
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World

While a soul was crossing through the dimension in direction of the cardinal world. a certain Manas took interest in that soul named it and changed the course of the soul to a random world, and gave it some false memories, all in hopes to surprise its master in the future Read how that soul overpowers the world where it fell the Naruto world OBS: AU. new OC´s and powers. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. only my OCs

Joao132135 · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

66 -=The girl who fell from the sky=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



{Timeline: Boruto

current arc: I dunno, didn't watch that bs}

Naruto was sitting sleepily on his desk doing a pile of paperwork

that by the way, looks a lot thinner than the piles Hiruzen had to deal with before

he started to feel sleepy when suddenly


his door was kicked open, and for one reason his anbu guards didn't do anything

what was the reason? they loved to watch drama!

"How dare you!" Screamed the stupid invader

"Whaa?" Naruto shocked out of his sleepy state asked, before looking at the culprit

"Boruto?" He asked

I wonder how the death of that other Boruto will affect his own timeline as well

"Bastard! you promised to go to Himawari's birthday, so Why?


"Sigh... Boruto, I am the hokage I can't just-" Naruto tried to reason with the spoiled brat, albeit both were wrong





Screaming like that you would doubt if Boruto was truly Hinata's son instead of Sakura

"Boruto, listen I'm-" Naruto once again tried to reason, but how dumb you need to be to reason with the main character of a kid's anime?



huuf... huuf... You said grandpa was also a hokage, and you had no one with you when you were a kid, so why?

why can't you be different?

do you like making me and Himawari feel the same as you did?

I hate you! I hate you!"

As the kid was throwing a tantrum as loud as CrystalCat would, the anbus must have been having the time of their life

"Boruto... listen I-" Naruto for one last time tried to talk like the civilized hire killer he was (ninjas, lol)

"I DON'T CARE-" But obviously, Boruto didn't let that happen

Maybe that would have been going for hours to come, if not for a single thing

Naruto jumped at Boruto, and as much as I wanted him to rip the boy to pieces, unfortunately, that wasn't the case

Naruto got Boruto and jumped backwards, right on time for


Something to pass by his wall as if it was paper, and hit right were Boruto was previously at

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" The bastard son of Sakura who Hinata adopted out of pity asked

Naruto didn't answer, knowing that talking to the idiot wouldn't help him, instead he kept his eyes keen on the possible threat

"..Shit... I... can't...beat him..." The female voice behind the dust said, before seemingly collapsing out of pain, exhaustion or something like that

"it's a girl?" Boruto asked, like the mc he wanted to be

Naruto, not one to risk anything with his useless son right there, signaled for an anbu to check

the anbu approached the unconscious girl, but before he got too close, an black aura left her, and created a skeletal projection around her, defensively and seemingly, automatically

"Susanoo?" Naruto asked incredulously, what are the chances of finding an uchiha survivor?

almost none

and what are the chances of said Uchiha to literally fall from the sky, right in front of him?

"Susanoo? what is that?" Boruto asked, curious as any kid would be

"No time to explain, Dog, call Sasuke over, Tiger bring Sakura here, tell her it's urgent" Naruto quickly gave out orders to his anbus, who I just invented as I didn't watch Boruto, lol

""Yes!"" Both answered synchronized, having had a loooong time to practice that, anbus have a tight schedule, but not many are crazy enough to attack the Kage of a village, especially when said kage was the main character, and also a jinchurikki


Sasuke was the first to arrive, maybe because he is a ninia, differently from Sakura who is only a waste of time, but they want us to believe she is a great medic... yeah, right

"What is the matter Naruto? why did you call me?" Sasuke entered the room leisurely, a frown immediately forming on his face as soon as he saw the hole in the wall, and the body of a girl on the floor

"Who is she? an enemy?" He asked

"We don't know, but she fell here thought the wall" Naruto explained

"So? why did you call me if she isn't an enemy?" Sasuke asked, having better things to do, like...

what does Boruto's Sasuke even do?

"The thing is... when my anbu went close to her to check, she emitted a black skeletal aura, that looked a lot like a susanoo, apparently instinctively

We couldn't approach to check her eyes, but we think she may be an Uchiha" Naruto explained further

Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise, he had searched for any survivors after he abandoned his wife and daugh-*COUGH* went on a journey to find his way

but he didn't find da wae, nor any uchiha survivor

(Btw, apparently there is a filler with an uchiha survivor, but I didn't go after)

"How sure about that are you?" He asked, obviously shaken

that was his clan, his long lost family

and he didn't need friends, he needed family

"Try approaching her" Naruto suggested, even if it was dangerous, Sasuke wasn't Sakura, he knew how to defend himself

*Step* *step*

Sasuke got right by the side of the girl, but nothing happened, he looked at Naruto confused

"Strange... that's not what happened before" Naruto said, also approaching the girl, but


He was stopped by a black skeletal aura, proving him right

"That's..." Sasuke got stunned, he now had a confirmation of it, asides from the off chance of she being like Kakashi, who got Obito's eyes, she had big chances of being an uchiha

"Strange..." Naruto got intrigued, why did she not react to Sasuke's presence? was it a bloodline thing? or just a coincidence?

"What's the emergency?" Sakura asked barging into the room

"What the..." She immediately got stunned by the scene in front of her

some anbus around Boruto, a hole in the wall, Naruto in front of a black susanoo covering Sasuke and a girl she didn't know

quite the sight, huh?

"Oh, Sakura. great, we need help here..." Naruto said and went to explain to Sakura the situation


"Wait, wait wait... you said she fell here saying she couldn't defeat someone?" Sakura asked

"Yes?" Naruto confirmed


"OH SH..., you're right, Rabbit, Cat, take 2 teams from the anbu headquarters under my orders and check the whole village" Naruto ordered, because even if he is one of the best sensor ninjas of the whole village, he didn't need to bother, right?

""Right away, sir, hokage sir!"" They both said and flickered away

"Ok, now we need to-"


Sakura walked to take the girl to the hospital, but the susanoo appeared in front of her, she hit her forehead on it, almost shattering the whole jutsu and the reality itself

"Uh... so... how can we take her to the hospital?" Naruto asked awkwardly

"ugh... Sasuke, take her there..." Sakura said, embarrassed about almost destroying the village with her forehead just now

"ok..." Sasuke answered, taking the girl in his arms and flickering to the hospital

"JUST WHAT HAPPENED?" Boruto asked, annoyed that he wasn't the focus of the chapter


Far from there, Rimuru grinned evily

"It seems that the plan worked, huh?

those three are just as easy to manipulate as I thought them to be..." Rimuru had time on his side now, plans could be thought out almost to perfection, but he decided for a simple approach, but one that he found guaranteed to work

no shot the dumb hokage and the last uchiha wouldn't be overjoyed by an uchiha survivor

so much they even forgot she literally fell from the sky, so convinient and suspicious... ahhh, the idiotic things shocked people do...


On another timeline, Naruto looked desperately at the seal in front of him

"It's done... after all of that... I can finally go back..." He said to no one in the middle of the destroyed konoha

he then activated the seal, disappearing from there

(A/N: yes, this last scene is about the Naruto from the timeline of the boruto the mc killed, and I have devilish plans for him, hehehe...)