
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World

While a soul was crossing through the dimension in direction of the cardinal world. a certain Manas took interest in that soul named it and changed the course of the soul to a random world, and gave it some false memories, all in hopes to surprise its master in the future Read how that soul overpowers the world where it fell the Naruto world OBS: AU. new OC´s and powers. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. only my OCs

Joao132135 · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

16-=Scary eyes=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



As anyone would have expected, this fight ended rather quickly

Before Naruto had the chance to overwhelm Ino with clones, she tried to invade his mind and, just like Kaede predicted, our local inu inu no mi: model fox user was there to wait for her

The fox was sleeping, but Ino was even more terrified since she could barely move because of the presence of the sleeping fox

'Just how terrifying is that thing when it is awake?' she thought as she tried her best to run the f### away... but...

[Who are you?]

The loud and deep voice that came out of the jail where the fox was, gave Ino the scare of her life. Looking behind herself only to regret it immediately.

Something she would never forget is the eyes that looked at her as if her existence wasn't even worth acknowledging, as if she wasn't more than a speck of dust. Their enormous size didn't help either.

After Ino managed to somehow escape (she wasn't stuck to begin with, she was just too scared to even flee) she immediately dropped on her knees, cold sweat flowing on her entire body.

"Are you alright?" Naruto asked as he walked close to her

"Ahh, I I give up!" Ino said a little too loud, confusing more or less everyone

"Winner, Naruto Uzumaki" the proctor announced, even if he was confused, he still had a job to do.


"What do you think Ino saw?" Asuma asked everyone around him

"Naruto's mind is empty, she may have lost herself in that void" Kaede said with all the seriousness she managed to have

"Pfft-" Sasuke almost laughed out loud, but managed to hide it... at least he thinks so...

"That isn't very nice to say about someone..." Shikamaru said at the side

"But is it a lie?" Kaede asked back

"...What a drag..."

"Maybe she saw his experiences in the forest? I heard his team had it rough and even encountered Orochimaru there" Kurenai, who was only spectating as her team was eliminated, brough up a possibility

"No Kurenai, Ino still doesn't know how to access memories, and she had no reason to as well" Asuma answered, he knows his student well enough to safely say that

"Then what did she see?" Kurenai asked

"...Maybe it was 'THAT' thing..." Kakashi suggested

"Kakashi, do you mean...?" Asuma asked scared about what that may imply for his student

"Yes, exactly what you thought" Kakashi nodded with a grave expression

"How... how did you know what I thought? can you read minds?" Asuma asked flabbergasted

"I'm sorry, what?"


"Second match: Kankuro vs Tsurugi" The proctor announced, that fight was the same and went the same as cannon.

"Third match: Gaara vs Zaku"

After hearing his name Gaara immediately dispersed into a bunch of sand that regrouped in the middle of the arena, waiting for his victi- *cough* opponent

On her seat, Ino could see Gaara's eyes from afar

'Those eyes... although not as scary as the fox, the give me the same feelings, hopelessness powerlessness and that I am infinitely smaller than the being in front of me... how can a human have such eyes?'

Zaku Abumi was one of Orochimaru's gennins that were supposed to test Sasuke and pressure him to use his cursed mark in the forest

but they never found him, Kaede used clones and illusions to mislead them away, since if she killed them there wasn't going to be enough people to have preliminaries and she would lose in so much fun, such as seeing Ino almost piss herself earlier.

"I am going to fight this weakling? That will be easy!"

Zaku said, looking down on Gaara as he did with everyone else

"Ready? Start!" The proctor said as he flickered out of the arena

Zaku pointed his hand towards Gaara and sent a airwave against him

"Decaptating airwaves" As any secondary character would do, he screamed his jutsus name

Without even moving Gaara stood there, looking coldly at Zaku

"What? too scared to move?" Zaku taunted, and at this point Kankuro and Temari where scared of what Gaara would do

Sand moved seemingly by itself and blocked the attack

"My turn" Gaara said as he made a hand seal

"He isn't thinking of doing 'THAT' right?" Kankuro asked Temari, fearing that Gaara was going against the plan since he never used hand signs for anything but his fake sleep jutsu

But his fears were proved wrong the very next second as Gaara slammed his hand on the ground

'Hehe, it isn't plagiarism if that doesn't exists in this world'

"Ground death"

The ground began to crack and show signs of long term dehydration, not long after it started to crumble and turn into sand

Kankuro almost jumped in fright

"Did he... Did Gaara just learn how to create more sand?"

"That makes him even scarier than before" Temari commented, as scared as she was she had to keep her older sibling and show a tough front... well at least when Gaara wasn't close by

"Huh? sand? what are you going to do with that? burry me?" Zaku had no way of knowing just how right he was

"If you think you can scare me, then you are underestimating me! take this Extreme Decaptating Airwaves!"

Zaku pointed both his arms at Gaara this time, but his expected powerful airwaves didn't come out, instead he felt incredible pain on his arms


Both his arms exploded with the wind pressure, the tubes on his hands were blocked with sand

'I didn't copy Shino... he didn't even pass the second stage, how could I copy him then?' once again, our main character proves just how 'original' it is

"Aaargh" Zaku screamed, and didn't notice the sand wrapping around his legs, but he definitely notice when he was pulled to the middle of the sand

"What?" Looking at the sand confused, while trying to not scream about the pain on his arms he questioned

"Didn't you want to be burried? Sand coffin" With a mocking expression that the normal Gaara would never do, he extended his hand to the front in a weird angle

"Wai-" Zaku tried to say something, but his mouth was blocked, before the proctor or anyone could save him (they didn't really try, he isn't from Konoha after all) he was encased

Gaara then closed his hand and the sand immediately crushed Zaku, tough different from when the old Gaara did that, there was no blood as this sand was part of [Shukaku] and absorbing Zaku using [Predator] through [Shukaku] was one of Gaara's ideas that went right.

(A/N: I know there is the sand burial jutsu that would fit the joke better, but that buries someone deep underground, and it seems just too unnecessary to deal with someone like Zaku)


sub-skill [Compressed air slash] added to skill [Wind manipulation]>

'This guy was so useless, he only gave me a sub skill, and one I could do already but with another name' Thought Gaara in annoyance

'Whatever... I need to remember that not everyone will give me skills...'

"W-Winner... Gaara of the sand" The proctor said, still a bit shocked by Gaara's brutality

Gaara then vanished into sand, but instead of him appearing close to the other sand gennins, it was a clone

'Using any skill through a ultimate one is easy, though I wouldn't be able to use a ultimate through any other skill, even other ultimate one...' Kaede explained to the readers once again, she had already transformed back and quickly changed places with her clone.

"Fourth match: Uchiha Kaede vs Kin Tsuchi" the proctor announced

'Aww man, another useless one... she only used some bells and senbons, she 100% won't give any skills... oh, wait! I wouldn't be able to get it anyways, unless I absorbed her heart but this wouldn't do me any good, imagine being a brutal uchiha survivor nowadays? I would need to be crazy to do that before the invasion...'