its point of impact. They landed in a heap, their bodies battered and bruised.

Akihiro, still locked in combat with Myra and Nariko, could not help but glance over at the lifeless form of Yōko. His heart ached with sorrow and anger. The battle raged on, but amidst the violence and chaos, the weight of their losses grew heavier with each passing moment.

Chapter 162: Descent into Chaos

In the midst of the chaos and carnage, Akihiro continued to clash with Myra and Nariko. Despite the odds stacked against him, his resolve burned like a fierce inferno. His mana surged, manifesting in powerful blows and dazzling displays of magic. Myra and Nariko struggled to keep up with his relentless assault, their defenses cracking under the relentless pressure.

Saiko, who had initially overwhelmed Atsuko, soon found himself on the receiving end of her relentless attacks. She fought with a ferocity and determination born from grief and anger. Her strikes were precise and unrelenting, each blow fueled by the memory of her fallen comrades.

Ryuko and Katsumi rushed to Atsuko's side, providing her with much-needed support. Together, they formed a formidable team, striking in perfect harmony. Saiko, now beset by multiple opponents, found himself unable to maintain his earlier dominance.

As the battle raged on, Seraphina, her eyes filled with a fiery determination, confronted Lucia. Her friends and teammates, Chieko and Yuna, lay lifeless behind her. The weight of their deaths hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the price they had paid.

Seraphina's power surged, and her mana flowed like a tempest. She moved with an agility that bordered on the supernatural, clashing with Lucia in a flurry of devastating strikes. Lucia, taken aback by Seraphina's sudden transformation, struggled to keep up with the relentless assault.

"You took everything from us," Seraphina seethed, her voice laced with anger and sorrow. "For their sake, I'll make you pay."

Lucia, her own anger simmering beneath her composed exterior, met Seraphina's attacks with a calculated precision. Their battle was a breathtaking dance of power and agility, each combatant pushing themselves to the limit.

In the midst of the chaos, the clash of blades, and the explosion of mana, the fates of these warriors hung in the balance. The air crackled with tension as the showdown reached its zenith, and the outcome remained uncertain.

Chapter 163: A Bitter Farewell

As Seraphina's fury reached its peak, she dashed at Lucia with an unrelenting determination. Her memories, both painful and beautiful, flickered before her eyes like a movie reel. Among them, a poignant and entirely fictional image arose – one where she and Akihiro were together, happily married. It was a scene she had never experienced but had often dreamed of during her loneliest moments.

Tears welled up in Seraphina's eyes as she briefly glimpsed this impossible happiness. It was a bittersweet reminder of the life she could never have.

With a resounding clash, Seraphina and Lucia collided in their final confrontation. Each blow they exchanged was a testament to their unyielding wills. But as the battle raged on, Lucia's demeanor remained unchanged. She seemed almost disinterested in the life-and-death struggle unfolding around her.

A weary smile crossed Seraphina's face as she realized the futility of her anger and vengeance. The memories of her friends, Chieko and Yuna, her teammates, and the dream of a life with Akihiro all flashed before her eyes.

"I've lived my life in anger and sorrow," Seraphina whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "But I won't let you have the satisfaction of seeing me die like this."

With her final ounce of strength, Seraphina launched a devastating attack, but Lucia, ever the tactician, had an unexpected move in store. With a nonchalant yawn, she sidestepped Seraphina's strike and unleashed a deadly mana beam, piercing Seraphina's heart.

As Seraphina's vision dimmed and her life slipped away, she held onto the fleeting image of the life she had never known but had always yearned for – a life of love, happiness, and belonging. And with a silent farewell, she succumbed to the darkness, her revenge left unfulfilled.

In the aftermath of the battle, Lucia stood alone, victorious but indifferent to the cost of her triumph. The battlefield was silent, save for the echoes of a bitter farewell.

Chapter 164: Unleashed Fury

Lucia callously dropped Seraphina, Chieko, and Yuna's lifeless bodies beside the countless others that had fallen in this gruesome battle. A pall of death hung heavily over the once-proud royal capital.

Akihiro's heart shattered when he saw Seraphina, his friend and ally, lying motionless on the blood-soaked ground. Rage, raw and unrelenting, surged through him like a violent storm. He couldn't bear the thought of losing someone else he cared about.

With a speed and ferocity that was nothing short of supernatural, Akihiro dashed forward, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly fire. He struck Lucia with a force that sent her hurtling into the already shattered remains of the castle, the impact causing the structure to tremble.

Lucia, for the first time in the battle, showed a flicker of surprise. She had underestimated the depths of Akihiro's anguish and the burning rage that fueled his every move.

Meanwhile, Saiko, witnessing Akihiro's transformation, attempted to retaliate. He unleashed a searing torrent of flame-imbued mana at Akihiro, attempting to engulf him in the blazing inferno. But Akihiro, fueled by an unparalleled fury, stood resolute. The flames danced around him but did not touch him. His body seemed to absorb the scorching energy.

In a lightning-fast motion, Akihiro closed the distance between himself and Saiko. He seized Saiko by the throat, his fingers closing with a vice-like grip. With a brutal snap, he ended Saiko's life, the sound of breaking bone echoing through the once-proud capital.

As Saiko's lifeless body fell to the ground, Akihiro roared, the sound a guttural, primal cry of anguish and rage. His body continued to transform, taking on a demonic aspect. His eyes, once filled with determination, were now blank and soulless.

The air around Akihiro grew heavy, and a palpable aura of malevolence enveloped him. It was a transformation beyond any he had undergone before, a manifestation of his unbridled fury and grief. The capital quaked in response to this unleashed power, as if nature itself recoiled from the tempest of emotions that Akihiro had become.

Lucia, battered but not broken, gazed upon the transformed Akihiro with a newfound sense of unease. She realized that she had awakened a formidable and vengeful force, one that would stop at nothing to exact retribution for the lives lost.

The final battle between Akihiro and Lucia had entered a new and terrifying phase, one that would leave an indelible mark on the history of their world.

Chapter 165: The Fusion of Betrayal

As Myra's fist connected with Ryuko, Katsumi, and Atsuko, the three of them were sent sprawling, their consciousness fading as they were knocked unconscious. Myra grinned wickedly, satisfaction radiating from her with every step she took.

She approached Akihiro, her eyes fixated on Saiko's lifeless body beside him. Akihiro's gaze met hers, his eyes still ablaze with the unearthly power he had unleashed. Without a word, Nariko dashed at him, her intent clear - she was going to avenge Saiko.

Akihiro's response was swift and devastating. With a speed and precision that belied his demonic appearance, he sent his fist crashing into Nariko's stomach. The force of the blow was staggering, causing her to cough up blood as she was sent hurtling backward.

Myra watched the exchange with growing anger. She had lost one of her comrades, and now Akihiro was going to pay for it. She unleashed her final stage, a surge of mana and power that enveloped her like a sinister shroud. Her strength and speed increased exponentially.

With newfound agility, Myra lunged at Akihiro, her strikes a blur of calculated violence. Akihiro was forced on the defensive, his incredible power barely enough to keep up with Myra's relentless assault. Their battle raged on, a clash of titanic forces that threatened to consume everything around them.

But Myra had a surprise in store. With a cunning grin, she and Nariko began to chant a complex mana spell. The incantation resonated with dark energy as the two of them merged, their bodies becoming one. It was a forbidden and permanent fusion spell, a desperate gambit to gain the upper hand.

The transformation was horrifying to witness. Myra and Nariko's bodies twisted and contorted, their mana intertwining in a grotesque dance. When the process was complete, what stood before Akihiro was a monstrous amalgamation of the two traitors. Their features were a nightmarish combination, and their power had multiplied exponentially.

Akihiro, battered and bloodied, stared at this new abomination before him, his heart heavy with grief and fury. He had lost so much in this battle, and now he faced a foe unlike any other.

The showdown had reached a new level of intensity, as Akihiro confronted the fused monstrosity of Myra and Nariko, a symbol of the betrayal and treachery that had led them all to this point.

Chapter 166: The Descent into Chaos

As Atsuko, Ryuko, and Katsumi broke free from their bindings, their eyes locked onto Lucia. The air was charged with tension as they faced the one who had caused so much pain and suffering. It was now a three-against-one battle, and they were determined to bring Lucia to justice.

Lucia smirked, her eyes filled with a mix of arrogance and cruelty. She had faced countless foes before, but this was different. The combined determination of Atsuko, Ryuko, and Katsumi was a force to be reckoned with.

Atsuko, with her newfound strength and resolve, charged at Lucia first. Her attacks were swift and relentless, forcing Lucia to defend herself. Ryuko and Katsumi joined the fray, their coordinated strikes pushing Lucia further on the defensive. It was a relentless onslaught, with each of them attacking from different angles and using their unique abilities to their advantage.

Lucia, despite her skill and power, found herself struggling to keep up with the combined might of her adversaries. She parried blows, dodged attacks, and countered where she could. But the pressure was mounting, and for the first time, she felt a genuine sense of danger.

Meanwhile, Akihiro faced the fused being, Myriko. His eyes burned with a fierce determination as he unleashed his Demon Emperor Blast. The powerful blast of mana surged forward, striking Myriko with devastating force. The fusion was sent hurtling into the trees, crashing through the thick foliage.

Not one to let up, Akihiro followed up with a lightning-fast dash, closing the distance between himself and Myriko in an instant. With a mighty swing of his arm, he sledgehammered Myriko into the ground, creating a massive crater that sent shockwaves rippling through the earth.

Myriko struggled to rise, its form battered and fractured. Akihiro stood over it, his expression unyielding. He had endured so much, lost so much, and now he was face to face with the embodiment of betrayal. There would be no mercy, no quarter given.

The battlefield had become a chaotic tableau of clashing powers and emotions. As Atsuko, Ryuko, and Katsumi pressed their assault on Lucia, and Akihiro confronted Myriko, the fate of all involved hung in the balance. The past had led them here, and in this moment, they would each determine their own destinies.

Chapter 167: The Abyss Within

Myriko, battered and on the brink of transformation, found herself facing an unrelenting Akihiro. His eyes blazed with a determination that brooked no quarter. With a final surge of power, he unleashed a devastating blast of mana that engulfed Myriko. The fusion writhed and contorted, unable to complete its transformation. In a blinding flash, Myriko was reduced to nothing but ashes, ending their threat once and for all.

In another part of the chaotic battlefield, Lucia's ruthlessness knew no bounds. With a swift and deadly strike, she impaled Atsuko, ending her life in an instant. Ryuko, too, fell victim to Lucia's brutal tactics as she was choked into unconsciousness. Katsumi watched in terror as her comrades were mercilessly struck down.

Akihiro, having finally put an end to Myriko, arrived just in time to witness the lifeless bodies of Atsuko and Ryuko. His heart sank, and grief welled up within him. He embraced their still forms, a torrent of emotions raging within him. But he had no time to mourn, for Katsumi was missing, and dread gripped his heart.

Suddenly, Katsumi's lifeless body dropped from above, landing with a sickening thud. Akihiro's mental state shattered like fragile glass. The weight of all he had endured, the betrayals, and the loss of his friends and comrades, drove him to the brink.

In that moment, something within Akihiro snapped. He had awakened his demon state before, but this time, it was different. It surged forth at 100% full power, an unstoppable force of fury and vengeance. His eyes turned blood-red, and his aura exuded an overwhelming malevolence.

With slow, deliberate steps, Akihiro approached Lucia. His rage was palpable, a tempest of emotions that threatened to consume him. The battlefield fell silent as Lucia stared at the approaching Akihiro, her usual confidence replaced by a hint of fear.

Their final showdown was at hand, a battle of titanic proportions fueled by hatred and despair. Akihiro's demon state, now fully unleashed, was a force to be reckoned with. Lucia had brought this upon herself, and now she would face the full wrath of a man who had nothing left to lose.

Chapter 168: Clash of Fates

Akihiro's transformation into his demon state had tipped the scales of power drastically in his favor. He was no longer the man Lucia had once known, and the aura of his malevolence sent shivers down her spine.

With an otherworldly speed, Akihiro closed the distance between them in an instant. His strikes were fueled by raw hatred and grief, each blow an embodiment of his anguish. Lucia barely had time to react as she parried his melee attacks with her weapons.

Their battle was fierce and unrelenting. Akihiro's attacks were like a relentless storm, a barrage of strikes and slashes that pushed Lucia to her limits. Despite her formidable skills, she struggled to keep up with his overwhelming power.

Lucia, in a desperate bid to turn the tide, unleashed her mana techniques. Fiery bolts of energy and razor-sharp projectiles lanced toward Akihiro. But he deflected them with ease, his demon state granting him enhanced reflexes and heightened senses.

Their battle raged on, a dance of death amid the ruins of the royal capital. Akihiro's attacks were relentless, each one calculated to exploit Lucia's vulnerabilities. She fought back with all her might, her agility and precision keeping her one step ahead of his strikes.

Amid the clash of weapons and the crackling of mana, their voices rang out with bitter determination.

Lucia: "You can't defeat me, Akihiro! I've become stronger than you could ever imagine!"

Akihiro: "You took everything from me, Lucia! There's no turning back now! This ends here!"

As the battle raged on, it became evident that Akihiro's relentless onslaught was wearing Lucia down. She was battered and bruised, her defenses faltering. The odds had shifted against her, and the outcome of their final confrontation seemed inevitable.