
That Time I Seduced a Vampire

Jake Landrum is a down and out veteran with no prospects. But his life is about to change when his application to be someone's roommate (on Craigslist no less) gets accepted by the most unlikely of potential candidates, a vampire princess.

JDLinderman · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Tapestry of a Vampire's Heart

Mara's eyes widened in surprise as he wrapped his arms around her, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. Part of her wanted to push him away, to distance herself even further from the feelings she couldn't bring herself to name, but another part of her longed to give in, to let herself feel the warmth and comfort of his love for her. But she needed to be sure. To know beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jake was the one.

She stayed frozen for a moment, unsure of how to respond, before finally speaking in a low, shaky voice. "I...I can't," she murmured, her body tense in his arms.

"I can't let myself feel that way. You don't understand what you're asking of me."

Mara's words were tinged with sadness and regret, but despite everything, she didn't pull away. How could she? She could feel herself being pulled to Jake, just as surely he was being pulled to her. Avoiding how she felt, how he felt… it was like fighting gravity.

Jake lifted her chin to make her look into his eyes. She could see the love and concern reflected in his big, brown orbs. In that moment, she knew all too well the depth of his feelings for her.

"And I won't know until you tell me. And I will wait. Forever if that is what it takes. You calling me "roomie" is your way of saying "I love you". I know that now."

Jake searched her eyes for a reaction, but she was careful to keep her guard up. He leaned in and kissed her deeply.

Mara's eyes widened in surprise at Jake's sudden kiss, her mind racing as she tried to process his words and actions. For once, she forgot about her usual defenses, allowing herself to get lost in the moment and the feelings she had been trying so hard to suppress.

After a few seconds, she pulled back slightly, her lips still hovering near his.

"I can't promise anything," she whispered, her breath hot against his skin. "But I'll try. For you."

With that, she leaned in again, kissing him with a passion that was both fierce and tender. In that moment, it felt like all the walls she had built up around herself came crashing down, leaving her vulnerable and exposed in the best possible way.

Jake broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes lovingly. "Mara, no matter what. No matter the danger. Even if you can never say that you love me out loud. I. Will. Never. Leave. You." Jake punctuated each word with a gentle tap of his finger over her heart, as if he could somehow etch his words onto her very being.

Mara's blue eyes softened, and a genuine smile spread across her lips as her gaze met his. Her heart began to fill with an impossible hope. That this draw towards one another they felt meant that Jake was truly her mate.

"Thank you, my dear," she whispered, her voice barely above a hush.

"I am lucky to have you as my...roommate." Her hesitation in using the term was punctuated by the shaking in her voice. She leaned in and pressed her forehead against his, savoring the warmth of his skin against hers.

"I may not know what the future holds, but I promise to make the most of what we have right now." she mewed, her voice barely above a whisper. She was daring to let herself feel. It was a strange, and alien thing for her. Yes, Jake had gotten close to the truth, but for now, he only held one slender thread. But even that thread threatened to undo her.

Mara pulled away, her expression thoughtful and contemplative. "I believe a change of scenery is in order," she mused, a playful glint in her eye, trying to change the subject.

"Shall we take a trip to Paris? Or perhaps we could visit the pyramids of Egypt?" She grinned mischievously, anticipation written all over her face.

"The world is our oyster, roomie. And I, for one, can't wait to explore it with you by my side."

"Paris you say?" Jake donned a dramatically thoughtful look, chin in his hand, content to let her deflect. For now.

"I hear vampires love Paris. Does it have something to do with their desserts and how sweet it makes the blood taste?" He looked at her mockingly serious with a mirthful twinkle in his eyes, teasing her.

Mara chuckled at his joke, rolling her eyes in mock exasperation.

"You humans and your obsession with blood," she teased, her charming smile never leaving her lips.

"But I suppose there is some truth to that. The pastries in Paris are among the finest in the world, and when paired with a bit of...extra flavor, they truly are divine." She winked at him, mischief dancing in her blue eyes, matching his joke.

"Who knows, roomie? You may even find yourself developing a taste for it. And if not, well...I am always here to provide, shall we say, fresh ingredients."

Mara's tone was light and playful, but there was a hint of something deeper behind her words. A sense of longing, of desire, that she couldn't bring herself put into words. But for now, she pushed those feelings aside, content to enjoy the moment and the possibilities that lie ahead.

Jake scooped her into his arms, pressing her back against the wall of the shower and thrust his cock into her. Mara gasped in surprise as he scooped her up, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck as she surrendered to the passion between them. With her back literally pressed against the wall, there was nowhere to go but forward, and she responded to his every touch and kiss with a hunger that had been building within her for far too long.

The water cascaded down around them, hot and steamy, but they hardly noticed its heat as they lost themselves in each other. Their bodies moved in perfect sync, a dance as old as time, and Mara's moans filled the air mingling with the sound of rushing water and the beating of their hearts.

As they finally collapsed in each other's arms, breathless and spent, Mara smiled up at him, her eyes shining with a love that she couldn't quite bring herself to voice. But at that moment, it didn't matter. The bond between them was unbreakable; and nothing, not even death itself, could ever tear them apart. 

With a soft sigh, Mara leaned into Jake's embrace, content to spend the rest of the night in his arms; safe and loved.

It's been a while. Life has a way of getting in the... way.

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