
That Time I Seduced a Vampire

Jake Landrum is a down and out veteran with no prospects. But his life is about to change when his application to be someone's roommate (on Craigslist no less) gets accepted by the most unlikely of potential candidates, a vampire princess.

JDLinderman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


After their shower, they set about cleaning in the penthouse. There was some small talk, but mostly they just listened to music as they cleaned. Jake paused for a moment, looking over at Mara as she hummed along with the music. He was amazed by how graceful she moved, even while doing something as simple as cleaning.

"Hey, Mara... I have a question." Jake's face was scrunched up with though.

Mara paused her cleaning, turning to look at him with a curious expression on her face.

"Yes, roomie?" she said, her voice soft and gentle. "What's on your mind?"

She set down her cleaning supplies to give him her full attention, and waited for him to ask his question with an air of graceful patience. Despite her natural elegance, Mara was unpretentious and down-to-earth, and she cared deeply about him and his happiness. Whatever his question may be, she would be there to listen and support him in any way she could.

"Is it true that vampires have a 'monster' form? Or is that just Hollywood bunk?"

Mara smiled at his question, a hint of amusement in her eyes.

"Well, roomie, I think it's safe to say that Hollywood has taken a few liberties with our kind over the years," she said, her tone light and playful.

"While it's true that we vampires are more than human, we're hardly the bloodthirsty monsters that some would have you believe."

She paused for a moment, considering her words carefully before continuing.

"That being said, there are certain...triggers, shall we say, that can awaken a more primal side of our nature. When we're in that state, we can be harder to control, more prone to anger and violence. But it's hardly a 'monster' form, per se. More like a temporary lapse in self-control."

Mara reached out and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"But don't worry, roomie. I have perfect control over myself, even in the most...stimulating of situations."

She winked at him, a mischievous glint in her eye, before turning back to the task at hand.

"Now come on, let's finish up this cleaning so we can enjoy the rest of our night."

As Jake cleaned, he couldn't help but ask more questions.

"So is the stuff about crosses true?"

Mara chuckled softly at his question, shaking her head.

"No. Crosses, garlic, and holy water may make for good horror movie tropes, but they won't do much against us vampires. We're not quite that easily vanquished," she said with a grin.

"In fact, most of the so-called 'vampire myths' are nothing more than exaggerations or outright falsehoods. It's all just superstition."

She paused for a moment to sip from her glass of red wine before continuing.

"Of course, there are some weaknesses that we do have. Sunlight, for example, can be quite uncomfortable to our kind. And as I mentioned earlier, there are certain...triggers that can awaken a more primal side of our nature. But for the most part, we're just like anyone else. We have our strengths and our weaknesses, our virtues and our vices."

Mara smiled at him fondly, setting down her wine glass and picking up a mop.

"But enough talk about vampires, roomie. Let's finish up this cleaning, and then we can relax for the rest of the night."

Jake set about helping her to finish the cleaning and they put the supplies away.

"Mara, can we watch one of my favorite anime tonight? I really want to binge watch 'Rosario + Vampire' with you." He couldn't help but sound excited. The prospect of watching one of his favorite vampire shows with an actual vampire made him giddy.

Mara smiled at his request, nodding her head in agreement.

"Of course, roomie. I've never seen 'Rosario + Vampire' before, but I'm always eager to try new things. And what better way to relax after a long evening than with some anime and good company?"

She led the way to the living room, settling onto the couch and patting the seat next to her.

"Come, sit with me, roomie. Let's see what this anime of yours is all about."

Mara grabbed the remote and started streaming the show, snuggling up against Jake as the bright colors and high-energy soundtrack fill the room.

For the next few hours, Jake and Mara lost themselves in the world of the anime, laughing and shouting at the screen as the characters embark on their supernatural adventures. Mara may be a vampire herself, but that didn't stop her from getting caught up in the excitement of it all. As the credits rolled on the final episode, she turned to him with a contented sigh.

"That was...surprisingly enjoyable, roomie. Thank you for introducing me to this anime of yours. Who knows? Maybe we can find more shows to watch together in the future."

"I would like that, but right now, I really want something else." He grinned at her wickedly.

"Is it possible to become addicted to the feeling of you feeding on me?" Jake asked as he offered her his neck.

Mara's blue eyes lit up at his suggestive words, a feral grin spreading across her lips.

"Oh, roomie. You're playing a dangerous game with me," she purred, tracing a finger along the line of his jaw. "But I won't complain. I've been feeling a bit peckish myself lately..."

She leaned closer, baring her fangs and inhaling deeply. The scent of his blood sent a thrill of dark pleasure through her, making her lips curl into a dangerous smile.

"As for your question, Jake...yes. It's entirely possible to become addicted to the feeling of being fed upon, just as it's possible for us vampires to become addicted to the taste of blood from a particular human," she murmured, her voice low and husky; her breath hot against his skin. "But don't worry. You're in good hands with me."

Without further ado, Mara sank her fangs into his throat, drinking deeply from his willing body. The sensation of her mouth on his skin was at once pain and pleasure, sending shivers of ecstasy through every nerve of Jake's body. Mara is a master at feeding, careful to take just enough to satisfy her needs without causing him harm. By the time she pulled away, Jake was left gasping for breath, his skin flushed from the intensity of the experience.

Mara grinned down at him, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. "Well, that was...invigorating. I think we'll have to do this more often." she said leaning in to lick the wound on his neck closed.

Jake caught his breath and then scooped her into his arms as he leaned back on the couch, pulling her on top of him. For such a strong creature, she was surprisingly light. He kissed her passionately as he savored the feel of her body on top of him. As the kiss ended he cupped her face with his hands and looked up, deep into her blue eyes.

"I love you, Mara."